Pro’s and Con’s of Choosing a Home Business versus a Work from Home Job
When you make up your mind that you want to work from home, the first question that will usually pop into your mind is how do I go about this?, should I start looking for work from home job? or should I start a home business?. The jury is still out there as to what is the best route to take, for some people it is a difficult decision to make especially if you are coming from a place where you were working outside your home and had a stable income which you brought into your home. What this means is that you already have a lifestyle which you have…
13 offline Home Business Ideas (Work at Home)
I know that I champion starting home businesses that are solely run online, but I am also aware that a variety of skills could sometimes mean that one does not have the passion or skill to pursue an online business. That is where the offline Home business comes into play. While you can start a Home Business that is basically offline like the ones I will mention below, you cannot afford not to market it online. This because marketing your business online and giving it an online presence even if its just a FaceBook page or an Instagram page will ensure that you succeed. You can start these businesses at…
10 best sites where you can find work at home Job options.
In my quest to support moms who would like to stay at home to take care of their kids, I have often encouraged moms to start a home business that suits their lifestyle. While that is my main passion, I cannot say that I am not aware that there will be moms who do not and would not want to start a home business. Not everyone has the strength to pursue and invest their energies in starting and running a home business in addition to taking care of their kids, hence there will always be those who may just want to get a work at home Job In today’s post,…