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Best 10 small business ideas list- 2021

Are you in a hurry to start a home business in 2021? read this to get the best 10 small business ideas list you can choose from.

The year 2021 is finally here and as someone who has been a small business person for some years, I cannot but say what a year we have had in 2020.

The year 2020 saw an unprecedented shift in the way things were done.

If you are an ardent reader of this blog and you were surprised at what happened. then you missed the point.

For the past 3 years now I have been hounding you to start a home business online because I knew that the way the world was going, all things will become digital.

We were already getting there, COVID19 only hastened the digitization of businesses worldwide.

For the past two years since I started this blog, I have shared with you the best 10 businesses that you should start every year.

This year is not different, I am simply going to give you fresh ideas on the types of business that have taken the front seat because of the current changes in the world of business.

If you have been wanting to start a home business but lack ideas, today I share with you the best 10 small business ideas list that you can choose from.

When COVID19 hit the world last year, a lot of people suffered financially and are still suffering financially because there was a massive layoff of jobs.

A lot of people’s jobs became redundant, some were furloughed and went on to lose their jobs.

A lot of businesses closed down and will disappear forever, while the businesses that managed to remain open scrambled to put up online business practices that they could use to cope.

Join us as we help you start a home business

You see when I started to work from home, a lot of online platforms will not even allow you to put the word work from home on their platform.

The moment you put the word work from home, it immediately sets it up to mean scam, but today work from home has become a thing.

As you prepare for this year, perhaps this may be the year that you want to finally take that decision to start your online business.

It should be because a lot of offline businesses have gone online. Not one business person now sees being online as being alien anymore.

This presents loads of opportunities for those who have developed their digital skills and are ready but for those that did not, this may seem like an alien world.

If you feel like you don’t know anything about digital skills and you need to learn one because you need to make yourself relevant, you can start by going here to learn more.

Digital skills are now a must not a choice, if you want to be relevant in the world we live in, common digital skills are now the norm, not the exception.

So what is in my small business ideas list for 2021?

Here they are.

10 small businesses ideas list for the year 2021.

1.Print on demand

Print on demand is a business model that has been around for a while now, I chose this as part of my top business ideas list because of the prevalence of doing online businesses in a different way.

This popular business model allows you to upload your designs on a clothing material or items like pillows, cups, caps, etc, and sell them to your customer.

Print on demand businesses can be started with as little as 100 dollars, I wrote a post on how to go about it

The greatest advantage of this business is that you the business owner do not have to manufacture or ship the items.

The simplicity of the business is what has made it very popular and will continue to trend.

You can start this business if you are good at creative designs or even simply good at coming up with funny and witty quotes.

Statistics state that the Print-on-demand industry continues to be part of the global retail eCommerce industry with sales worth 4.20 trillion dollars.

2.Online Business Coaching

As more and more people go online to start businesses this season, a lot of people need a hand-holding guide to enable them to get fast results.

An online business coach helps to support new business owners by shortening the learning curve for business owners.

They also hold business owners accountable for their business goals.

This means the business owners will work hard to attain their goals and also achieve faster what they could not do on their own.

If you have some business skills and you have the ability to coach people, you should think of starting a coaching business, especially for new business owners.

I offer coaching services as part of my bouquet of services.

My coaching service is for those who want to start blogging or just started blogging and need hand-holding for what they do.

If you would like for me to coach you, book my services here.


Blogging has become a recurring decimal in the top businesses that you can start online.

It is so because we are in the information age, access to information shortens your journey and gives access to solutions that you would usually have to spend days in the library looking for.

Statistics posits that there are about 600 million active blogs worldwide and about 59% of business owners say blogging has impacted their business maximally

This means that small businesses have recognized the importance of blogging and require the services of savvy bloggers to help them start and run blogs for their businesses.

Starting a Blog also gives you the opportunity to work from home and online as you share free information and influence people’s purchasing decisions, this helps you to also make money.

Unfortunately for so many people, they think that blogging is all about putting information online.

I have seen so many people make horrible mistakes because they do not know how to properly start a blog.

This has led me to start creating a course that teaches you how to start and monetize your blog easily no matter how small your audience is.

If you want to sign up for that course, enter your details below and get a free blog audit template.

Get resources that will help you become a successful blogger.

Once the course is ready, I will let you know.

4.Ad Management Business

Being online for most businesses requires that they must put out ads to attract their customers and create brand awareness.

This creates a business opportunity for those who are versed in creating online advertisements for small businesses.

Those ads could be PPC campaigns, Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads, and Pinterest Ads.

Whichever is your specialty once you can prove that you have results you can easily start a business that manages ads for customers.

There are businesses that will pay you to have that option off their plate. Why? because it takes time to create ads, set them up, manage and optimize it and for just one platform alone.

Some businesses will prefer to have someone run their Ads as long as the return on investment is good enough.

5.Online course creation

A lot of people are sharing their skills online and making money from teaching others about them.

When the lockdowns began, one of the things I wrote about on how to occupy your time during the lockdown was to learn new skills by taking courses.

If you have a skill that is valuable, you can monetize that skill by teaching others via online courses. The beauty of online courses is that it is a partially passive income business.

Once you create the course, you only need to market it to the right audience for you to keep making money from it.

If you know how to get your course on the first page of Google like mine is. Your job becomes easier because you get free traffic directed to your course page without much effort from you.

Online courses will continue to be popular, as long as people need to learn new skills every day.

The beautiful thing is that no skill is useless as long as that skill is still being applied at the workplace or home or anywhere at all.

Creating online courses is one way that you can make a tonne of money this year, some bloggers make six figures from launching their online courses.

The transformation they bring to their students makes online courses a worthwhile venture.

6.Printables business

Printables products creation has become a popular way of making money online because of the way digital tools have transformed previously offline business ideas.

If you wanted to make printable products before you needed to have great graphic design skills and you had to have an offline print partner to help you bring your designs to life.

With the use of digital tools now, you can create all types of Printables products and send them to your customers without doing anything extra once you have set it up.

Printables business is a good passive income business that can be done solely or in conjunction with other online businesses like blogging.

Do you want to start a Printables business? I created a course that teaches you step-by-step how to use your skills to create Printables products that you can sell to your customers.

My method of teaching printables helps you to monetize skills that you already have with simple tools that you can learn how to use in a day.

My Printables course is ranking on the first page of Google because it is one of the best courses out there when it comes to the Printables business niche.

Tap below to take the course

Newbie printables business course

7.Care package Business

With the way, the world is hurting and the travel restrictions that are in place now, starting a care package business is a lucrative business.

This is because of the demand for care packages that have to do with COVID19, elderly care, military personnel, etc.

I recently wrote a post about the 5 best niches in care packages business ideas in the care package business

This business idea made it to my 10 best small business ideas list because it has suddenly become a hot topic.

If you check it out on Google trends, it is in breakout mode, This means that the keyword is a hot topic now.

When A keyword is on breakout mode, then it means that there is a huge number of people searching for that idea or looking for that solution.

If you want to start a care package business right away, I have created a course that will make it easy for you to start soon after reading this post.

Our care package business course was launched in July and has been attracting attention. In my course I teach you how to find out the most profitable niches, I teach you how to create a business plan for your business, I also teach you how to build your online store and market your business online

Care package business course

Tap the button below to start

8.Forex trading

According to Warren Buffet

If you don’t find how to make money while you sleep you will work for the rest of your life and still not make enough- Paraphrase mine

This is very true because no matter how you make if you don’t find a way to multiply what you are making, you will forever be trading time for money

Forex trading is an online business that can make you millions of dollars if you have the skills and ability to estimate when the foreign exchange will be profitable to trade on it.

This is one business idea I hope to learn this year because I also want to create an extra income stream for myself. I will be updating you about what am doing on my blog once in a while.

The good thing about starting forex trading is that you can start with as little as 100 dollars.

To learn how to trade forex, go here to get some training.

9.Freelance writing

Freelance writing is my favorite means of monetizing my blogging business, my freelance writing gigs have given me the opportunity to get my blog to other powerful platforms.

It has helped me to find funding to invest in my blogging business, my favorite freelance writing course is Write21k by Elna Cain

Now to the last of my small business ideas list, this one is an upcoming business idea that has made money for those who are doing it.

10.Pinterest VA

Pinterest is one of the greatest and best search engines for bloggers and small businesses.

Pinterest has 322 million active users per month. Bloggers and small businesses have found that Pinterest is a huge traffic driver to their businesses.

People who understand how to use this platform have been able to successfully maximize their earning from their businesses without doing any Ads.

While Pinterest is great, it requires a tonne of hard work and knowledge, that is why businesses that can afford it, hire Pinterest VA to do the hard work so they can focus on other aspects of their business.

A Pinterest VA helps businesses to grow their traffic by creating Pins for their content, getting their brands, and businesses into active group boards. They also optimize your brand on Pinterest and make it easy for customers to find you.

Now that I have shared with you the top 10 business small business ideas list for the year 2021. It is time for you to take action.

Your first step to starting a small business online

Choose a hosting platform

Your action starts with choosing to start a home business online, any online business requires two things online to get it off the ground.

A domain name and hosting package that allows you to build your small business website.

If you want to get ahead with that immediately, the best hosting you can get online is Bluehost.

Their hosting package comes at a cost of 3.95 dollars per month. You get a free domain name with this package, you also get free SSL encryption and domain email.

Tap below to buy your hosting.


Build a website

A website is a platform that enables you to sell your goods and services online, so it can be said to be your shop front. Building your website is the next step to take after you have chosen your hosting platform.

This is because your online business will only be made available to people that need what you have to offer when you showcase it on your website.

Some people make the mistake of setting up their business only on social media platforms like Facebook and co, the thing with such practices is that any person who wants to buy will like to know where else they can contact you apart from your social media profiles

A website is an appropriate online system for keeping your business legitimate and convincing your would-be buyers that you mean business.

Lack of a business website is also an indicator that your business is not robust enough to maintain a website, this often drives away serious customers as they will not trust that you can deliver what you claim.

To build your website, here is a course on how to build your business website with a WordPress platform. This simple course will teach you how to build a simple website for your business even if you have never built one before.

WordPress Without Tears

A simple course that will teach a newbie how to build a website from scratch, you do not need to know any technical skills to be able to learn it. In one week your business website will be up and running.

How to build a wordpress site

Choose a Payment system

With a lot of people now shopping online, no matter what type of online business you want to set up, you need a way to collect payment for the goods and services that you are selling online.

Payment gateways allow the use of cashless means of paying for goods and services online. While the adoption of cashless means of payment has been slow in some countries, the COVid19 pandemic actually increased its rate of adoption in many countries, thus making it a universally acceptable means of payment now. Read more about having a cashless society


Starting an online business may seem daunting at first but consider that it gives you the opportunity to pursue your passion and make an impact while enjoying what you are doing.

Do you have more business ideas that I can add to my small business ideas list? drop your comments below let’s start a conversation.

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Elizabeth is a passionate home business owner that helps others to achieve their life goals of running a successful home. business. I am particular about stay at home moms who wish to transition into a mompreneur.

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