Resume Writing Business

How to Start a Resume Writing Business

According to the US Bureau of labor and statistics, there were 6.6 million people looking for jobs as of May 2021.

Every one of those who are looking for a job needs a resume, this means that you have a market of about 6.6 million people available for you to play in.

This is the US alone, all around the world, there are hundreds of millions of people searching for jobs. They need a clean and well-written resume to get employed. This is a huge business opportunity.

A resume writing business is a type of online business that gives you the opportunity to use your writing skills to help job seekers write their resume or CV.

If you have ever looked for a job before, everyone at some point in their lives has looked for a job, you know the importance of having a good resume.

Your resume is the first contact a potential employer has with you, so it is your best foot forward.

If it’s a bad one, you will not get in the door, that is why most people will pay someone to write a good CV or resume for them.

Are you a stay-at-home mom looking for a home business to help support yourself at home? starting a resume writing business may just be the thing for you

You may ask how do I start a resume writing business? what is required? what skills do I need to have?

Follow me closely as I lay it down step by step, I will also share with you some experience I have from this business.

Are you ready to learn?

Before we go on, I will like to ask you, have you ever started a proper home business before?

If you have not, then this is the right time to take my free 5 days course on how to start a home business.

It will do you a world of good as it will guide you to actually take the steps I will outline below to start your own online resume wrting business.

Fill in your details below to start the course

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A 5-days free email course on how to find your business idea and get your customers.

Now that you have signed up, you are ready to go.

Steps to starting a resume writing business


Skill is the ability to deliver the job you are called to do.

To start a resume writing business, you need to have the ability to write a clean copy of a CV that flows, grammatically error-free, and convincing to the reader.

Anyone that is literate can write but not everyone has a writing skill.

So, if you want to start a resume writing business you must have a skill for crafting a resume that clearly outlines a user’s job, achievements, education, and career desire.

A resume is a sensitive document for the owner and must portray what the owner wants to convey to the employer.

Your ability to successfully convey that message for each resume you write is what makes you a good resume writer.

So if you want to acquire the skills to start your resume writing business, here are the steps to follow

a. Training

Most people that want to start this business often start by training themselves via a course. You can get a resume writing course on Udemy for about 12 dollars.

A god resume writing course will equip you with necessary skill you need to write a good resume and cover letter. Proficiency will come with continuous practice.

You can also get a free course on Coursera.

For some people, the skill comes naturally to them because they have spent some years in the Human resource industry.

For example, I have worked in the human resource industry for over 10 years, so I know what employers are looking for in a resume.

That is why I set up a Resume writing service as an income stream on this blog.

b. Get Certified

Want to give more credibility to your business, you need to get certified. People will trust a certified resume writer to write their resumes or Cv .

This is because they believe that before you got that certification you must have passed through some rigorous tests that make you a good resume writer.

The next question will be how to get certified as a resume writer?

Let us answer the question quickly.

There are various organizations that certify resume writers, you can register with any one of them to get certified . Here are some of them

Other skills you may need to get your business going, includes

  • Customer relationship management skills
  • Business development skills
  • Online business marketing skills
  • Networking skills

Once your skill is in place and you have gotten your certification sorted out or perhaps you are working on it, it is time to write your resume writing business plan.

2.Resume writing business plan

A resume writing business plan, enables you to create your business on paper before you start spending any dime.

It is a working document for starting your business on the right foot.

It is a must-have document for you if you want to start any business.

This is because it helps you to fully create a business and understand how to ensure that your business can really thrive and become what you dreamed of.

To create a resume writing business plan, you will need a resume writing business planner.

I have taken the time to create a start-up pack for you, to make it easy for you to start a resume writing business.

What is in this resume writing business start-up pack

37- Planner sheets: For planning your resume writing business. These planner sheets help you define a niche for your business, identify your ideal customers, create a mission and vision for your business.

It also enables you to create an operational strategy for your business and a final content marketing plan for your resume writing business.

Execution list: Once your plan is ready, you have a daily to-do list sheet that enables you to itemize all the activities that you can do to bring your business idea to life in 12days. This execution list has a 10 step plan for getting your business up and going

Pre-made excel sheet: This sheet helps you to build a financial forecast for your plan business for your business, contains a profit and loss plan, Cashflow outline, and start-up cost. ( All pre-made, just add your own numbers and get your results)

Content marketing checklist: This is a proven guideline for creating a content strategy for marketing your business online.

Product launch: Once you are done building your resume writing business, this template gives you a guide to launching your business online.

Resume Writing Business Plan

To get this start up pack, tap below

3.Create a website

The easiest option to get your business known to the world is to set up an online website for your business.

Your business website is where you get to outline what you will be offering for sale.

It is also a place where you get to showcase your samples and what you can do for the person who wants your services.

So, basically you are marketing your services there and it is your online office.

So how do you set up your business website? here are the steps to follow

Get a domain name

A domain name is a business name that you use online to secure your uniqueness, this means no one else online can use that name.

Domain names can be purchased from domain name sellers or often comes as a package with your hosting provider.

When you want to choose your domain name online make sure that it has the following characteristics.

Available on .com basis, not .org or .net

Pronounceable– This means that it can be easily pronounced

Niched- Yes in this case you are writing resumes’s so it will help your SEO by including either CV or resume in your business domain name.

Examples of such businesses online

Get a hosting plan

A hosting plan gives you the space to host your website online and serves it to those looking for it.

A hosting provider often offers either monthly or annual subscriptions that enable you to host your website.

A good hosting plan provider should have the following characteristics

  • Be affordable
  • Be up 99.9% of the time- Very few downtimes
  • Good customer service in case your website has issues

If you are looking for a hosting provider that meets all these specifications, here is one you should not miss

Ipage- They offer the following

  • 37 dollars hosting payment for the first year of business
  • -Free domain name
  • Free SSL certificate- A security certificate required by Google before people can trust your website
  • Free domain email- You can set up any number of business emails you like without issues

Tap the button below if you want to get your hosting from Ipage.

Ipage hosting

Build your website

Once you have sorted out the domain name and hosting plan, it is time to build your business website.

You can choose to do this by yourself or you can outsource it

If you want to build a simple website for your resume writing business online, I have created a course that will guide you to build your website from scratch to completion without help from anyone.

The course was built with a simple intent to help new business people like you that have never builot a site to build one.

Tap below to get the course.

How to build a wordpress site

4.Create service packages

Once your website is ready, it is time to create your service pages or service offerings

This is the place you get to tell your customers or clients what to expect from you.

What kind of services can you offer on your business website and how do you make money with resume writing?

How to make money with resume writing

Resume and cover letter writing: Write resume’s and cover letters for clients.

LinkedIn page Creation and write up: Create keyword optimized LinkedIn page for clients

Statement of purpose write-up– For students who are looking for university admission

Interview prepping : Creating booking slots to prepare interview goers and help them to know what to expect from the interview process

One-page career website building– If you built your own website, you should be able to do this for others.

Freelance resume writer– You can apply to work as a freelance resume writer for other big resume writing companies

Resume writing Coaching class: You can add this service when you have become proficient in what you do.

Is resume writing business profitable?

A resume writing business is a profitable business because it is a demand-driven niche. This means that there is always a demand for resume writing services.

Why is this so? because all through the year, people change jobs, fresh graduates come into the workforce.

A recession can drive business demand, because of the scarcity of jobs, people want to make sure they do everything possible to get a job. Of course, this starts with having a good resume.

To let you know how profitable this business is let us take a cue from how much resume writers earn

How much does a resume writer earn per year?

According to Zip recruiter, the average salary of a resume writer is about $42,745 per year. Top earners get as much as $77,000 per year.

As a business owner, you can make much more than a resume writer salary earner.

Why is this so? Because while the employee has a fixed revenue stream, you have multiple income streams that can bring you money each month.

The average price you can charge a customer for resume writing alone is between $100 to $400.

If you choose a mid range price of about $200 per resume, you will need about 10 CV’s per month to make $2,000.

If you add other income streams as mentioned above, you can hit a $5000 income per month.

If you have a coaching class or a course, you can charge more, thereby increasing your income.

5.Market your resume writing business

To market your resume writing services you have to understand how to attract your clients to your business.

This is because it is marketing that will enable you to truly make money from your business

Here are ways that you can market your business

Advertisements: You can advertise your resume writing business via social media platforms like FacebookAds, Instagram Ads, Pinterest Ads.

Social media: Create social media pages for your business on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest.

Blogging: You can blog about your services, to help educate your clients about why they need your services. I wrote a post on how to blog for your small business

Email marketing: You can cultivate an email marketing list for your business, this will help you to continually sell your services. Email list building is a powerful means of cultivating a continuous line of customers. I wrote a post on how to use email marketing for your business.

Referrals: This is a word-of-mouth referral from people you have worked for before. people that enjoyed your services will always refer you to other people.

Testimonials & Reviews: This is a form of marketing because when people want to buy a service from any business online, they often look for testimonials and reviews. Most times, decisions are made from reading such reviews and testimonials.

Equipment you need

  • Laptop computer
  • Internet
  • Printer.
  • Secure writing space
  • Chair and table

How much does it cost to start a resume writing business

This is a low cost business becsue it requires just your writing skills

Let us do a little breakdown Here

  • Hosting plan: $37
  • Website building; $42.5
  • Resume writing course: $12 or free
  • Marketing: $50

Total cost: $141.5

Anyone with a love for writing can start a resume writing business online, it requires minimal setup cost and can yield returns as long as you understand how to market your business.

To start your resume writing business immediately, grab the start up pack hee

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Elizabeth is a passionate home business owner that helps others to achieve their life goals of running a successful home. business. I am particular about stay at home moms who wish to transition into a mompreneur.

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