Income report, how I earned $219.74 from Blogging

Income report on how I made money from blogging.

Its been a while when I last blogged here, that’s because yours truly has been very busy creating a new course, more on that later.

Today I feel like doing a jig dance because I am writing my first income report.
I had almost given up on this blog as I kept having issues with making some money from it.

You see while people may blog for fun, its also a business, like every other business it has to sustain itself to become a real business.

I may not be one to write income reports, I had some income last year but I did not write about it here.

But  I felt that I needed to put this income report down to enable some people to get encouraged.

For quite some time, this blog has not been able to make some money.

I  struggled with getting to my real audience, but that has started to change slowly.

Believe it or not, people are recognizing this blog and I am beginning to earn some money from my blogging.

That’s why I decided to share my income report.

In this report, I will share with you how I have made money in the past 3 months, call it a quarterly report and you will not be far from it.

One of the posts I wrote sometime last year on how to start a printables business has been on the first page of Google for some time right now, see picture below.

This post has brought me a steady stream of readers and hence pushed my blog into the light.

It prompted me to create the newbie printables course which led to more people visiting my blog

This course just finished its beta testing phase and the feedback has been wow,

Hear what one beta tester had to say:

I really enjoyed the section on finding your niche. I’ve been struggling to decide which type of printables I’d like to sell and this information helped to give me clarity.

I believe it was on the power of this exposure that I have earned some income from this blog.

If you want a preview of the course please click below.

Newbie Printables course

Now on to my income Report

September- Affiliate commission from viglink- 24.99

viglink is a very versatile affiliate company that helps you to link your posts to various affiliate possibilities and when people make a purchase from that link, you get paid.

Sign up with viglink.

October-Freelance writing- 128.00

November- Sponsored posts- 66.75

Total earnings: 219.74

My Sponsored posts came from Getblogged a firm that helps bloggers earn money from their work by making posts for them.

If you had like to earn from Getblogged please sign up here

Some earnings were from someone who reached out to me to do a sponsored post for them.

I know this may seem small for some people but for me, it’s a huge win.

I am sincerely grateful to God for the opportunity to earn from this blog albeit the challenges.

So now that we are getting out of the waters of not earning what are my plans for the coming year?

I will share this in subsequent posts.

What I learned about Blogging

Having shared with you how my income report

I want to use this medium to encourage anyone who has been blogging not to give up on what you are doing.

sometimes it may seem like it will never work but you got to keep on.

At least my income report should encourage you that things can change for you if it did for me.

When you see and hear as others are earning thousands of dollars from their blog you may wonder when it will be your turn.

Well, I have got good news for you, it may not start with thousands as you had hoped.

But if you will stay with it and continue to tweak your business model.

Seek new avenues of expanding your blog and more importantly pray for divine ideas, you will get there.

I cannot say that I could have gotten here if I had not followed some divine promptings of the Holy Spirit about this blog.

In fact, sometimes I have ignored those promptings, thinking it was just not working out for me.

But today as I see results in what I am doing, I return here to give him all the glory.

Because he said that he is the one that gives us the power to get wealth so that his covenant will be established(Deuteronomy 8:18)

I am seeing that manifest in my blog.

So part of my plans for next year will be to pray out Gods will for this blog and to sincerely follow his plan for it.

So here is what I have learned about blogging that will always help you.

Be consistent in your blogging:

I can’t say I have stuck to this because sometimes I have not kept up my posting schedule even to my email list.

I am sorry about that, I will be much more consistent now.

The consistency pays in driving traffic to your blog.

Automation is key:

I have used automation especially for my Pinterest and I have seen the difference.

Tailwind makes a huge difference to your pinning efforts which automatically impacts your traffic.

I have been in that place where my Pinterest views rose to about 58k views per month and I was so ecstatic.

But then it began to drop, and before I knew it, my Tailwind subscription expired.

Because  I did not renew my subscription, It just tanked.

Until I met a mentor through my facebook group who advised me to sign up for the monthly option.

I listened to her and signed up and it began to grow again, never take Tailwind for a joke, it’s powerful.

Sign up for a tailwind account click here, the beautiful thing is that you get a free 100 pins to use for the trial period.

You can also join my tribe on Tailwind for free.

it’s really growing fast, every day I get requests to join my tribe.

Tribes provide awesome traffic because they help to share your pins too.

Tailwind has also done some improvements which are quite helpful.

You can now get schedule some of your traffic generating pins for like 3 months ahead.

My  Facebook group mentor helped me by advising me on what to do.

So I  implemented her ideas, and to be frank, it has worked for me.

So I am thankful to that Facebook group for the opportunities they have given me.
Facebook group is a place to meet like-minded people.

They are people who are on the same journey with you and will like to help you out.

To join my own group please click here.

Amongst the beta testers that I met were people who came from a special group I joined, the work at home mompreneurs

They have a platform where mompreneurs can share their businesses with others, to join that group please signup here.

Open your mind to new opportunities for earning from your blog.

You see, not every form of blogging income avenue will work for you.

For instance, everyone will like to earn through affiliate commissions.

But it does not always work out because affiliate commission demands that you have good traffic for it to make sense.

For someone like me, my traffic is not that huge, thanks to my lack of Tailwind

So my affiliate commissions come in once in a while.

While listening to Elna Cain in a Facebook group she runs she spoke about using freelance writing to make money from our blogs.

I acted on what she said and started to apply to different online forums for freelance writing gigs.

That effort is what bought in the income you see above, and I am going to build on that.

This is just to show you that you can’t afford not to be part of a group.

Sign up to my group here.

I am going to say that I am ending this year in a bang and I am grateful.

Yours truly created her first course and received great reviews from the beta testers.

I will write about how it all happened in my next post.

If you want to take this course, its now going for 39.99USD.

Please click the link below to take a look at the preview of the course, the first lesson is free.

Newbie Printables course

Did you like what you read on this post, please comment below and also sign up on my VIP list to get more info?

Elizabeth is a passionate home business owner that helps others to achieve their life goals of running a successful home. business. I am particular about stay at home moms who wish to transition into a mompreneur.

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