Power To Convince your Target market.


How to convince skeptics of your business idea
10 ways to convince people about your business idea

Hello, thank you for keeping faith with this blog series: the mompreneur a home business owner with a difference, I do hope that you have been having a great time reading it. If you have missed the series, you can get it here. In the concluding part of this series, we will be talking about Power to convince.

 The first thought that comes to mind when you think about the word convince will be; convince who? There are two key people that require conviction before you can succeed as a mompreneur

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Yourself: As a stay at home mom who wants to transition to a business person, you will definitely have self-doubts as to whether you can pull it off. The first person that needs to be convinced of your ability is yourself, your self-conviction will power your ability to convince others.

-Your target market: These are people who will buy into whatever idea you decide to build your business around. When you are able to convince these set of people you are well on your way to making sales.

The big question that will come to your mind will be; do I have what it takes to convince my target market? You unequivocally do, because that’s what you do every day at home. For instance you

-Convince your kids that you have their best interests at heart, therefore, you are making the right decision for them.

-Persuade your hubby to buy into an idea you want to execute so that you can all work together as a family.

-Convince your partners in executing a project to trust your ability to deliver when called to.

-If you have worked before, you had to convince your employer that you were the best person for the job.

With all these in place, you have what it takes, now let’s talk about ways to go about it.

10 Practical steps to build Conviction about your business Idea

-Show practical steps on how it works.

-Highlight the problems that your idea will solve

-Start by giving free trials to friends and family and ask them to share with their friends if they like it.

-Be willing to listen to sincere criticisms about it and use their constructive advice to improve on what you already have.

-Build followership based on your personal credibility as a person then begin selling products to your captive market. This is the type of strategy that affiliate marketers use all the time, it’s a proven technique that people will only buy from whom they trust.

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-Find a competitor product and compare the functionalities, highlighting what value that your idea brings that was not there before.

-Be excited about the prospect of starting a new venture, excitement often stems from passion and gives you the energy to keep going.

-Frame the idea you have from the perspective of the solution seeker.

-When your conviction is in place, it’s easy to sell your ideas, people can smell a phony from afar.

-Be bold enough to start with your closest friends, they will give your sincere advice that will pay off.

Thank you for keeping faith with this post series, I hope you have gotten meaningful ideas on why you qualify to become a mompreneur.

Today is the day for action, so start with taking a step towards realizing your dreams.


PS: Watch out for my next post, 10 Tips to make your home business effective, do not miss it.

Elizabeth is a passionate home business owner that helps others to achieve their life goals of running a successful home. business. I am particular about stay at home moms who wish to transition into a mompreneur.

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