Home business Planner and Checklist


24 planner pages + checklists for planning your home business from idea to delivery

Hi, my name is Elizabeth Uchealor, I started Thehomebusinessowner Blog to help stay at home moms start profitable home businesses that support their lifestyle.

This is because I believe that any mom who stays at home to raise her kids should not have to forgo her career and the lifestyle she wants.

My blog will teach you how to replace your income from when you were working and also go on to scale your home business that supports your lifestyle.

What you will learn from my blog

In this blog, I will teach you several options available to you to start a Home Business.

I will also make available resources that will enable you to start and sustain a profitable online business from home.

The resources I provide include:

👉Create content that explores and shows you different ways that you can start a home business.

👉Printables products aimed at helping you to start and support your home business

👉Create courses that show you how to start online businesses you can run from home.

👉Small business consulting and coaching services aimed at helping you to sustain and teach you how to grow your business profitably.

👉Outsourcing business services aimed at helping you to leverage my capacity to grow your home business rapidly.

I will create a supportive environment to help you as you run your business as long as you are on my email list.

My Why?

I was working in the corporate world until I got pregnant and had a miscarriage, then got pregnant again and carried it full term and lost the baby.

It was then it dawned on me that If I wanted to continue to pursue my career while dealing with child loss, miscarriage and TTC, I will need to take a different approach.

I had a lot of emotional issues that affected my job and forced me to re-think my priorities.

I knew that whenever I finally had my kids, which I eventually did, yep- 3 of them.

I wanted to be there for them and still work, no I was not about to abandon my career but I had to strike a balance that worked both ways.

That was how my first home business was born, and since then I have not looked back.

I get it, mom, you want to be there for your kids;

You hate to get up early in the morning to hustle your kids out the door to daycare so you can go fulfill another persons dreams while yours is left hanging.

You are tired of that work that drains Joy from your soul and leaves you with a lot of longing.

I get it, that’s why you are here right?

You are in the right place.

Or perhaps you are a stay-at-home mom already, you are living on one income, your hubby’s.

You have to scrimp and save and budget to ensure that every cent is well utilized.

After all, you don’t want to be in that place where you are found wasting money that is hard to come by.

But you worry, what if he loses his job?

What about my own dreams, will I not fulfill them anymore?

I went to school too, I worked hard for my degree.

Why can’t I make use of it?

That’s why I have this solution.

Start a home business

A home business helps you to strike the balance between the desire to have a job and the opportunity to still care for your kids.

With a home business, you choose your own work hours and you determine your pay.

Yes you will work hard but it will not be at the behest of someone else, it will because you value the opportunity to be there for your kids and still provide for them.

If you want to start your first home business, then Take this 5 day free ecourse to help you start.

In this course, you will discover.

✔How to crystallize your business ideas into a viable business offer.

If you have no idea what business idea to pursue, do not worry, you will receive a proven worksheet that will enable you to brainstorm and come up with the ideas that will help you start a business.

✔Where to find your ideal buyers, find out where they are online or offline, so you can market to them.

✔How to create an elevator pitch that communicates what your customers want to hear.

✔Help you to create the minimum viable product that you can start with.

✔How to move beyond the 5 days and actually start your business no matter how small.

What this course features

Day 1- Why do I want to start a business?

Day 2- What are my skills, talents, and passion, how do I convert them into a product?

Day 3- Who are my customers?

Day 4- What are their pain points? and how does my product solve that problem?

Day 5-How do I reach them online or offline where do they hang out.

This course comes packed with

Resource sheets


Actionable tips on what to do per day.

Video training

At the end of day 5, you will have a complete actionable plan for your new business. You would also have produced your minimum viable product which you can sell to the buyers you have found.

What I have done before

9 years ago, I co-founded a company where I trained fresh graduates who were starting a career in Telecoms. My training equipped them to go out and start their careers.

Thehomebusinessowner blog is also an expression of my passion for teaching people how to start profitable home business ideas that supports their lifestyle.

In my corporate life, I was an HR and Training professional which enabled me to gain the skills that I apply today.

If you are like me and want to make a difference in your family and community and also support the lifestyle you choose, then you are in the right company.

So where do you go from here? Check below


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  • Thehomebusinessowner

Work with me

Here I provide opportunities for you to work with me. I offer outsource business services that help to support small businesses

Printables Products

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