3 things to do in Difficult times


3 things to do in Difficult times
Trusting God in Difficult Times.

What are difficult times really? they are times when you are feeling like you can’t go on, it seems to you like the whole world is caving in and you don’t know what to do. The bills are piling up while your means of paying off are shrinking or maybe a loved one is going through a terminal illness which you know may eventually lead to death and you are at a loss on what to do.

For some, it could also be waiting for the fulfillment of a long-awaited promise or a relationship that has gone bad or maybe the loss of a job or perhaps your home.

Difficult times in life will come to us all, it’s not a matter of if but when, this is because Jesus said in John 16:33, in this world, you will have tribulations, its something that is bound to happen. Its how we handle it that determines whether we sink or swim.

We may not like it, I never saw a person who loved to suffer, but Jesus Christ has already told us, to be of good cheer for he has already overcome the world and all that is in it. We have an advocate with the Father who has already been through what we have been through and has obtained the victory not necessarily for himself but for us all. He calls us more than conquerors because we didn’t have to fight the fight, he already did that, we just need to begin to take advantage of what he has done for us.

If are you going through difficult times in your life, here are 3 things you should do.

1 Have a good Cry:

I know this may sound shocking to you, I mean how can a Christian be telling you to have a good cry, well Jesus wept at Lazarus’graveside even though he knew that he could raise him up. He still identified with the pain that his friends were going through. The bible says that we have an advocate who has been through what we are going through, he feels what we feel and he knows what we are going through.

I know that when you are going through stuff people tell you to be strong and do not cry, but sometimes crying helps you vent your emotions and gives you the opportunity to begin to heal. So if crying will help you release that pent-up emotion, then, by all means, do so, but do not stop at this stage, don’t just cry over your situation and do nothing about it, rather go to the next stage.

2  Seek the Face of God

I know what it can be like to be a busy mom or perhaps a busy parent, sometimes Life carries us so fast that we fail to cultivate that relationship with God.We don’t have time to pray and read the Bible as we should hence when difficult times hits us, we are at a loss on what to do because we may feel we are not in a place to begin to seek God.

But you know what? God is always there for us, he says in Jeremiah 29: 13, you will find me when you seek me with all your heart. So begin to seek the face of God through prayer and study of his word. You can start by praying first and telling the Lord all we are going through and then asking him to give us answers and show us a way out as we read the Bible.

I remember when I was believing God to conceive again after I had lost a child, my daughter was stillborn, she did not make it out alive due to complications during childbirth. I was in that place where I was in pain but did not know what to do, I lost the child and my own life was also at risk because I had lost so much blood. Every day I lived was a miracle because I did not know if I will make it to the next day.

While I was in the hospital, I was still in so much pain both physically and emotionally, but I kept seeking out Gods word and listening to what he will say to me just like Habakkuk said, I will stand upon my watch and see what he will say to me. One day  I had put on a tape that was playing healing scriptures and while listening to it, I heard the scripture in Acts 27:22-25, where Paul was telling the Captain of the Ship he was a prisoner in that they will not lose their lives even though they had lost their possessions.

I knew this scripture was for me because, I had just lost my baby which in this case symbolized possessions in the scripture above, that scripture spoke to my heart and I knew that I will not lose my life. This is one way God speaks to us, when we are in difficult situations, through his word, but you have to be willing to listen and search for his word until you find it.

3 Take  God’s word and act on it

After seeking Gods face and you get a word from the Lord, perhaps by his written word or the word of God which he spoke to your heart. (Note that God will not speak a word to you that is outside his word in the Bible), so if you think you heard from God, cross-check the bible to see if he has written it in the Bible. Its after you have ensured that you have this confirmation that you will take that word and act on it.

What do you mean by acting on word?. It means act like the word you heard is true. Don’t believe the lies of the enemy which he often shows you through your circumstance but rather believe what Gods word says concerning that situation and behave it.

In my own case when I got the word for my healing from that scripture, I began to thank God for my healing and recovery. I did recover and not only did I recover, during the time of my trial, God had given me his word that I will conceive again and the enemy will not be able to take this one.

I did conceive again and of course, the enemy tried again to take that one but he did not succeed. Today I am  favored mom to 3 children that God gave to me, his word which he spoke came to pass. In 5 years, God gave me all that I had desired as I believed and acted out his word.

Will I say it was easy to do, no it was not, but I held on to God and he did it for me, that’s why  I am using this medium to encourage anyone going through difficult times to hold on to his word, God is too faithful to fail.

If you like this post then you may also like my post on God will Outlast your storm

PS: This Month of October made it 6 years since my daughter who was still Born went to be with the Lord, but his Faithfulness still remains with me. I dedicate this post to her: Eleora Chimamanda Uchealor.

Elizabeth is a passionate home business owner that helps others to achieve their life goals of running a successful home. business. I am particular about stay at home moms who wish to transition into a mompreneur.

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