Newbie Printables Business Course

5 digital Printables Products that are not planners

Digital printables products have a lot of varieties that are available. When you talk about printables, people’s minds immediately go to planners.

Planners are great but they are not the only digital printables products that you can make.

So If you do not like making planners, be rest assured that there is room for you to start a digital printables business.

Digital printables products can be made according to seasons.

I wrote an extensive post on 3 ways to get inspiration for your products. You can read it by clicking the highlighted portion of this sentence.

Before I move forward with this post, let me tell you how I started making printables products.

My first encounter with printables started with a post I wrote on the ultimate guide to starting a printables business.

When I wrote that post, I wanted to help people who had no idea what a printables are to understand how they can turn this simple idea into a passive income business.

That post is ranking on the first page of Google today.

It is the most resourceful post on how to start a printables business.

Since then, I have created a course called Newbie Printables Business Course.

Newbie Printables Business Course
Newbie Printables Course Version 1

This is to help newcomers who may not know what digital printables products are to understand how to create one using simple software.

My course was so successful, a lot of people were still yearning for more.

I created that mini-course as a teaser, but due to popular demand, a full version 2 of the course has been launched.

If you are someone looking for extra means of income, you can learn how to start a printables business by taking my course.

It was deliberately called the Newbie Printables Business Course because I want you to get the opportunity to start this simple but good money-making business.

You can sign up for the bundle course here

Newbie Printables Business Course Bundle

Sign up for the Newbie Printables Business Course Version 1

The first part of this course I created is called Version 1, while the new one set to launch in January is Version 2.

Version 1 of this course is free if you pay for Version 2 before I launch in January.

Let’s get back to the topic, here are 5 digital printables products you can make that are not planners.

Top 5 Digital Printables Products that are not planners.

Gift Tags

Gift tags are little cut out attachments that come with wrapped gifts.

In this season where people are giving out a lot of gifts.

Gift tag makers are currently making a kill making digital printable gift tags that you can print out of the internet and cut out for your gifts.

Gift tags can be customized to suit whatever season we are in.

It can also be personalized hence making it a suitable gift for a particular person.

They add beauty to a present and make it touche.

They can be made in a set.

So instead of just making gift tags, you can add gift notes, favor tags and even small simple thank you notes to the set.

Gift tags accompany different accessories like wines, luggage, weddings, and even birthday gifts.

They make your gifts stand out and look different.

Wedding Digital Printables Products

Weddings have a lot of accessories that come with it.

Making wedding digital printables is a very lucrative venture.

This is because printables products make it easy for couples to order their own personalized wedding stationery at a cheaper rate.

Examples of wedding digital printables products could be gift cards, wedding invitations, bachelorette party games, menu cards and thank you notes.

Wedding digital printables are quite versatile and can be sold throughout the year.

Print on demand

Print on demand is an offshoot of printables business which people often ignore.

Printables designs can be uploaded to software and printed on t-shirts, hats, bags, and other wearable materials.

There are many print-on-demand providers, some of which include Printful, Printivo, etc

They make starting a print on demand business quite easy, as you could leverage on their platform and create a lot of products for your business.

Personalized stationery

Personalized stationery is used by businesses when writing letters and other business articles that require physical printing.

You can create personalized stationery for businesses as a digital printables business.

Examples of Personalized stationery that you can create include notepads, company branded notebooks, wallpapers, stickers, post-it notes, calendars, etc.

Business Templates

Businesses use a lot of templates.

Small business owners often look for templates to adopt in other to quickly deliver their services.

You can make printable templates for businesses such as marketing templates, pitching templates, product launch templates, and email templates.

As long as these templates add value to the small business owner, you are sure of making sales.


The digital printables product creation is a versatile business that anyone can start.

A lot of people think they need special design skills to start making printables to sell.

But, it is not so, because I have found a way to simplify the product creation process.

Anyone with the ability to click and drag a mouse and no design skills can take my course and start a printables business.

I created a mini-course in 2018, I got a huge response to that course.

This prompted me to start creating the second course, people who took the first course yearned for more.

The second version of that course is set to launch in January 2020.

Here is a video of what to expect in Version 2 of the course.

To be part of the people who will get the first launch prize, click the picture below.

Newbie Printables Business Course Bundle

Version 1 of the course prepares you primarily to learn how to design the printables if you have zero skills here is the outline for version 2

Version 2 teaches you the following

How to develop your Printables product idea and market test it.

How to set up a marketing strategy for your printables business, set it on autopilot to make sales.

How to set up your online shop

Basics SEO tactics you can apply to your online store

Email marketing basics for your printables business.

How to launch your online store online

Bonus module- Use of Colors

Elizabeth is a passionate home business owner that helps others to achieve their life goals of running a successful home. business. I am particular about stay at home moms who wish to transition into a mompreneur.

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