Black Friday Deals

Wow, this is it, we are in 2021 and Black Friday is about to arrive.




I am a blogger that is passionate about helping people start a home business to support their selves and their homes.

My passion for starting home businesses is what drives me to create products that will enable you to start a home business.

This page is to enable you to access our Black Friday deals for this year.

Thehomebusinessowner Blog supports small business people and stay-at-home moms who want to start a home business. We believe in taking small steps that enable you to achieve your goals.

That is why we are making this Black Friday deals available so that you can begin to take that tiny step towards achieving your home business dream.

Whether it is for this year or for next year that you are preparing for

We are here for you

If you love a product, get it on the first day.

So are you ready for this, let’s go

Our Deals

Skill Learners Package

The Skill learners package is for those who want to learn digital skills, You have an interest in starting your online business and you want to learn how to build your online platform from scratch.

The skill learners package is filled with resources for planning out your learning goals and also points you in the direction you should go.

It is made up of my signature course Skills2moneycourse. This course is a 4 in 1 course for those who want to learn how to use different platforms to build websites and also learn email marketing.

You also get a skill learners planner along with this package. The package contains the following

  • WordPress Without Tears Course
  • Wix Simplified
  • Shopify Unbundled Course
  • Newbie Email Marketing
  • Skill learners planner
  • How to build a wordpress site
  • Shopify unbundled course

WordPress Without Tears course is designed to teach a newbie person how to build their own WordPress site. No matter what type of small business you want to start today, you need a website.

Having a website built by you will make it easy to efficiently run your online business. You will also learn skills that powers about 470 million websites in the world.

WordPress is a valuable skill to have in these times, you can deploy this skill to build a website for others.

Shopify Unbundled Course

This course teaches you how to build a Shopify store and set it up for sales. You can do this in just one week. With a Shopify building skillset, you can create all types of web stores for your clients

Wix Simplified

In the Wix Simplified course, I teach you how to use a simple platform for building your online store without touching code. Wix is quite simple to learn and you can have an online store or website in 3days.

Newbie Email Marketing Course

In this course, you will learn how to use email marketing skulls to attract your website-building customers. This skill is very important because it helps you to ensure that you have the ability to attract the customers you want to your new business

Skill learners planner

This planner is a simple planner with skill learning goal setting capability

With the skills learners planner, you can set goals to acquire skills that you will use in running your business

Total Cost of Bundle: $287.5

Black Friday Deal: $67.99

Printables Business Course Package

The Printables business course package is for those who want to learn how to turn their skills into a digital product that is called Printables

This signature course will take you from niche identification, through the product cycle to product creation setup and sales.

This course has transformed many online business owners’ income, for some bloggers it has helped them to create an extra income stream and has given them the opportunity to earn passive income online.

The Printables course bundle consists of Version 1 and Version 2 of the Newbie Printables course with all its bonuses attached.

Bonuses attached to this course include

  • List of free printable product ideas- $150
  • Printables business Kit- $300
  • My keyword researched hot selling niches- $350
  • My printable goal setting worksheet for your business: $5.99
  • Step by step WordPress setup Kit- $20
  • My Home business Planner-$17.99
  • Master Pinning Strategy – $250
  • Journey to Top Blogger ebook- $25

Total Bonuses worth: $1,118.97

Course price + Bonus = $1,258.96

Secret flash sale Price- = $75.99

  • Newbie printables business course
  • The newbie printables business course

Ecommerce Starter Course

This course is for those who sincerely desire to start an eCommerce shop, you have been yearning to have your own online store where you sell physical goods, not digital goods.

The eCommerce starter pack will teach you to step by step how to set up your first online store and start selling even before Christmas is here.

With the eCommerce starter pack, you will get access to personalized training that is easy to follow and quick to implement. In one week your online store is fully set up ready to start your first sales.

The eCommerce starter pack contains the following

Shopify unbundled course

This course is a well-designed course to teach you how to build your Shopify store in one week.

With Shopify’s unbundled course you will learn that you can easily set up your online store without tearing your hair out.

You will be taught the proper way to use drop shipping to start and set up your first store.

Home business Planner Checklist

This simple planner will help you keep in check as you navigate your first online store. Your Home business planner checklist is built to provide step by step checklist you can follow to properly set up your store.

Pet store starter pack

Do you love pets and want to start a pet store, the pet store business start-up pack will equip you with every resource you need to start your pet accessory business

You will get a well-researched industry analysis of the pet industry which you can use to make snap decisions to know what niche you want to play in

The pet industry is booming seriously because of the toll of the pandemic, now more than ever, people need pets as comfort animals. Staring an online store that sells pet products is a good way to start your business this year.

Hot sauce business Startup Pack

Do you love hot sauce and want to turn it into a home business, our e-commerce pack bundle offers a hot sauce business start-up pack that is loaded with every resource you can think of to start your hot sauce business online.

The Hot sauce starter pack contains the following

  • Recipe types
  • Operational and marketing plan
  • Business and execution plan
  • Copackers list
  • 42 business planner pages from idea generation to the execution list
  • Pre-made excel sheets for business plan projections
  • Product launch template
  • Resource list containing a list of subreddits to launch a product, list of manufacturers, and copackers.
  • Shopify unbundled course
  • Hot Sauce Business Plan Pdf
  • Pet Shop Business plan Starter pack

Total Package Cost= $160.4

Black Friday Deal : = $76.70

Care package starter business deal

What is in this package?

Care package business course

This course will take you from knowing nothing about setting up your care package business to the place where you have your fully built care package business ready to start selling to your customers

You need an online shop to be able to do your care package business remember

This course is loaded with a module that deals with setting up your online store with Shopify.

Contents of the care package business course

  • 58 Videos
  • Resource lists
  • Templates
  • Swipe files
  • Planner 
  • List of 278 care package items
  • Pinterest strategy ebook

Here is a video that will explain what this course is all about

Care package business  planner

This planner is fully loaded with a lot of goodies, sometimes I feel like I actually did my course in this planner.

I created this planner because I wanted you to benefit from it so much while taking my course

The care package business planner contains a lot of information to really get you started and running.

This planner is worth $59.99 but it comes as a compliment for taking my course.

Here is what my care package business planner looks like.

Carepackage Business Planner

Total Cost of Package: $122.9

Black Friday Deal: $69.99

Small Business Services – Black Friday Deals

One of the things I love to do is to help small business service people to build and ramp up their business-building efforts.

This is evident in the services that I offer on my blog, I do this because I know that as a small business owner sometimes you may be too swamped to do much yourself.

That is the reason I offer these services to make life easy for you.

The small business service deal provides support services to small business owners or to people who want to start an online business but do not want to waste time on some services that will eat into the time they need to focus on their business.

So what does the deal contain?

Email set up and 5 days email course

This package will be directed at setting up a functional email service for your small business and of course, creating a 5 days email course specifically for your niche to use as a lead magnet.

Email set up, including creating automation (Sendpulse only)

5 days email course

This is a 5 days email creation package that you can use to do a lead magnet for your audience or you can sell it if you want.

It is a course that will be suited to your audience and totally fit your niche. I will make it easy and attractive so your audience members can gulp your course and be yearning for more.

I will be your ghost course creator if you like, I create the course and you take advantage of it and use it for whatever you want.

Email course will include a lead magnet that goes with it.

Normal Price: $475

Black Friday Deal: 42.2% off $275

Blogging package

Are you a blogger that is just tired of churning out content? or maybe you want to start a blog but you are not able to write your first few blog posts. You need someone to help you create your first few blog posts so that you can see and work from there

Let me be your ghost blog content creator. I will create content that is good for your niche

It will be well optimized and will help you to start off or shore up your blog content

If you want me to do this for you

Here is how I roll

Order 4 blog content- 1000 words- $300

Normal Price: $600

Order 10 blog posts-1000 words- $700

Normal Price: $1000

Slideshow course

So you want a course but you do not know how to create one, you have a course idea and  you want to create one for your business

I can help you create your first course with any attribution to me

Yes, you can hire me as your Ghost course creator. I will create a 50 slide show course ( No talking) for your business and help you get started.

You can use it for whatever you need without attributing it to me.

The course I will create will be basics not in-depth, this is to enable me to offer it at a price you can afford.

The course however will be rich and will come with a template and a planner.

Cost of slide show course- $2500

Black Friday deal: 50% off – $1250

Website building- eCommerce or Blog

So you want to start an online business but you do not want to have to build a website, my website building services will help you build a website for your small business or create a blog if you want to do blogging.

My website building service is designed to create a simple clean website that you can use to start your online business.

Cost of website building: $500

Black Friday deal 40% off -$300

( excludes hosting, but I can get you a 1year hosting deal of fewer than 50 dollars)

Planners Deals

Super Mom’s Bundle

The super mom’s bundle pack is for that mom who wants to extract her super mom power by taking a step back to understand who she is and what she wants.

It is for the mom who wants to finally take a hold of her life and overcome what has hindered her from being the best in her family, business, career, etc.

The supermom bundle pack consists of

Work at home Planner

This planner will help you as a mom to plan both your family life and your business or job if you are working from home.

The planner is designed to give every mom a reason to do it all, care for her kids, work from home, and also have it all cinched up in a plan without stress.

We often ask, can a woman have it all? Yes, she can if she plans well. That is what the Work at Home planner is all about.

Productivity ebook

This simple ebook is a lifesaver, it will give you the tips you need to be able to make your mom’s life easy whether you stay home or simply work from home now.

With these tips, you can now take a breather and understand what to do to get your groove going.

Stay at home mom workbook

Still lost in motherhood and trying to figure out what happened to you?

The stay-at-home mom workbook will help you to get out of the rut and begin to plan your life anew around your new season.

When you are through with this workbook you will have a sense of purpose for your life that you did not have before.

Money Mindset Planner- aka( Wealthbag transformation planner)

This planner will help to transform your money mindset and put you on the path to creating wealth for yourself.

The money mindset transformation planner was born out of the need to get moms to take hold of their finances and transform how they treat money and how they think about money.

When your money mindset is transformed, you will be on your way to living an abundant lifestyle.

  • Wealthbag transformation planner

Total Pack Cost: 129.99

Black Friday deal: $51.99

Want more Black Friday deals? Let’s get to deal number 2

Stay at home mom business starter pack

This bundle is for stay-at-home moms who want to start a home business that supports their lifestyle.

It contains resources that will help you to craft the life you want and begin to take steps to actualize it

With these packages, you can set a date to finally start your home business without stress. The Business starter bundle contains

Home business planner and Checklist

This two-in-one combo will help you to plan on how to start your home business.

This signature package is my best-selling product and has helped a lot of moms to start their businesses.

Combined with the checklist, you can actually check off your business start-off steps.

It takes into consideration all that you need to do to start an online business, this includes resource sheets and prompts.

Stay at home mom planner

This planner is a Google first-page product, considered by Google’s search engine as one of the best resources out there for stay-at-home moms that want to plan their life.

Stay at home planner

It comes with colorful sheets that enable you to plan the different aspects of your life from home, to kids, to hubby, business, spiritual, etc. there is no mom planner out there that is as complete as this one.

How to Shine Workbook

Not clear on what you should be doing? your best gifts and talents are hidden because you have not discovered what you are best suited for.

This workbook will help you excoriate your hidden talents and bring them to the fore.

By the time you are through with this workbook, you will gain clarity on what you want to do with your talents, skills, and giftings.

Ebook- 101 home business ideas for moms

This ebook contains 41 pages of compiled and comprehensive home business ideas that you can start as a stay-at-home mom.

It contains resource links for you to make use of to start your business immediately

I find this book an awesome resource for people who have identified their skills and wish to start their business immediately.

  • Ebook 101 home business ideas

Total Cost of Bundle: $114.97

Black Friday Deal: $57.99

Grow your business starter pack

This bundle is for small business owner who wants to grow their business online.

I created this package for the one who needs to digitalize and transform their business.

It contains the following

Digital transformation planner

Digital transformation planner will help you to audit your small business and identify areas that you need to transform through automation and digitization.

This will give you room to save time that you can invest in other areas of your business.

What does this planner contain?

Business Analysis– This aspect helps you to analyze your small business as it is and find out what activities are yielding fruit and what is not working in your business.

Business Model analysis-This section helps you to delve into your current business model, adjust it, and create new ones.

Business digitalization plan- This is the main body of this planner, it helps you to create a complete digitalization plan for your small business. You end this section with a one-page summary plan.

Financial forecast- This section helps you to forecast what you want to see at the end of designated periods after your plan is implemented.

Execution plan-This section sets out milestones and timelines for achieving your digitalization plan in your small business.

Master Pinning Strategic Planner

Any small business online knows that Pinterest is a major source of traffic for small business owners.

However, some don’t understand how Pinterest works and so do not make use of it or are failing in it.

Pinterest master pinner planner will help you to design a strategy for pinning the products that will yield the desired traffic and cause your business to grow.

It contains a pining schedule, a lead marketing funnel, and some great tips for pinning with results.

Email marketing strategy Planner

Want to create an email marketing strategy that will set up your business for continuous customers. Build your email list successfully and have loyal fans for your business that will bring continuous sales. Then you need this starter pack

This starter pack will enable you to take the right steps in creating your small business email marketing strategy, you will learn how to create your lead magnet and also create your sales funnel.

The email marketing strategy planner will guide you to create a well-defined path for making money from your email list effortlessly.

  • MPSP
  • Email marketing strategy planner pdf

Total Cost of Bundle: $111.97

Black Friday Deal: $51.99

Family Planner Deal

The family planner deal is for those who value the time they spend with their family and want to plan it well.

It is also for those who are conscious of the health of their family and will want to ensure that their family health is well taken care of.

In this deal we are also mindful of the family pet, we cannot afford to let it be left out.

The family planner deal contains the following

Family medical Binder

This binder is one that is very essential for the times we are in because of the COVID19 Pandemic.

A family medical binder will help you keep track of your family health status so you know when there is a change.

With your family medical binder, you can keep track of medication logs and allergies and also medications and other symptoms that your family is exhibiting.

This ensures that you have a  ready knowledge of what is happening to any member of your family.

The family medical binder contains the following

  • Family Medical History
  • Healing scriptures
  • Medical details
  • Medical Trackers
  • Home Remedies
  • Symptoms trackers
  • Doctors visit log

Pet planner

Ever had to leave your pet with someone and you didn’t get the adequate care it needs or perhaps you forgot their medical needs?

I know that with all the stress around, it is easy to forget.

That is why My Pet planner is a simple product to help you keep a tab of your pet needs.

From feeding to medication to exercise to training, you have got pages to help you keep your pet well cared for.

It contains the following

  • My Pet identification details page to ensure you don’t miss out any details that you need about your pet.
  • Medical Planner page- To keep track of all medical information, medical visits, and other health issues.
  • My Pet Care schedule- Tracks all the steps and routines needed to feed, groom and exercise your pet, including pet chores to keep him happy.
  • Important Numbers: To keep all your numbers in an easily reachable place so you are not looking for it when you need it most
  • Pet stickers: If your pet does well, he deserves a sticker, why not get him one.

Stay at home mom planner

The stay at home mom planner is a well thought out planner that will help you to plan all aspects of your life out without leaving anything to chance

With the stay-at-home planner, you can plan your home by sections and ensure that you are ready for the week and month.

Here is what it contains

1-Home organization plan
2-Personal development plan
3-Weight loss plan
4-Self-care Plan
5-Hubby care plan
6-Kids Training plan
7-Quick win stickers

Our Black Friday deal for families is the cheapest of the deals you will get here, you may ask why?

Because I love Families and I recognize that anything that can be done to encourage a family should be done with a heart of love

Summer Planning Binder

Want to plan a seamless summer as a mom, I got your back.

Grab our summer planning binder and create the summer of your dreams.

Our summer planner contains summer activity plans, different activities to engage your kids, travel planning and packing sections, a monthly planning list, chore chart, and even vacation budget planning. etc

Total Cost of Bundle: $117.96

Black Friday Deal: $47.99

All our deals are subject to our terms and conditions please check our disclaimer policy