5 future skills you will need to build a home business.

5 future skills you will need for the home business of the future

As the future keeps galloping towards us with a lot of innovation via technology, one question you should ask your self is; do you possess the future skills you will need to start a home business or run one?

Remember when you taught that it was impossible to see your home from anywhere?

Think of the 80’s you could not have imagined that you will log into your phone and have an immediate view of your home, such that you can find out when an intruder is trying to get into your home.

Well, one Business Ring.com has made it possible.

This is just one of the many possibilities we are seeing as we maneuver an age where technology is taking over our lives; from artificial intelligence(AI) to robotics to internet of things(IoT), you just name it and you have it here, gone are those times when the only place where  such possibilities were seen was in sci-fi movies.

The future is actually here and I want to ask you a mind-boggling question are you ready?

Are you among those who are still clinging to the past with your nails scratching and itching for the times when things were much simpler or are you constantly asking yourself how can I unlearn old ways, learn new skills and get myself ready for the future.

I know this does not look like my usual write up but hold on, I am getting to my usual sweet spot which is to say what future skills are you acquiring now that will change the way you run your home business or start a new business?

In this write-up, I share with you

5  future skills that you need to have in other to build a home business.

1 Digital Marketing:

According to Wikipedia, digital marketing is the marketing of products and services using digital technologies mainly on the internet and also on mobile phones, display advertising and via SMS.

A great majority of people’s attention has been captured by digital devices, most people now get almost all of their entertainment, business and work life done from their mobile phones, therefore, it’s of necessity that anyone who wants to reach his target market must be willing to do so through digital means.

If you are a home business owner or perhaps you are planning to start one, this is one critical skill you will need in other to succeed in business. This is because no matter how great your product or service is, if your customers can not find it you are not in business.

While the traditional modes of advertising your business may still work, they are becoming less dependable. What is the probability that someone who bought a service or product from you will refer you to another person? quite low, except of course you are offering an incentive.

Even at that, they may not be attracted enough to your incentive to want to reach out and refer you to others.

If you, therefore, want to succeed in your home business, you need to start acquiring this very important skill not only because you need it for your own products but you can also offer it as a service and charge for it.

Digital marketing skills are in hot demand now as people are constantly looking for means of selling their products.

I considered it as one of the future skills because not a good number of people who want to start businesses understand how this skill translates to your success or failure in running a home business.

Some digital marketing methods include SEO( search engine optimization) Serch engine marketing( SEM), Email marketing, Content marketing, influencer marketing, data-driven marketing strategies, social media marketing, social media optimization, sales funnel and lead generation.

If you have been struggling to make sales with your home business or your greatest headache has been how to attract your ideal customers to your blog or online business, then this may be a critical skill which is missing in your portfolio.

You can start today to learn this skills for free by reading this article and signing up for a free course to help your journey.

2-Artificial intelligence:

When you think of AI, it kind of goes over your head, I mean what has a small business got to do with AI, leave that for Elon Musk and SpaceX geniuses you are not about to go explore space.

But then, I draw open the curtain to ask you to wake up and smell the roses, most of the Jobs that are being held by humans today will be replaced by artificially intelligent robots.

If you are in one of those dead-end jobs which will be wiped out in the next  5-10 years, then its time you begin to critically look at the value chain in businesses you see that are still offline today and begin to imagine how you will develop algorithms or write codes that will help you fill that need and build a business from your home for it.

I just mentioned coding in the line before and many people reading this might begin to get angry right now asking themselves how they will learn to code in this day and age, well you can if you are interested.

Think of the fact that as the world moves towards AI, many businesses will require services of people who understand how these things work and operate it.

You may not be called to build AI systems leave that to the Googles of this world but you can seek to understand how to integrate these systems into everyday life and hence help people.

This is why I think it’s a necessary future skill for anyone who wants to work from home or run a home business.

3-Creative & Critical thinking abilities:

Gone are the days when systems were put in place and everyone was expected to just follow the norm.

This idea came from the industrial age when work was divided into piecemeal and everyone specialized in an aspect and just followed the laid down rules.

Nowadays people are looking for who will bring creative thinking solutions to problems, people who will solve old problems in new ways that save time and cost.

If you are starting a home business or maybe you have one already, your ability to be creative and also think critically will mean you will win in the marketplace.

If you are in the business of selling knowledge as a home business, i.e blogging in simple terms, this is especially for you because people will only read your blog and follow you because you offer solutions which they are cannot find anywhere else.

This skill is an essential future skill both for the creative person who designs and builds the product and also for the knowledge vendor.

I consider Creative and critical thinking as one of the future skills because I have come to realize that a lot of people are seeking fresh ideas.

New twists to old issues and also completely new innovative ideas that beats what is obtainable right now.

For example yesterday I got a call from my Phone operator to inform me of a service which they want me to sign up to.

I mentioned to the caller that I am not so keen on signing up because of issues I have with this network provider.

That customer service agent never attempted to solve my problem or even provide a solution, instead he kept on trying to sell to me his new product.

I just rang off and I thought to myself why do people never empathize with those they seek to serve.

They had rather push more products into your face than find solutions to the issues you are already experiencing with their product.

4-Organization Based skill:

This future skill is simply called project management in ordinary terms.

I termed this a future skill required by a home business owner because as the world gets more tech-savvy, there will be an overload of information.

People will be looking for those who can help them organize their knowledge and sequence it in such a way that it produces results.

There will also be a demand for organization and creation of systems that when followed will always deliver the same results.

We see that in the online business marketing strategies where they are always talking about teaching you this 3 step system that will help you win in the marketplace.

These future skills have created a whole new industry in printables called planners.

People are consistently looking for planners to organize their day and businesses and even their life.

So if you have just a little knowledge of this skill, It to time to ramp it up and create a home business built on this skill.

If you want to know how to build a business around printables please read my two posts on 6 secrets about printables and also how to start a home business selling printables.


The classroom has left the brick and mortar building called schools, learning and education are now taking place on the internet. This future skill is not only for the future but for the now,  Teachers reward is no longer in heaven, it has come down to earth hahaha.

If you think I am not saying the truth ask Jack Ma the Chinese Tech Billionaire of Alibaba or even Peter Diamandis of the Singularity University.

This means that tutoring other people is now a major income earner for most people, there is an avalanche of online courses now that people can’t get enough of.

Tutoring is no longer just about just pouring out knowledge but about content creation, selling content, nurturing customers and altogether shaping mindsets.

The good thing about this skill is that no single person lacks the knowledge to sell, your only problem is how to organize it into a sellable format.

All the years you have spent on this earth learning a skill, experiencing something or even practicing some stuff can now be put together into a course format and sold.

You can begin, by starting a Blog, read here how to do that or you can choose to do straight out email marketing bypassing starting a blog.

Whatever route you choose, just ensure that you are delivering value for the course you are building and people will come for it.

In conclusion, I will like to ask: are you ready for the future of your home business, career, and life in general?

if you are not, its time to get learning because your future self will not forgive you if you fail to get ready for what is to come.

To round up this post, I will like to offer you a list of 20 futuristic business ideas that you can start now to work on. Click on the image to get it.

20 future home business ideas

Do you have any other ideas on the future skills you will need to run a home business, please drop a comment below.




Elizabeth is a passionate home business owner that helps others to achieve their life goals of running a successful home. business. I am particular about stay at home moms who wish to transition into a mompreneur.

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