12 reasons you should own a printables business(passive income)

Learn 12 reasons that you need to start making money selling printables products as  a passive income business

Remember the Christmas song about the 12 days of Christmas?

It’s playing in my head now hahaha, on the 1st day of Christmas my true love gave to me—– I am sure you know the rest of the song.

Well, in this case, I am your true love, that is giving you a gift of owning a printables business, by telling you 12 reasons you should own a printables( passive income business).

1 Passive income business

Printables is a passive income business meaning that once you have designed it and set it up, it just keeps on bringing you income so long as people desire to buy it.

If you have been looking for passive income opportunities, then this is one you should not miss out on.

Who does not like the fact that you can wake up and do whatsoever you need to do while your business is running by itself practically.

You just wake up and see orders like this already fulfilled.

In case you are thinking about how to start this business, then you need not stress, I just finished building my course the Newbie Printables business.

A course that teaches you how to start a Printables business from finding your niche to setting up your Printables business.

Here is what a person who took the course had to say

I love that this course is geared towards newbie. I love beautiful printables and have been secretly envious of those that create such items. And now I can too!

To sign up for this course click here

Newbie Printables course


Update: After I launched the Newbie Printables course Version 1 , alot of people messaged me frantically asking for Version 2 of this course. It took me a while to put together the 2nd version but now it ready.

Tap the button below to start the course

Newbie Printables Business Course

After taking the two courses both Version 1 and 2,hear what Andia had to say

2 You can do it as a side hustle

You know how you can give yourself that dang excuse, but I am working and I am already doing a lot, I don’t have the time.

This business can be a side hustle too, you don’t need to do it full time if you don’t want to.

Think of how to block out an hour in your time schedule to use it to create printables.

You then upload it and market it during your break time at work.

By the time it starts bringing you an income you will know why I call it the biggest passive income business of our time.

In case you are that mama that is hassled and don’t know how to plan your time, you are in good luck.

I wrote a post on how to organize your time in this post, you will find apps that I listed in that post that will help you out.

3 Needs minimal skills.

Anyone can start a printables business. I mean it, as long as you can click, drag and drop a mouse then you can do it.

All you need to know is to first plan out your concept on a sheet.

Once your concept has been designed with a planning sheet, the rest is easy.

You don’t have to be a pro in designing for you to be able to do this.

Hear what someone who took this course had to say

I learned a lot watching you design your bundle of Thanksgiving printables. You gave me so many ideas and showed me I don’t have to be an expert in graphic design.

4 The market is booming

The market for Printables is booming, there is a constant trend of demand during the year with particular peaks in January for planners.This because at the beginning of every year people love to plan out their lives and business.

Take a look at these graphs from Google trend.

From the chart, you can see that there is a breakout in demand for 2019 planners.

5 You can turn any experience you have into a printable product

People often ask, how do I know that I can create a printable product? I expect it should be for people who are business savvy?

My answer, do you have any experience at all? do you desire to earn a passive income from it? Then you can create a printables product and turn it into a passive income business.

Think of it, if you are a cleaner you can make a printables product that creates cleaning guidelines for homes and offices.

Are you are a gardener? you can create printable guidelines for starting and tending your garden.

If you love to cook, you can create a 3-month menu plan for someone who wants to lose weight or even eat healthy.

Are you a fitness coach?  You can make a printables for someone who wants a plan for keeping fit.

So long as you have an experience, then you can create a printable product about it.

6 It’s a digital download product- no shipping cost:

The best part about this passive income business is that its a digital download.

You don’t ship nada, you don’t get missing goods.

If it refuses to download, then you download it again nothing lost, nothing missing, nothing broken; shalom shalom like they say in the Hebrew language. Lol

7 Minimal startup costs

A printables business can be started with as little as 40 dollars. Of course, you will need to invest more in it to make your business grow.

But if you wanted the basics, you can start with as little as 40 dollars.

I did a cost breakdown for anyone who wanted to start the business in my

Newbie printables business course To take the version 1 of this course click below

Newbie Printables course

8- Even if you are lazy, (hate stress) you can do this

I don’t like to say you are lazy because you are not, if you have been reading this post up to this point then you definitely are not lazy.

Lazy people don’t read.

So I will just adjust that term to you hate stress lol.

Yes, you can do this business because it’s so easy and fun to do that you will forget that you are working.

I love to make quotes that people can print and put on their walls at home, it doesn’t feel like I am working when I am making those quotes.

Trust me I have more fun thinking of ways to encourage people with my quotes.

9.Evergreen niche business

For as long as people are alive, there will always be the need for printables products.

These products are part of our daily lives, they include Planners, Cards, Checklists, Stickers, Calendars, Wall arts, Coloring sheets, etc and the list goes on.

There is no season that does not require the use of printable products.

For example in January, I sell my Goal setting planners because I know a lot of people will be setting goals for their family and business.

In february, we enter the Valentines mode and I sell my Valentines gift accessotories

Each of the seasons has something that my printables shop will offer to them.

See my goal setting planner below

10- Because you need that extra income

Raise your hand if you don’t want more money or income? I mean if you don’t want more, you could send it to me because I need it to help others out Lol.

But seriously, one of the reasons I like to make more than I need is so I can use it to help out those in need.

I have tons of people I wish I could help every day.

That’s why I will never be averse to making more money because I know it will enlarge my capacity to help others.

So if you are like me and you need that more income, then you should consider starting a Printables business.

11- Because I will teach you how to start easily

You don’t have to bug yourself about any research.

I will teach you how to start, I will work you through the process.

I have a course where I already taught some initial aspect on how to start this passive income business.

By the time you finish the first part of this course, you will gain clarity.

The second part of the course is already completed, in the second Version, I teach you how to find your customers online, how to attract them and how to sell to them.

I also teach you how to set up a sales funnel so that you can sell your Printables products on autopilot.

What is more, in the Version 2, I teach you how to create products that rank on the first page of Google so you can get free traffic without spending money on Ads.

My product is ranking, so will yours.

See my product that is on the first page of Google

12-You can finally check off that to-do list of starting a  home business:

You know that every year resolution you have always had about starting a business that never works out.

You put it on your list and you never get to check it off as done.

Now this year is here, don’t let the year run through with that idea still sitting in your mind, when it can turn into a real business that is bringing you passive income.

Start your journey to new business by signing up for this course.

To make it simpler, you can get discounts for taking the bundle course. The bubdle course consists of both versions and has a bunlde price that is lower than the sum of the two versions.

To get the bundle course Tap the button below to access it.

Newbie Printables Business Course Bundle

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Elizabeth is a passionate home business owner that helps others to achieve their life goals of running a successful home. business. I am particular about stay at home moms who wish to transition into a mompreneur.

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