6 things I have learned on my Journey to Motherhood

6 things I have learned on My Journey to MotherhoodNothing prepares you for motherhood, not even a thousand books. You will never know what’s it’s like until you hold that tiny bundle of love in your arms. The 14th of this month of May is  Mothers day celebration, while I have seen all kinds of write ups about what a mom wants on a Mother’s day, I even wrote mine out. But as I held my 4month old son Osinachi in my arms, I realized that my mother’s day list is not about what I want for that day but what I have learned on my Journey to motherhood.

I have 3 adorable kids, 2 boys and a girl that is so mischievous that sometimes I wonder what goes on in her head. Everyone of them is different yet they were born to the same parents. I can’t count the so many antics they have been through and perhaps much more to come. But one thing I will always cherish is the time I spend with them.

So in going through this Journey, here are 6 things I have learned on my Journey to Motherhood

You will always hold the Care of your Child foremost than anything: When you become a mother, it dawns on you that these precious kids depend on your for everything they will require to become functioning adults in life. You will want to do your best for them and no matter who quits on them you won’t because you are the best caregiver that your Baby will require. While others may help out once in a while, it’s you that understands them the best. I was going to travel last November, someone suggested that since I was pregnant, I should drop off my two older kids with my younger sister who was living in London. My Kids sister is the best mother you can ever think of, I see her as a superwoman,  how else can you be holding a baby in your arms and still manage to undertake a training that was hectic in other to change your career. Much as I know she will do her very best to take care of them. I still felt that she will not understand how to minister to their needs like I would. So I had no option but to take them along on my Journey. The key thing there is that no one will care for your child like you would.

Your Time is not your own: When you were single, there were days that you planned to have your Me time for yourself. Perhaps you didn’t pick phone calls that day or maybe you weren’t entertaining visitors, you just want to spend your Me time perhaps lounging at the beach. Not anymore when you become a mother, your time is not yours to spend. Yes, you may plan to have your me time, but at the cry of your lovely baby, you will suddenly abandon your choice me time to go attend to him. I don’t know how many dinners have been botched because baby became fussy or the Nanny called to say the baby is running a temperature.

All Night Sleep is a Mirage: If there is anything a mom longs for, it’s a time to sleep all night without someone waking you up in the middle of the night for one thing or the other. My daughter who is my middle kid was breastfed almost exclusively. Wao she loved to nurse. It was a battle to wean her off my breast. Even at that when she wants to sleep, you will find her hand wandering down to my breast just so she can sleep. After I weaned her at 14 months, I introduced a milk bottle for her night feedings so she wouldn’t miss the nightly nursing so much. My bad, she was still clinging to that night feeding way after I have had the third baby. My third baby will be nursing, my second Child will get up at 2 am to request her own bottle. My nights with the third baby were really tough. I was handling 3 kids that were between the ages of 0- 4years.  But then, it is the greatest thing that can happen to me, because I know when I prayed hard to hold my own baby.

Your body will not be the same again: Just some few days ago, I saw a picture I took 7 years ago, thanks to Facebook, you get to see memories that you have even forgotten about. So I saw this before I ever conceived picture, and  I was like I wish I could get to being like that again.  I have been battling to lose weight after each baby, but after two Lost pregnancies and 3 kids later, my body is not the same. The scars of birthing a child will always be there. The Tiger marks will always be there, the Breasts won’t have that bounce anymore and more importantly, I will struggle with the pregnancy pouch produced my expanding and compressing my skin every time I conceive and put to bed.

I am not complaining about these things,  I wear them as my badge of honor. A person who wins a prize always has something to show for it. So my prize tags are the pouch that I struggle to hold down with a Leonisa Postpartum Shapewear, the firm bra from Leonisa and most importantly, the constant use of skincare products to keep my skin firm and supple. I am a proud mama of 3 and won’t give it up for anything.

Your pay will be in Tiny Hugs and Loves given by your kids:   There is a constant debate on how much a stay at home mom should earn for staying at home and raising her kids, I understand the monetary aspect. Stay at home moms do a very tough work from calming recalcitrant kids to being pooped on or burped on or even urinated upon, to feeding hungry bellies and soothing a sick child. There is no compensation that can satiate what a mother does for her children. That’s why I say that while the monetary aspect is good, a more priceless payment is the tiny hugs and loves given to you by the ones who love you best, your children. You can’t replace the Love in your heart when you receive that love from them. That is what makes you feel compensated at the end of the day. Love never fails.

God will always give you the grace to be the best Mother you can Be: 

When you become a mother, you want to make the best decisions for your children, but because we are not perfect, we may sometimes make decisions that even though they were in good faith may turn out to be a disaster. This is where we need Gods help through the Holy Spirit our game changer to make such decision. God created our kids and knows what they were designed for, he will guide our decision so that we can help them enter into their perfect calling. He will give us the grace to be the best mother we can be to our children.

I know there are so many things I want for my Mothers day gift pack, but I do realize that the greatest gift of all has already been given to me. The gift of Motherhood and nothing can surpass that gift.

To enjoy your mothers day, click here to listen to this beautiful music by Celine Dion Here

P.s: This Post was recreated after I lost the initial one to hackers on Mothers day. Hope you enjoyed it.

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Elizabeth is a passionate home business owner that helps others to achieve their life goals of running a successful home. business. I am particular about stay at home moms who wish to transition into a mompreneur.

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