Passive income strategies

How to create passive income strategies with printables products

Do you know that you can create passive income strategies with printables products? let me help you.

passive income strategies

Passive income strategies are steps you follow to create a passive income from a business idea that enables you to earn income without active participation in running it.

A lot of people want to know how to create passive income strategies that they can use to ensure that they have income coming in even when they are not actively working.

This is a great way of making money because it allows you to make money even if you choose to take a break.

The ultimate way of gaining financial freedom is to create enough passive income streams that are able to pay for all your expenses every month even if you are not working.

That is the power of passive income businesses, they make it easy for you to attain financial freedom. Let’s take a look at the advantages


✔It helps you to design a system that continuously creates income for you without active participation in the working of the business.

✔Gives you the freedom to pursue other passions without worrying about money

✔Makes it easy for you to attain financial freedom easily

✔You can choose not to work and still make money

✔Opportunity to have time that you can devout to pursuing charity if you choose.

For the purpose of this post, I will focus on how to create a passive income using printables products.

The reason I can speak confidently about this is that I have experienced it. I make money from my printables products while sleeping.

I don’t have to personally deliver my products because everything is designed to be automated without any input from me.

Before I go ahead, do you know what printables products are?

Printables products are digital products that you create using your skills to help people solve their problems. They are printed by the buyer, hence they were called printables.

They can come in the form of Planners, Cards, Stickers, SVG files, tags, Templates, etc.

You can read more: Ultimate guide to a printables business

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Passive income strategies using printables products

Want to know how to convert this business idea into a passive income?

Follow me closely

Steps to creating passive income strategies with printables products

1. Niche

Before you start creating passive income strategies out of any busines idea, you must know what niche you want to play in.

Even if you want to extend your niche late, you need to start with a minimum of one.

Once you are able to master your niche, you can then extend it to other niches.

Knowing your niche means you know the types of products you want to create and you are likely to sell it to.

2- Create the product

The second step to creating your passive income strategy is to make the poruduct you want to sell.

After learning what niche you want to play in the printables product business, the next step is to create your products.

People often make the mistake of thinking that passive income means that they will not do any work at all.

Passive income means you have to a tonne of initial work first, then automate it and let it run.

To learn how to make a printables product is very easy. I created a course that teaches you how to create your products by yourself.

There are two versions of the course, Version 1 and Version 2. Version 1 deals with creating the products, while Version 2 deals with how to turn it into an online business.

In Version 1 I teach you how to identify your niche in printables products and assess it for profitability before you can go into making the printables.

My course is so simple to follow that even if you have never designed anything before, you can take it and start making and selling your products as soon as you finish the course.

The course is the Newbie printables business course. Click on the button below to see Version 1 of the course.

Newbie Printables course

3- Set up your online business

The most wonderful thing about creating printables products is that you do not have to ship nada.

It can be done entirely online, in my course the Newbie printables course version 2

I teach you how to set up your printables business online.

Understanding how to set up your business online is key to ensuring your passive income becomes a reality.

A well set up business will sell online because it will be built in such a way that will make it sell without much input from you.

In my course the Newbie printables course 2- I teach how to set up your printables products online shop.

Here are the different online platforms you will learn about.

WordPress- Using easy digital downloads

Sendowl- I taught a trick you can use with Sendowl to bypass having a site if you don’t want one.

Etsy- I teach how to set up your Etsy online shop to sell your printables

Now that your online shop is ready, what is next

4-Automate your shop

Once you have done the above steps it is time to automate your printables business using the tips and tricks that I teach in my course.

One of the easiest ways to automate your printables business is to create funnels that will make it easy for you to make sales without having to touch your shop.

A sales funnel arranges all the sales points in such a way that your customers are nurtured in every step of their journey until they make a purchase.

In the Newbie printables business course 2, I teach how to build sales funnels that will attract your customers and help you make money on autopilot.

Click the button below to see the course

Newbie Printables Business Course 2

If you need to save money, you can purchase the bundle course which comprises Version 1 and Version 2.

Newbie Printables Business Course Bundle

You get the two courses at the price of one. Click below to get the bundle price

Another part of your business that you can automate is your marketing. This means you create an advertismeent funnel that works daily to bring in sales.

Your advertisement funnel is now hooked to your sales funnel and your business is now fully running on automation basis hence producing your passive income

5-Optimize and maintain your processes

Once you have created all the following processes, you only do perhaps monthly maintenance and you are in a passive income mode.

The only real work you will ever do is to create new products, once they are created you can plug it into the system you have created and your passive income continues to roll in.

If you do not want to create new products for a while, your old products will continue to sell.

The following process is my time tested passive income strategies that will work for you if you are ready to put in the work to set it up.

My course is so good that it is currently ranking on the first page of Google for the best course on starting a printables business, see the picture below

Printables Business Course

Need to learn more about this course- go Here.

Elizabeth is a passionate home business owner that helps others to achieve their life goals of running a successful home. business. I am particular about stay at home moms who wish to transition into a mompreneur.

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