What the Holy Spirit Got with Google Bots


What the Holy Spirit got with Google bots

Today I write about this topic with a lot of love because it’s a quote that came to my Spirit as I was about going to bed at night. I was already beginning to doze off while thinking about the SEO material I had just read on  Moz.com. I was thinking of how to optimize the content I have on my Blog so that it can begin to show up on searches. I have been reading an Ebook I bought from Lena Gott, where she was explaining how she grew her Traffic from 17,000 to 350,000 in 9 months. I was trying to learn how to increase the traffic on my blog.that book has taught me some tricks which I  have been implementing on my Blog. So while I thought about SEO Rankings and how the Google Bots crawl through the internet to find content for people who are searching for some information.

The Holy Spirit then began to teach me what I am about to share with you now. He told me that what the Holy Spirit does can be likened to what those Google Bots do, the Holy Spirit searches the deep things of God in other to reveal the mind of God concerning an issue. 1st Cor 2: 9-10 says that

Rather, as it is written: “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no heart has imagined, what God has prepared for those who love Him.” 10But God has revealed it to us by the Spirit. The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God. 

This teaches us that as Christians, the Holy Spirit is our ultimate Helper when it comes to discovering the will of God for our life, we don’t have to go through life alone trying things and wondering if we are getting it right or not. This is because God sent the Holy Spirit to help us discern his will.

How do we know that? because Jesus speaking of the Holy Spirit when he was on earth said, that when he comes he will teach us all things  John 14:26. He will take what is mine and make it known to you John 16:14. This means that we don’t have to go through life blind trying to figure what his will in our life is. We can talk to the Holy Spirit to help us determine the mind of God concerning any issue we are facing.

How do you know the will of God?

The will of God is often within the confines of his word. When we begin to talk to God in the language of the  Holy Spirit, that is Speaking in Tongues, the Holy Spirit searches the mind of God to reveal his will. Here is an example of an experience I had this week.

This week I was praying in the HolyGhost with my Hubby concerning an Issue, while we prayed, I found myself repeating a particular phrase in English. I will pray for a while repeating that same phrase, I continued praying in the HolyGhost, while I did that, The Holy Spirit reminded me of a scripture which I took note of. When I finished praying, we sat down to read that scripture with my hubby, I realized it was a direct answer to what we were praying about.

You know that sometimes you can be searching for something but not find the answer, either you didn’t enter the right keyword or Google couldn’t find what you wanted exactly, but not so with the Holy Spirit, he is perfect and will always return the right answer for your question.Sometimes we may miss what he is saying because we are not paying attention, but we know that he makes all these things known to us so that we may know the things that have been freely given to us.

This week has been a great week for me and as we round up this week, I want to share with you how through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit I started an online store.  This week , I wrote about how you can turn your graphic design skills into a Printables business. While I wrote that piece, I have never opened an online store before but because I was inspired to write that piece, I took the title of this piece and I made some designs about it and used it to open my New store in two places at the same time, Redbubble, and Zazzle. My Store name on Zazzle is Eleoraconcepts

The collection below is in the  Eleoraconcepts store on Zazzle.

Penguin Collection for Babies and Toddlers
A hoodie pullover for toddlers

I was able to create some designs and Pieces that I uploaded into the store.I created about 3 collections on the Zazzle Platform while I also posted the courageous collection on the Redbubble store. All this without having any serious design skills, just the basics  I use in designing for my Blog posts.

This is just to prove to you that you can start a business in as little as 2 hours if you so desire and you can get better with time but the most important thing is that you have started.

You can check out my designs in the store by clicking this Links: Eleoraconcepts, Redbubble

The collection Below is from the Redbubble Store

Here is a sample of the beautifully designed Lady ChIffon Blouse that I made using the title of my Blog Post.

What the Holy Spirit got with Google Bots


I also designed a MUG with the word be courageous like Deborah to encourage women to rise up to leadership and take charge knowing that they have God with them.

Be Courageous

It’s a fitting gift item for friends that you know are going through difficult times or  for those women who are shying way from taking up responsibility.

If you would like to support what I do, click on the Links on this post to purchase these items from my store.

Finally, I will say that your Life will take on a better meaning when you invite Jesus into your life and when you also take advantage of the Holy Ghost to help you by revealing to you the Things that God has already made available to you.

Do have a wonderful weekend and stay blessed



Elizabeth is a passionate home business owner that helps others to achieve their life goals of running a successful home. business. I am particular about stay at home moms who wish to transition into a mompreneur.

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