• Blogging,  Uncategorized

    How to choose the right affiliate marketing program

    What is affiliate marketing? it’s a word that may be new to a beginner Blogger, one who just started blogging or is about to start but to veterans, it’s not a new word, In fact, its a word that means earning income for Bloggers. Affiliate marketing is promoting other peoples products for a commission payment. Affiliate marketing can be a huge source of income for your blog if you have gained a following and people trust your advice or the services you offer. Just like you are likely to trust your medical doctor if he were to prescribe medication for you. Bloggers use affiliate marketing for making income from their…

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    Affiliate Networks that accept a Newbie Blogger

    Affiliate incomes are often the easiest way to start earning money on your Blog as a newbie blogger. This is because it is often about promoting other people’s products that you have used before, or you believe in. By promoting these products, you make money by getting a commission once you make a sale. This idea is used by many product creators to get people to market their products, It’s a win-win idea.  For some of the affiliates I mentioned in my checklist, you can make up to 60% of the products price as a commission when you make a sale. Affiliate marketing is one income avenue you can easily use…

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    How to Pay yourself as a stay at home mom

      There is a constant debate as to how much a stay at home mom should be paid for the work they do. while some feel it’s a personal choice to get off the career ladder and go take care of the home hence the government should not be burdened by whether they get paid or not. Others feel that the work that they do is a great job so they should be compensated adequately. Whichever side of the jury you belong to, here is one truth which every one of us must agree to, when a child is well raised, it’s a benefit not only to the parents that…

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    Power To Convince your Target market.

      Hello, thank you for keeping faith with this blog series: the mompreneur a home business owner with a difference, I do hope that you have been having a great time reading it. If you have missed the series, you can get it here. In the concluding part of this series, we will be talking about Power to convince.  The first thought that comes to mind when you think about the word convince will be; convince who? There are two key people that require conviction before you can succeed as a mompreneur   –Yourself: As a stay at home mom who wants to transition to a business person, you will definitely have self-doubts…