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How to start email marketing business

Do you know the value of an email? what is the power of email and what exactly is email marketing?

In today’s post, I will teach you how to start an email marketing business and run it full-time.

According to statistics from, there are 4.17 billion emails in the world.

Let that sink in, this means that there are about half of the world’s population’s worth of emails in the world.

This means that there are 4.174 billion emails that are waiting to hear from you.

These emails represent an opportunity to tell people about your business and get them to buy from you.

But before I get into all that, I want to ask you, do you want to start a home business?

Because you see, asking what is email marketing will make no sense if you are not starting a home business

I am sure that you have an email address, since you have had that email, what has it brought for you in terms of dollars and cents.

This article is not just to tell you why it is important that you have an email, no, it is to teach you how you can use email marketing expertise to make money for yourself.

So let’s get back to the first question, do you want to start a home business?

If your answer is yes, then I might as well ask you if you have learned how to start one?

If the answer is not so clear to you, then you need to get in on my course that teaches newbies like you how to start a home business.

My 5 days free course will take you from defining your business idea to the place where you create your first product ready to sell.

Are you ready to learn how to start a home business right away?

Sign up on this form below.

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Now that you have signed up, I am ready to teach you how to start an email marketing business.

Before we go ahead though, I have to define to you what email marketing

How to start email marketing business. Learn how to leverage the power of emails to create a business

So what is email marketing?

Email marketing is the series of activities that you engage in, in order to get across to your customers and convince them to buy from you.

These activities are usually within the confine of emails, this means that your selling and attraction of customers is based on emails that you send to them.

The letters or emails often sent to customers are called sales campaigns.

Before we go on to teach you how to build an online business that is based on emails alone, let’s look at some salient statistics from

According to, the following statistics hold true- Email marketing is ranked as the second most effective medium for growing brand awareness.

Although email marketing forms part of the overall marketing strategies of most businesses and organizations, it can stand on its own as a business and be used to market any product.

So when you want to learn how to start an email marketing business, please know that the same knowledge applies to a small business owner who wants to learn email marketing for a small business.

This post however is written from the point of view of someone who wants to start an email marketing business.

Are you ready? Let’s go

Steps to starting email marketing business online

1 Find a Niche

If there is anything that defines how well a business will do, it is your ability to nail down a business niche that you want to play in.

A business niche is a secluded group of people that you want to meet their needs.

Nailing down a niche for your online business will help you to define your marketing strategy and hence save you a lot of stress.

To define a niche for your business you must be ready to answer the following questions about the business you want to build

  • What are you selling?
  • Who are you selling to?
  • Where do they stay online?
  • What are their problems?
  • How does your solution meet those needs?
  • How much do they earn and can they afford your price?

If you noticed, I have asked some salient questions that anyone who wants to start a business must answer before they start out.

This is because answering those questions will help you determine if you really should be in business or not.

These questions also help you to define your buyer persona- That is a fictitious person that will be buying from you.

Now that we are done with defining our niche it is time to get to the next step.

I am sure you are saying where does email marketing come in?

Do not worry, we will answer that question later, but first, we must determine how to move from getting a business niche to knowing what we should do next.

2.What products do I want to sell?

This is where you define what you want to sell to your customers, you see your emails actually represent the customers who are willing to buy from you.

This means that they are there because they believed in you enough to want to hear from you.

Your email list subscribers, therefore, expect that you will sell something to them. They may not say that explicitly but that is what they are there for.

So as a business person, you must define what you want to sell.

Your products determine what kinds of emails you will send and where you will get customers that are willing to pay you.

So for example, you may set up an email marketing business that is designed to sell affiliate products.

This means that you are not the one making the products but you are recommending it to your email subscribers. You make a commission when customers use your link to buy the product.

Your recommendation is based on having used it or experienced it, most people will trust your recommendation when you can tell them exactly why you are recommending a product.

So, for example, if your email marketing business is based on affiliate products, you must also determine what type of product that you can sell

Affiliate Niches could be

Digital products e.g software, courses, books, memberships, services, tools, etc

Physical Products – This can also be subdivided into niches or examples Food and Beverages, Apparel, Mother and baby niches, household appliances, work tools, personal grooming, pets.

Services: E.g A car detailer can offer you an affiliate code to help market its car detailing service to potential customers.

This is where your ability to clearly define your niche will help you to know where to focus.

3.Choose an email marketing software

An email marketing software is designed to enable you to send out bulk emails to your subscribers at once.

This means that even if you have 10,000 subscribers, your email will hit their inbox at the same time.

Your ability to send this email to all these people at once without having to send it one after another is what makes email marketing software super powerful.

It is the one function of email marketing software that separates it into a class of its own.

Now you may ask how do I know what to look out for when I want to choose an email marketing software?

Characteristics of email marketing software

✔Should be able to handle a large number of emails

✔Allows automation of processes- this enables a hands-off approach in email marketing

✔Should contain detailed email subscriber analytics so you can measure your progress

✔Should detect fake emails and be able to weed them out

✔Integrates with most platforms that require email embedment

✔Ease of use: Should be easy to set up and use

Popular types of Email software

Sendpulse- I have used this and can attest to its flexibility and ease of use, suitable for small business start-ups, and allows you to use it free for the first 2500 contacts before you start paying. Sign up Here

Mailchimp- also recommended because of its popularity, it has a small, learning curve and is popular amongst small business start-ups

Sendlane- Can be considered in the premium range but it is also a great option

These are email software that I have used before, but there are others that I will list below

  • Mailjet
  • Mailerlite
  • Sendinblue
  • Hubspot
  • Covertkit

Now that you know what type of email software you want to use, let us get to the next step on how to start an email marketing business.

4.Build your website

You need a website to be able to create your business offerings. Even though your business is about email marketing, you still need an online presence to let people understand what you do online.

When people give you their emails they need to be nurtured before they will be ready to buy from you. That nurturing comes in form of continuous education which can be in the forms of emails, blogs, articles, reviews, etc.

Your website is also a platform that enables your subscribers to learn more about you and know where to find you online.

Email marketing software is used for marketing the products that you want people to buy, but before customers can buy, they often want to learn more about who you are.

They want to understand what your business is about and be assured that should they have issues, they can come back and find solutions from you.

That is why you need an online presence that enables them to learn more about you.

So for example, if you are an affiliate marketer, you can write reviews about the products you market, these reviews will help to convince people to buy the products you are selling.

Your website will also enable you to host your email collection forms too.

Your website will also help you to attract customers even while you sleep, something your email software will not do except you are constantly advertising.

If you want to build your website, I have already made it easy for you by creating a course that will enable you to build your website online by yourself.

You see if you want to learn how to start an email marketing business you need to know how to build your online platform and integrate it with your email marketing software. They both work together to deliver your business goals.

Even if you have never built a website before, my course makes it easy for your to watch and implement until you have a full-standing website in less than one week.

To learn how to build your website, tap the button below to get our WordPress Without Tears Course

WordPress Without Tears Course

WordPress is the platform that allows you to design your website, it is a very versatile platform and powers about 14.7% of the worlds’ websites.

When I started blogging I did not know anything about building websites, but learning WordPress helped me to build a website that I use now.

I have really enjoyed using it and I know you will too. It has a bit of a learning curve that is why people shy away from it.

My Vidoe course is designed to simplify the many issues you would have had if you decided to design your website, it is like a shortcut that will make it easier for your to build your website.

Tap the button above to get the course.

5.Gather your contacts

Without email subscribers, you will have no business in the first place because it is your email subscribers that are your customers.

So the next step you should take if you want to learn how to start an email marketing business is to gather email subscribers.

This is usually the first step that people who want to start an email marketing business jump at. Even though it looks like the ideal thing to do, it is not right

Why? Because having 10,000 people who do not belong to your niche means you have a full email list with no buying power.

That is why identifying your niche is the fust step to starting your email marketing business.

A group of people interested in buying online software tools that help small business people to automate their business will not be interested in buying the next best pressure cooker from you even though they trust you with software.

So it is important that you first identify your niche and know your product before you start gathering your subscribers.

The quality of your email subscribers is what determines how much you will make as a business owner.

So now let us answer the question, how do small businesses set up their email marketing?

How to set up your email marketing software

Purchase email marketing software subscription

This is the first step to setting up your email marketing. You first sign up to the email marketing software and you will usually be required to provide them with an email address, a website, and also a phone number. Once that is done, you are ready to start collecting emails.

Create a signup form

This is a form that is usually provided by the email marketing software, it is a one-page form that can be customized to suit your brand color. It has options for inserting email, name, and phone number as you require.

Create a lead magnet.

A lead magnet is a digital product that solves a particular problem for your ideal customer. It is given in exchange for the email address of the person getting it. It is usually free and often digital.

Create an automation

An automaton series is an email that you set up in advance to get to your subscriber’s inbox once they sign up to your email list, it usually contains a welcome message and the lead magnet promised.

Share lead magnet

Here you get to share your lead magnet with the intent to gather email subscribers for your business. Because you already understand your niche, you know what platforms to share your lead magnet on.

Places you can share your lead magnet include

  • Your website
  • Adverts on social media: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest
  • Personal contacts- Send to your personal contacts that fit with your niche
  • Forums: Share in forums that fit your niche

If you are a small business owner that wants to do email marketing for your business but you do not want to spend time implementing all that I have mentioned above, I can help you by providing email marketing service for your small business.

I provide these services as an outsourcing project for small businesses who want to implement and get quick results without having to hire and in-house staff or do it themselves.

My email service includes the following

  • Email set up and integration
  • Sales campaign creation
  • Email marketing strategy creation
  • Sales funnel build
  • Newsletter ( single weekly write-ups)
  • Automated lead generation and lead nurturing creation
Black Friday Deals

This service is part of my small business portfolio that I provide for small businesses that need help.

To book my email marketing services, tap the button below

6.Design a marketing plan

Now that you are through with setting up your email marketing route, it is time to design an email marketing plan for your business.

An email marketing plan is well-defined steps you need to take to get your customer from the point of interest to the point of considering and to the final point where a purchase is made.

An email marketing plan needs to be strategic and laser-focused to enable your to achieve your goals.

Without a well-defined email marketing plan, you will not make much money because you will not have an end goal in mind.

Remember that as an email marketing business owner you are there to make money for your business to thrive.

This involves creating an email marketing plan that is designed to help your new subscriber understand your business and also to nurture and educate them enough to the point where they buy the products you are recommending.(whether they are yours or an affiliate product)

So, to enable you to create a marketing plan for your business that will help you to make money, I have designed an email marketing Planner that will make it easy for you to start your email marketing.

This planner is designed to guide you to create an email marketing strategy for your small business.

It is targeted at helping you to build a clear marketing strategy plan for your business that will enable you to make money.

It contains the following sections


To get this planner, tap the button below

Email marketing Plan

Building an email marketing business involves understanding your target market and building marketing plans that convert your subscribers to loyal customers

Email marketing is an essential part of marketing strategy for all kinds of business owners both big and small.

The bigger and more quality your email list is, the more money you will make.

Do you want to get posts like this sent to your inbox when we create new posts? drop your email.

Elizabeth is a passionate home business owner that helps others to achieve their life goals of running a successful home. business. I am particular about stay at home moms who wish to transition into a mompreneur.

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