3 ways to find inspiration for your printables product

How to find hot selling printables product ideas that you can make and sell.

When I wrote my post on the ultimate guide to a printables business, I did not know that post will rank on the first page of Google but it did.

This one post has made my blog the authority blog when it comes to printables business. Once you type the search word printables business, you are sure to see my post there.

It is such a valuable post that Google has adopted my definition of printables business and features the excerpt of my post once people are searching for that keyword, see below.

As people came looking for more information on how to start this simple business, I created a course called the Newbie Printables business course.

This course has helped people who never knew anything about printables to get the courage to start this business.

Hear what a course taker said

This is just one of the awesome responses I have gotten from building this course.

I am not only creating a course for the sake of creating one, but I am hungry to help other stay at home moms like myself who find themselves struggling with starting a home business to start with this simple idea and build upon it.

You do not need to have made printables before, all you need is a desire to make and sell one and you are good to go.

My course is built to help anyone with no design skills to be able to start making printables products to sell.

I have designed the course in such a way that you will need the least amount of investment and also a very simple tool to use in making your designs.

Click the link below to start this course.

You can take one module for free to see if it’s what you will love, but I know you will love it because most people who took the course found the information in it worth a tonne of gold.

It’s a no-fluff concrete and actionable course for a new beginner who does not know anything about printables products but is willing to put in the hard work.


After this first course debuted, a lot of people wanted more, they could not get enough from my first course.

So I created the second version of this course.

To get my fast-action bonus and know when it launches, click the picture below.

Newbie Printables Business Course

If you sign up and pay after getting your fast action bonus, you will be getting this course + the first version at the price of one.

Today I will be discussing how to find inspiration for your printables product.

A printables product is basically a digital download which people can print off the internet and use.

One of the reasons this niche is quite lucrative is because it is basically an info product.

This means that people are searching for this product because it solves a particular problem for them.

Therefore to find inspiration for your printables product I have 3 ideas I will share with you

1-Find your customer’s pain point

I wrote a post on how to find your customer’s pain points much more extensively in this post.

It was part of my 5 days series on how to craft your business idea and find your customers in 5 days. If you will like to take the start a business challenge, sign up below.

Join us as we help you start a home business

Your ability to find out your customer’s pain points will help you to convert your solutions into a printables product.

Which you can sell to them.

The printables product can be in form of ebooks, workbooks, worksheets or templates.

Whatever you can come up with to help your customers solve their problems becomes your business.

2- Follow the seasons:

The whole of our year is broken into seasons, this means that even if all you want to do is run a seasonal business in your printables product business, you will always find a product for your seasonal business.

Following the seasons means determining ahead of time the seasons that are most celebrated and then developing products that go with it.

For example, summer is about 3 months away but seasoned product makers know that this is time to start writing holiday guides for local tourists.

This is a printable product that you can use to attract your buyers if you are an online travel agency owner.

You also may just be a printables product business owner. This is the time to write that guide that will help local tourists to find fun places to visit.

To get a curated list of seasons and holidays in the USA with printables product ideas for each season, Tap the picture below

It features about 20 Product ideas for all the seasons.

In following the seasons, match it up with likely holidays that come with it and create products for the season. This will help keep your audience in tune with what to expect per holiday or season.

3-Modify a Popular Solution:

This implies looking for a solution which already has a market that is set and then adding your own personal twist to it to make it unique.

For example, the pregnancy industry is always booming because there is no month that we don’t have babies or new moms. Think of a popular product based on it and create info product around it.

For example, from pregnancy to birth, to after birth, women go through all sorts of life changes which they may be struggling with. Providing solutions for each stage will help you to create an information product that will help your customers.

Finding inspiration about what printables product to sell is about observing what is continually selling and taking advantage of it.

Want to learn how to start a printables business? sign up for my e-course below.

Hear what a course taker said to me after she took the course

Newbie Printables course

Want to get more tips on starting a printables business? join my email list.

Elizabeth is a passionate home business owner that helps others to achieve their life goals of running a successful home. business. I am particular about stay at home moms who wish to transition into a mompreneur.

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