How to Pay yourself as a stay at home mom


How to pay yourself as a stay at home mom

There is a constant debate as to how much a stay at home mom should be paid for the work they do.

While some feel it’s a personal choice to get off the career ladder and go take care of the home hence the government should not be burdened by whether they get paid or not.

Others feel that the work that they do is a great job so they should be compensated adequately.

Whichever side of the jury you belong to, here is one truth which every one of us must agree to, when a child is well raised, it’s a benefit not only to the parents that raised him but to the whole society.

The society is made up of families because every child comes from a family, so when we put our families first, we ensure that the next generation of children grows up to become responsible adults who are able to contribute to their society.

This is not to say that when you are not staying home to raise your children they will not turn out well.

What we are saying is that if you choose to make that decision to stay home and raise your kids, your career shouldn’t have to suffer because of your choice.

There is one thing I have always believed in, that is the fact that you can make your own way if the circumstances don’t allow you to do what you need to do.

Having a career fulfills a part of you that nothing else could possibly do because it helps you take control of your own destiny.

When you are a stay at home mom, there are so many things you have got to battle with, from finances to self-confidence and sometimes a feeling that perhaps you did not even make the right choice by giving up your career.

What you need to realize is that even though you have made that sacrifice to stay home, you don’t have to throw away your earning ability.

Technology has made it easy to be able to earn an income from home.

This is the reason I am writing this piece today to encourage stay at home moms to stand up and launch a business that can sustain you from home.

The business will support your lifestyle and give you the ability to live the life you want without feeling like you have lost a lot by leaving your Job to stay home.

Your children will be much more thankful if you can prove that you could stay home to take care of their needs and still provide for them.

You are not scrimping and saving just to make it through every month.

I believe that this generation is calling for what Mary Kay Ash did when the corporate world would not allow her rise because she is a woman, she went out and found her own company.

Today we see the results of what she did, she inspired a whole generation of women to do something about their own situation.

If you are like most stay at home moms, perhaps you may be confused as to where to start from.

How do you start a business online when you are not tech savvy and you have never run a business too, then sign up to my email list and get free training on different business options you can pursue as a stay at home mom.

If you are confused about choices to make then you need to read my post about the business you can do from home to make up to 6 figures, get it Here.

Do you have a life experience you want to share with others, here is how you can monetize that experience and make a ton of money out it.

Read my Post How to turn your Life experience into money Printing online business.

If you already have a business idea but don’t know how to market it to your audience or how to turn it into a real business, then you need to read this post about 7 helpful tips for the home business owner.

So while the jury is still out on whether you should get paid or not for the job of raising your kids, you can choose to start a home business.

If you want to know how I did it, then read this story on how I ran my training solutions company from home

List of home business ideas

    • Online Marketing Consultant – If you love helping others promote their business on social media and other online avenues then an online marketing consultant might be something you’d like to do. With the popularity of Facebook and other social sites, businesses need a lot of help doing everything from posting memes to helping them develop better profiles.
    • Webinar Expert – Many types of business owners have regular webinars to promote their products and services. They need people who know how to use the platform they choose, how to set up sign up pages, and how to troubleshoot the technology.
    • Online Business Manager –Just like a bricks and mortar business needs a manager, any business online that expects to grow needs a manager too. You can specialize with different niches such as managing a coaching business, an affiliate business or even an online business that sells physical products.
    • Life / Business Coach – If you have a gift for helping people and the expertise to do it you can become a life or business coach. There are coaches that help people start businesses, lose weight, parent better and more.
    • Affiliate Marketing – With affiliate marketing, you usually combine blogging or vlogging with promoting other people’s products. You’ll get a special link that you set up to send people to the product and you’ll get a percentage of each sale that you make. Here is a Link to an affiliate marketing site that pays well AWIN:    

  • Online Teacher / Tutor – Today, there are many ways that you can teach people online. You no longer have to be in the same room. You can use live streaming technology to meet with students live or you can set up courses using a platform like for almost any type of subject from learning to be happy to algebra.

Starting an online business simply requires knowledge of using the technology available, knowing who you want to work with, what your skills are and finding a way to match those qualities together to create an amazing online business.

When you work from home, most of the time you don’t have to get childcare or buy nice clothing, or even have transportation. You can schedule your work around your children’s schedules and create a very balanced life while earning a full-time living.

Elizabeth is a passionate home business owner that helps others to achieve their life goals of running a successful home. business. I am particular about stay at home moms who wish to transition into a mompreneur.

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