• Gods word Today,  Uncategorized

    God Will Outlast Your Storm

    Hello dear, It’s Friday the last working day, well for some people. Today I will be talking about God in the midst of your storm. Storms comes to everyone in this life. So long as you are in this thing called Life, you will sure go through some Storm in your life. As our lives are different so is our storm, we face different issues in Life everyone to his own, and yet for some people it seems like theirs is the worst, they can’t seem to find a way to handle Life. But we know as Christians that we are not called to handle Life alone, that’s why Jesus…

  • Uncategorized

    Finding the Good in what seems like a Bad Deal

    Good Friday Musings Today is Good Friday, a day all Christians around the world revere because of the importance of what it symbolizes for us. Let me say here that I am first of all a Christian before anything else in the world. It was because of the sacrifice of Christ Today that I can call myself a Christian. Thanks to that sacrifice and the teaching of Jesus Christ I am alive today. Had the devil had his way, I will have been dead a long time ago when the enemy nearly took my life.