Elderly care package business

How to start an elderly care package business online

Elderly Care package business is a sub-niche of the care package business industry which I already wrote about in my post that is ranking on the first page of Google.

Want to know how to start an elderly care package business for less than 200 dollar? read this blogpost

It is a type of business that puts together care items that can be sent to the elderly or seniors who may be living in care homes, hospitals, or personal living homes.

You see, care packages have always been part of our lives.

Even though the business looks demure, it is a good source of income when we take the time to build a sustainable business around it.

When I wrote the post on how to start a care package business, I did not know it will generate much interest.

Like some of my posts are, it is a post borne out of my own experience in receiving care packages when I was a little girl.

I loved how it made me feel and I felt it was time I educated you on how to start this wonderful business.

I have a friend who did this business I know how beautiful her care packages were and how they made one feel.

Since I wrote this post, a lot of people have been bombarding that post looking for more information.

Because I have knowledge of how this works, I built a course on how to start this awesome business online.

So if you are here and interested in starting a care package business, you may want to sign up for my free care package start-up guide.

Impute your details below and get a free guide

So you want to learn how to start a care package business for the elderly?

You are in the right place.

I am going to lay it down step by step how you can start the elderly care package business with a comfortable budget that will not make a dent in your pocket.

Stay with me while I lead you through.

How to start a care package business that serves the elderly

1.Research your market

The elderly care market is a very large market because of the fact that more and more people are living far longer than before.

People are now living in their seventy’s and eighty’s because of improved health care and medical advancement.

Researching your market means that you want to know the type of care packages that are available for the elderly person.

For example, a simple search through Pinterest and Google will give you ideas of what kind of products that elderly care people will usually love to have in their care package.

But more importantly, you want to know if there are people who will pay you to create such a care package for their loved ones.

Physical research is also key, drive to elderly care homes in your neighborhood to discuss with caregivers and senior people’s relatives to see if they value what offer.

Other places to check out are, social media forums that are made up of people who are likely to be caregivers themselves or perhaps have parents who live in care homes.

The research used to be so difficult to do, but not anymore, now with a simple Google form and email with a little incentive you can get your survey done easily.

You can also get free responses from social media pages like Facebook groups. Forums and other social media channels allow for real-time discussion.

You must get your research right as it allows you to nail down your perfect audience and stops you from making mistakes earlier on in your business.

Once you are done with your research, it is time to create your elderly care package business plan.

2.Write your business plan

If you are new to starting businesses, the word business plan may seem to be off-putting but it does not have to be so.

When starting your elderly care package business, it is important to write down your business plan as it will help you to create a road map for your business.

Before I went to business school, writing business plans looked so difficult for me because it involved numbers which I hated.

Business plans however help you to make realistic projections and also build a confident plan on how to proceed with your business.

Because I know there will be people like me who will find it difficult and may want to skip that aspect, I decided to make it easy by creating a Care package business planner.

My Care package business planner is designed to take you from your idea to the point of complete business built up and ready to go.

It will help you to create your care package business plan by helping you to identify your vision, mission, and unique value proposition for your business.

It contains the following sections

Care package business planner sections

Niche selection plan– For this case, you already know your niche so you can just use this section to create product packages that you want to sell.

Business plan template: With a pre-made financial forecast excel sheet- You can build your business plan by just imputing your numbers. No need to worry about crunching the numbers at all.

Marketing plan: To help you create an ideal marketing plan for your business.

Product launch template: A product launch template that outlines how to launch your store once you are set.

Product guide: A well-written product guide that shows you how to use the planner so as to get maximum results.

The icing on this planner is that if you follow the surreptitiously, you will set up your business in 12 days maximum.

Want to know how to build your elderly care package business easily, get the care package, business planner.

Tap the button below to get it.

Carepackage Business Planner

Once you are done creating your elderly care package business plan, it is time to build your online store.

3.Build your online store

An online store will help you to create an online presence for your business and also showcase the products that you are selling.

One of the reasons I chose to make this business online is that it can be run from your home.

Building an online store will make it easy for your customers to find your products and buy from you.

To build your online store, you need an eCommerce platform that enables you to start your business at a very affordable rate.

That eCommerce platform that is easy to use and very easy to manipulate is SHOPIFY.

Shopify has a very low subscription rate of about 29 dollars per month, so if you have as much as 29 dollars per month you can start building your shop right away.

Shopify gives you a free trial of 14 days so you can build your shop and be ready to launch before making the actual payment.

To get Shopify right away, just click the picture below.

Shopify Store

Once you get you have signed up for a Shopify subscription, I have made it easy for you to learn how to build your Shopify store without tearing your hair out.

Yes, I know what it’s like to be a newbie trying to start a business online.

The many hoops you have to jump plus the lack of knowledge often keeps you Googling and watching videos late into the night.

So I have saved you all that trouble by offering you an eCommerce package that is difficult to reject.

My eCommerce package bundles both the planner and my course on how to build your Shopify store at a very affordable price.

It takes the guesswork out of building your first Shopify store and makes it easy for you to build it in a week.

I show you where to get the best graphics for your online shop and how to resize them to fit your online store.

I also show you how to add products to your store, connect your online payment gateway, and also ensure that your store is optimized for sales online.

At the end of the course, you will have a professional online store for your business.

Cost of Ecommerce Package

The Shopify unbundled course price is $62.5

Care package business planner is $39.99

For you my dear reader who wants to start your care package business as soon as you finish this blog post, here is a price that is difficult to refuse.

Your care package e-commerce package will cost you only: $75.99, a 26% discount that you cannot get anywhere else on this blog.

Total real cost of package: $102.49

Discounted price: $75.99

Want to grab the eCommerce package? tap the button below.

  • Shopify unbundled course
  • Carepackage Business Planner
  • Care package business starter planner


Elderly care packages usually contain a lot of items that you may need to source from different suppliers.

Understanding where you need to get your supplies from is a very important aspect of this business.

Because you are selling a bundled product and service, you want to make sure that your items come are affordable and valuable.

Knowing when stores are running sales will help you secure products at very low prices and help you to turn a profit while also keeping your customers happy.

There are two ways you can ensure that your supply is steady.

Stocking inventory model

This involves choosing to stock inventory via bulk purchase so that once an order comes in you can easily put together your care package items and send them out.

Just in time model

This involves securing buyer agreements with your product sellers so that when an order comes in you can easily purchase from them and put together a package.

The only snag with this formula is that if the item listed in your store is not available to your supplier it may create some issues for you as a business owner.

Care package ideas for the elderly

Now that we have settled your online store building, I don’t want to leave you in doubt about the types of products you can use to create an elderly care package.

So I will just list them below

  • Warm blankets
  • Wheelchair pouch
  • Books
  • Puzzle sets
  • Netflix subscriptions
  • Facetime devices
  • Knitting set
  • Healthy fruit basket
  • Sanitizers
  • Elastic waist pants
  • Adaptive footwear
  • Slip-resistant footwear

5.Marketing your elderly care package business

When it comes to marketing any business online, the first thing to consider is to know where your likely buyers can be found online.

If you have done your bio persona activity well as indicated in the care package business planner, you should be able to isolate what marketing channels that you should use.

Elderly care services are usually bought by the relatives of the elderly person, not necessarily the elderly person.

Therefore when marketing your business you should target the real buyers of the service not the users of the service.

To give your business traction online and to ensure that people can trust your services, here are pages you should set up.

Facebook Page

A Facebook page enables you to run advertisements that are targeted towards buyers of elderly care packages.

It also helps you to create a social media forum where people can ask questions about your business and follow your brand


Pinterest is a search engine that will enable you to share your business idea with buyers and also attract traffic to your website.

With Pinterest, you will attract traffic converts because people who use Pinterest use it to gain inspiration and find solutions.


Writing blog posts about your niche can help you attract the right kind of customers to your business.

This is because when you write blog posts that provide solutions to people who are searching for elderly care package business types, you give your online store an opportunity to be seen by your customers

Collaboration with care homes

You can speak to care homeowners to collaborate with them to offer your services to members of the care home with a discount that is not obtainable online

This will help you to secure corporate recurring business.

Instagram and Twitter do not strike me as social media platforms that will be suitable for elderly care packages but if you already have a following you can take advantage of on that platform you can give it a try.

Cost of starting an elderly care package business online

Ecommerce package : $75:99

Shopify subscription: $29

Product sourcing using the Just in time model: $0

Advert: $50

Miscellaneous costs:$40

Total cost: 194.99


Starting an elderly care package business requires that you understand your market, understand the key players and the purchasers of your products.

It also requires that you learn how to balance setting up your business online to enable you to attract your customers.

If you are interested in starting a care package business for the elderly, consider signing up for my course the Care Package Business Course

The Course contains the following modules

Care package business course

Module 1- Selecting a profitable care package niche

Module 2: Crafting a business model- How to decide and craft the business model you will be using in your business

Module 3: Sourcing for suppliers- How to source for your product suppliers and also write supplier agreements

Module 4:Writing your care package business plan- How to write a winning business plan for your care package business

Module 5: Building your care package online store

Module 6: Marketing your care package business-Creating social media pages, email lists, and building sales funnels for your business.

What does the Care Package business Course contain?

58 Video lessons- Bite-sized with carefully broken down practicable lessons you can follow easily

Care package business Planner: A carefully designed planner that enables you to build a business model and create a financial plan for your business, with pre-made excel sheets for creating a business plan

Resource lists & Templates: 278 care package items you can use to build a care package, divided into different niches, Buyer persona templates, email marketing sales funnel build templates, business launch templates, email swipe files

Pinterest Strategic Planning template to enable you to start your Pinterest marketing on the right foot( Bonus)

✔Access to Digital marketing strategy and business launch video( Bonus)

Do you have some more ideas about how to start an elderly care package business? Drop your comments below, let us start a conversation.

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Elizabeth is a passionate home business owner that helps others to achieve their life goals of running a successful home. business. I am particular about stay at home moms who wish to transition into a mompreneur.

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