5 reasons a stay at home mom should have a Home business.
To be a stay at home mom is one of the greatest sacrifices you can make as a mother for yourself and your family. It’s a great gift of self and time which you invest in your family in other to nurture your kids and see them grow into the wonderful people you envision for them. Being available and attentive to their needs and also taking care of your own needs, however, can be a tough act to balance out. When you choose to stay home and raise your kids, you give up that opportunity to follow your career path. Perhaps you were working in a financial institution and you…
13 offline Home Business Ideas (Work at Home)
I know that I champion starting home businesses that are solely run online, but I am also aware that a variety of skills could sometimes mean that one does not have the passion or skill to pursue an online business. That is where the offline Home business comes into play. While you can start a Home Business that is basically offline like the ones I will mention below, you cannot afford not to market it online. This because marketing your business online and giving it an online presence even if its just a FaceBook page or an Instagram page will ensure that you succeed. You can start these businesses at…
Is your Home Business ready for the Holiday season?(read these 5 tips)
The holiday season has started out already from Black Friday sales set to hit this week to Cyber Monday, Christmas sales, Small business Saturday to end of the year outright sales etc, actually I will say this my post is a bit late but between lining up other posts, this kind of slipped my mind but better late than never. If you have been a constant reader of my Blog you will know by now that I am that woman that believes in encouraging stay at home moms and any other person that is interested to start a Home business that supports their lifestyle. This is because I believe…
Every mom’s Holiday Gift Guide 2017
Hei all, Can’t believe it but the Holidays are almost walking into us, it’s usually a time to celebrate and be merry. Being thankful is a requirement for this season, wondering what I am thankful for, read my post on 5 things I am thankful for in this year. Then you will understand where I am coming from. Well this is the home business owner Blog and as Business owners, though we hustle all through the months, setting goals trying so much to beat them, some we trash some we don’t but in all, we are thankful that we have a life so we can try again. Having said…
10 Online Marketplace where you can sell(with high shopping traffic)
If you are a follower of my blog you will know by now that I am someone who is passionate about starting home businesses from the comfort of your home. In my older posts, I have explored different ways you can give expression to the Idea of starting a home business. You can check my post on Drop-shipping if you are interested in reading more or my post on how to start an Etsy shop. While I have always recommended starting a shop, nothing beats the flexibility of online marketplace. It gives you the opportunity to stay at home and showcase and sell your products to the whole world. I…