4 strategies to Jumpstart your Newyear as a Home Business owner.


4 strategies to Jumpstart your Newyear as a Home Business Owner
4 Things you Must Do to Jump start your Newyear as a Home business owner

It’s the last of day of the year 2017, today is probably a day of reflection for many people. It’s a time to recheck the different areas of your life to see how you ran throughout this year.

Those different areas could be your home, marriage, finances, relationships, business or career depending on which divide you fall into. You may be wondering how to Jumpstart your Newyear in the area of your business so as to ensure that you have an early start for the first quarter of the year.

Today will be that day you will be wondering how you have fared throughout the year if you had plans for the year you may want to pull out your plans and compare notes to see what you achieved.

While for some, this is an exercise that will bring exciting news as they see that they have achieved all that they have set out to achieve.  For some, it may be sad because they could not achieve all they set their mind to, whichever divide you fall into, thank God that you are alive to make new plans and dream again.

Today you can take a look at those areas and begin to work and strategize to see how to take a different approach to achieve success where you failed before. In doing this I would like to share with you

4 strategies to be mindful of as you Jumpstart the New year as a Home business owner.

1 Planning ,Strategy & execution:

You may have started the outgoing year without planning or strategy talk more about execution. If this was how you ran the outgoing year, then do not repeat this same thing in the incoming year, even if you are afraid of planning, its time to whip out a Planner and begin to plan for the next year. You have to set down a laid down path to your success for the coming year if you want to Jumpstart your new year on a good note. To learn more about how to plan your week please read my post on how to kick chaos and plan your week as home business owner.

It’s a wise saying that he who fails to plan, plans to fail, Its time therefore for you to do some research on what strategies you will employ to ensure that your plan is executed. A big plan and strategy on paper without execution is useless.

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For you to execute all that you have written down, here is what you need to do

– Write down what goal you need to achieve per quarter

-Break it down into targets for the week

-Break down your targets into daily to-do lists and mark it as done once you have achieved it

– Measure and Test:  You have to measure your success and see if your strategy is working. For instance, if your quarterly goal is to reach a pageview of say 3000 per month, then you have to write down your initial pageview before you begin your strategy.

You can then track your progress by writing down your weekly stats to see if you are making progress or not. This will help you to change strategy should what you not be seeing any results.

– Finally, if you have got the hang of it, rinse and repeat if it’s working for you.


2 Your Product.

Your product or service is what you are offering to the consumer in exchange for their resources, that’s how you make money.  For you to jumpstart your Newyear you have to take a good look at your product line and outline what income streams you expect to produce your income this year. In doing this, here are some pertinent questions you need to answer

-Does your product meet the consumer desires? is there a demand for your product?

-Do you think your product makes an impact on the consumer’s mind? if it does not, then its time to either repackage it to make it more attractive or throw it out completely and find something else that is of value to your consumer.

-If you are a blogger, its time you did your audience analysis, what are the characteristics of the audience you desire? and are you attracting same? if you are not, what do you need to do to attract your desired audience?

Everyone will be willing to pay good money for what they consider valuable to them, so in checking the characteristics of your product, here are key points  you should consider

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– Is it valuable- Does your target market consider your products valuable enough to pay your money for it.

-Is there a demand for your product-

-Does is it solve a particular problem for the consumers

– Is it Unique, perhaps not in content but in approach to the consumer’s needs

-Does it have a mass appeal at least to your target market

-Is it simple to use, that is you can easily explain how it works without any issues

If your product or service answers all of this questions then you are good to go. If it does not, then you have to go back to  the drawing board to either craft out a new product or re-design what you already have to answer the following questions

3 Your Finances

In this Newyear, as a business owner, you will have to take a good look at your finances both in the business and home.Perhaps its time you set goals for the amount of money you want to make per month. Do you know that setting goals often forces your subconscious mind to begin to think of ways of meeting it?

If you set a specific financial goal for your business, then you will force yourself to do everything possible to meet your goals because you know that in meeting it, you will attain a level of success that will give you the kick you need to go higher.

If it is your personal goals that you need to deal with, then go ahead and set them but remember that there has to be a pipeline that feeds it. For example, if your personal goal is to be able to save a certain amount by the end of the quarter, then you have to look for what will feed in that pipelines in other to meet that goal. It may be through budgeting, cost cutting or increasing your ability to earn more.

Your ability to successfully set a financial goal for your home business will give you a boost that will enable you to feel better as you go on to meet your life’s needs. If you are able to meet most of your financial needs as they arise, you often feel successful because that’s what it is. Your business or career is that pipeline that enables you to achieve the life goals you have set for yourself by giving you the needed finances to meet it.

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4 Your Marketing

In the online business world, especially if you are a home business owner you can’t do without marketing, in fact, marketing is the lifeblood of any business. So for your business, you must have a marketing plan in place. You have to be deliberate in following through with your plans if you want to see tangible results and jumpstart your Newyear.

In your planning stage, you have already itemized what worked and what didn’t work for you this year in your business, so the next stage is to take what worked and plan how to make it work the more this year in other to yield better results. You can also put new marketing plans in place in other to see if this will make your business better.

If you have no idea how to prepare your marketing plan then its time you did a little bit of research, search for marketing plans that have to do with your niche.  For example, If you want to start a blog or perhaps you are already blogging but you are not seeing results, its time to check out what your competitor who is doing better is doing so you can know what to adapt and tweak to fit your own audience.

To wrap this up, I do want you to know that running a home business is no mean feat but you have to be willing to put all you have into it to make it a success, as I champion you on via my blog.

Thank you for reading my blog all through this year, I wish you a very successful Business year ahead. God bless you and see you next year.

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Drop a comment below if you have other strategies I have not thought of below.

4 strategies to Jumpstart your newyear as a smallbusiness owner

Elizabeth is a passionate home business owner that helps others to achieve their life goals of running a successful home. business. I am particular about stay at home moms who wish to transition into a mompreneur.

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