Small business blogging: How to use it to promote your business

Small business blogging has been proven to be a strategic way to promote your business online.

Statistics prove that 55% of websites that have a blog attract more visitors than those who do not.

Want to learn more about how it can help your business? let’s dive in.

When you are a small business owner, the uppermost thing on your mind is how to get your small business across to as many buyers as you can find.

There are many ways you can promote your business online, but small business blogging is one sure way that has long-term rewards.

Small business blogging is sharing mostly written content that contains information about your business niche for free.

It is creating information that is designed to promote your small business online.

You offer free information to attract your audience, this keeps them engaged enough to learn about the solution that your product offers.

Small business blogging is not the same as a blogging business.

What is the difference? small business blogging is for those who already have a small business and want to use blogging to promote that small business.

Blogging as a business is when you create a blog solely to talk about and create content on a particular niche. You monetize that blog by creating products that support and offer solutions to problems in that niche.

Blogging has revolutionized the way information is shared and has been responsible for more than 55% of traffic flow to most small business websites.

If you are a small business owner and you are yet to have a small business blog you are leaving a lot of money on the table.

Blogging statistics prove that small businesses that do not blog in these times that most marketing has gone digital are really not maximizing their potential for reaching their customers.

You may wonder, what is the advantage of small business blogging and do blogs help small businessess?

Let me outlay some advantages of small business blogging

Want to learn how to use small business blogging to promote your business online? Read this.

Advantages of small business blogging to your small business

1.Attracts your Ideal Client

A blog post written with the intent to solve your ideal client’s problems or answer a burning question for your client base will help you attract not just anyone online but the ideal client that your business is to serve.

This saves you wasted efforts and attracts clients that are likely to buy from you. People only read what interests them.

2. Boosts SEO

SEO means search engine optimization. When your small business has a blog, it has what we call searchable information that enables Google to bring up your business website when such information is needed.

Without a blog, your business website will likely not rank on the first page of Google because it will contain only static pages with stale information.

Blogging for your small business helps you to keep putting out fresh information which keeps your business relevant and continuously updated.

3.Creates Sharable Content

One blog post written can be shared on various social media platforms which then attracts traffic to your business.

A blog post created can be shared on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest. These are all platforms that have an online population that can drive traffic to your business.

4.Top Marketing Strategy

53% of marketers say that blogging is part of their top marketing strategy. This means that for you as a small business owner, having a blog should be part of your content marketing strategy.

5.Long standing benefit

Blog posts written today and continuously updated can keep bringing you traffic for years to come, long after your Facebook and Instagram posts are forgotten.

This is why it is called searchable content, it has long-term value and can be consulted at any time long after it was written.

Blogging is about creating information and as long as you have the correct information you will attract readers and buyers.

6.Lead generation

Companies that have blogs generate 67% more leads in their business more than those that do not. Leads are the lifeblood of a business. when you have quality leads, you will have a thriving business because you have people to sell to.


According to Hubspot, businesses that blog receive 55% more visitors than other businesses. Traffic is the lifeblood of any business online. Without traffic, your small business will not grow.

Small business blogging actually increases your traffic and hence gives new people the opportunity to see your business.

Now that you know what you stand with why you need to do small business blogging, let us answer the question.

How do you add a Blog to your small business website?

How to Add a Blog to your Website

Most small business websites now are built with a blogging platfrom attached.

This is because website designers are realizing the importance of blogging to small businesses.

If your small business website is built on any of these platforms, it has a blogging platform attached. You just need to activate it.

If your website is not built on any of these platforms you can ask your website builder to add a blogging platform or to make one available to your business. A blogging platform allows you to create blog posts for your small business

Once you are done creating a blogging platform for your small business bliogging, it is time to create blog posts for your small business.

How to create blog posts for your small business

✔Identify your business niche problems

✔Create topics around those problems

✔Create blogposts with that topic and offer solutions and answers via your blog posts

✔Insert your small business products or service as the solution to your audience issues

✔Add a email lead magnet for capturing your website visitors,

✔Create blog post consistently every week for your small business

If you find that creating blogposts for your business is burdensome for you as a small busines, you can outsource that aspect.

As part of this Blog services, I offer the following services

small business services

👉Small business blogging services

👉Email set up and writing

👉Blogging strategy service with SEO capability that is designed to get your posts to rank on the first page of Google.

👉Blogpost optimization based on proven SEO principles that will attract quality leads to your business.

If you want to purchase my blogging service , simply tap the button below

or send me an email, using the form attached, I will reply and we can arrange a consultative meeting to proceed.

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Now that you are through with creating your blog posts, how do you promote your business through your blog posts?

How to use small business blogging to promote your business.

1.Post On Pinterest.

Create a Pin with a catchy title and post it on Pinterest, always create fresh pins for that post every week.

Pinterest acts like a Google search engine and can attract real customers that are ready to buy. Pinterest has about a 478Million active users.

2.Youtube/ Tiktok

Turn your post into a video by summarizing the key points and post it on Youtube. Youtube is a major traffic driver to websites and the content is searchable meaning that if you optimize it well, people can search and watch the video long after it was created.

3.Share on Facebook & Twitter

Post your blog posts on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, if you have a good following on these platforms, people will click back and read your post. This will bring your business fresh traffic.

4.Create an infographic

An infographic is a short summary of your blog posts with graphics included to make a blog post digestible. People often save infographics because it is easy to remember and use the key points. Infographics can be shared on the platforms I mentioned above.

5.Share with your email list

Your email list subscribers are a group of loyal fans who are willing to continue to follow your business. Sharing your blog post with them is a way to promote your business and nurture them until they are ready to buy.


You can also advertise your blog post on Facebook by offering maybe a lead magnet along with your post to attract readers.


Small business blogging is a proven way to promote your small business mostly for free online, this will only work though if you are willing to put in the work.

Small businesses often choose to bypass blogging for their small businesses because blogging takes time and can take away the time they want to allot to other aspects of managing their business.

As a small business owner myself, I often advise that outsourcing a part of your business operations is key to maximizing your business resources.

A small business owner can outsource their blog creation and email writing services to a competent blogger who will create such content on an agreed basis. This saves the owner time that could have been spent in creating such posts.

An average blog post takes about 3.5 hours to create, the amount of time can be used for other aspects of the business that the owner really enjoys.

Want to start your small business blogging to day, I can help you

Consult me by sending an email or simply ordering a blog post package from my service portal.

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Elizabeth is a passionate home business owner that helps others to achieve their life goals of running a successful home. business. I am particular about stay at home moms who wish to transition into a mompreneur.

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