Thanksgiving 2019- 4 reasons I’m thankful for my home-business

Thanksgiving 2019 is definitely different from my Thanksgiving of 2018. You know why?

Because a lot has changed for me as a home business owner. I started thehomebusinessowner blog in 2017 because I wanted to help stay at home moms to live a life that they desired.

I have always believed that as mom; You have a lot going for you, but you also have a lot of things that may hinder you from succeeding.

I see a lot of stay at home moms start home businesses but fail woefully because they lack the training and skill to turn it into a business that sustains them.

Some go back to their day jobs because of this, while some never try again.

I also see a lot of stay at home moms who do not do any business from home, they just stay home and live on one income alone.

It makes life easy, right? You may think, just manage what hubby brings home.

Here is the issue I have with that mindset, you are not making full use of your potential.

One income may be good, but two income is better.

So why is Thanksgiving 2019 different from that of 2018?

I share with you what I am thankful for in 2019.

4 Reasons I am Thankful for Thanksgiving 2019

1. Newbie Printables Business Course

Last year, I created a course on how to start a Printables business;

I thought I was just playing around creating that course until I did a mini launch of that course, many people jumped on the course and could still not get enough of it.

It was just the first version that I created and I got that much response, this year has been better.

I have sold that course over and over, and I am currently completing the second part of the course.

Creating my first course opened my eye to the power of online courses and the way they could change your online business.

Every time I see a mail that informs me I have made a sale, I do a jig of thanksgiving to my God because I know this is my path to passive income.

For my Newbie Printables Business Course, I am saying thank you Lord.

If you want to know when the Newbie Printables business course will launch again, sign up here on the waiting list.

I will open the door to the complete course, both versions 1 and 2 soon. For a taste of what version 2 brings.

Check the video below.

If you want to take the version1 (NBPC 1), click below.

The Newbie Printables Course Version 1

Once you take the version 1(NBPC1), you will pay less than those who will get the full version.

Once version 2 is complete, you will not get the version 1 at the price it is selling now because I will bundle it together.

Watch out for my Black Friday Sales. I will run sales for my courses and my planners.

2. Freelance Writing Income Stream

When I started this year, I knew I wanted to do freelance writing.

After doing some hit and miss strategies of getting a writing gig and not being successful, I kept it aside.

I had used my stay at home mom planner to create some income goals.

After creating my income goals, I started working on other aspects of my business and trying to see how my other income streams will help me reach my goals.

But along the line, one of the writing opportunities I applied for opened up.

Just like that, my freelance writing income stream took off.

Now I have a full schedule of write-ups for the month. I have to reject some so I can still have time to write on my blog.

If you want to know how I started my freelance writing income stream, read my updated post on how to start a freelance writing business.

For my freelance writing income stream, I am thankful Lord.

3. Skills Acquired

My Thanksgiving 2019 is so much better because I have gained more skills, I have improved in my skills.

This has led to my creation of a work with me page. I have learned to market myself better.

This has helped me to snag more clients for my business.

Before I was the person who waited for business to come for me. But now, I am better at marketing myself to clients.

Coming into this year, I took a leap of faith and redesigned my blog. I am so much happier for it.

My new blog outlook helped me to increase my blog traffic, and I also kept more people.

More of my posts hit the first page of Google this year so I am thankful for that.

My Thanksgiving 2019 is so much better for those posts I wrote which people loved and are consistently complementing me on it.

For the skills I acquired this year, Lord I thank you.

4.My Life as a wife, a mom, and a business owner

Right from when I was a little girl, I have always loved to live life on my own terms.

As I found blogging, I found my purpose.

I see my blog as a medium of impacting others, helping them change themselves and also changing my own life, too.

My blogging has changed the way I approach life;

It has taught me resilience in business; It has taught me to pursue excellence and to continuously improve myself.

I am seeing results with my blog because I stuck to it. I did not give up when I was making nothing.

From this blog, the Lord has expanded my vision and made it bigger.

This year,I started a small connect group under the auspieces of my church

I teach young indigent women the word of God and also some business lessons.

The business lessons is to help them start a business from home or improve on what they are doing.

If you are a stay at home mom who is reading this blog, you have no business, and you have been thinking of what to do as a home business.

Stop over thinking it, grab my home business planner right now and brainstorm your ideas and before the day is over start something today.

Here are 101 ideas for stay at home moms to help you.

I started this blog when my last baby was 2 months old. I knew nothing about blogging or building a website.

I thought I would never pull it off, but I started by purchasing my hosting for 8 dollars.

I figured that if the worse comes to the worst, I will only lose 8 dollars.

This blog, which started as an 8 dollars business, has pulled in thousands of dollars for me.

My Thanksgiving 2019 is complete because of that chance I took on 8 dollars, what If I did not?

Take that chance today, buy an 3.95 dollar hosting, and start your online business today.

With Bluehost, you do not even need to spend up to 8 dollars per month, just 3.95 dollars per month, and you are game.

For all these and many more to come, Lord I am thankful to you, for without you, I will never start.

For all the days, I got discouraged and wanted to quit but you reminded me of why I started and told me to go write another post, create a course and make that planner.

You, oh Lord prodded me until I got here, thank you Lord.

Thanksgiving 2019 Sales Code.

If you want access to all my planner in the Blog Shop at Black Friday sales cost- Join my email list here.

I will send you a discount code that gives you a store wide 40% discount to access all my products.

Happy Thanksgiving.

Elizabeth is a passionate home business owner that helps others to achieve their life goals of running a successful home. business. I am particular about stay at home moms who wish to transition into a mompreneur.

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