How to start a business with no money(As a stay at home mom)

So you are a stay-at-home mom right now and you have hit rock bottom right now but you want to start a business with no money.

You have probably Googled all you can on how to start a business with no capital and you are running out of options on what to do.

First of all, I want to congratulate you for hitting rock bottom because from there there is nowhere else to go but up.

This may not be what you want to hear from me, but I have to say this to you because there is nothing that makes you hustle hard like adversity.

That’s why it is said that necessity is the mother of invention.

How to start a business with no money.

So you want to start a business with no money right, here is what you need to know.

Whatever business you want to do will have to be a home business, this means you got to hustle right out of your home.

In this post, I will list examples of businesses you can start with no money, no capital.

I will also teach you how to generate income from where you are at now.

I will also share with you how you can use what you have at your disposal right now to start a business.

Are you ready?, here we go

10 business easiest business start up with no money investment

1-Sell on eBay

2-Freelance writing

3-Sell on Etsy

4-Offer a service– Like land mowing, snow blowing, gardening

5-Offer one on one coaching online

6-Car- detailing service

7-Uber driver

8-Transcription Service

9-Errand service offering– Use Task rabbit an app that helps you get access to errands within your area of living.

10-Rent your extra space – Room, garage, garden

11-Social media marketing

Now we have a list of 11 that you can pick from, lets get to what you need to do to generate income right now.

5 things you can do to generate income now

Hold a Garage sale:

A garage sale is what you can do in front of your house without spending money. Garage sales are often held on weekends to take advantage of weekend shoppers.

In most garage sales, people sell what they have in-house which they are no longer using.

But since we are talking about starting with no money at all, I will advise that you drive around your neighborhood and check for stuff that people have thrown away especially from apartment buildings.

You will find a great throve of items that are still usable and in good condition. Which you can sell during your garage sales.

The good thing about garage sales is that you get paid instantly so you have cash on hand.

If you finish your garage sale and you still have leftover products.

You can refinish and refurbish them, list them on eBay or Etsy and sell it.

Sell at Flea market

The second way of generating income right now is to look for a nearby flea market or county fair where you can participate and sell your goods.

The good thing about flea markets is that you don’t have to look for customers, it’s the problem of the organizers to do that.

Once you are able to pay for space, you can then appear on the market day and sell your goods.

Offer a trending seasonal service.

For example, we are currently in the winter season, a lot of people will need a snow removal service. You can go around your neighborhood and offer to help them with such services for a fee.

If it’s during spring, then it’s time to tend the garden or mow the lawn. Capitalize on the season and make money out of it.

Offer a home based kid care:

For instance, within that radius where you live, there must be someone who wants emergency nanny care. Go round and drop your contacts asking people to book you now in case their nannies ever quit on them at the last minute.

You already care for your kids, so including an additional playmate should not be so hard. Because your service is an emergency service, you can also charge a premium.

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Trouble shoot local businesses.

Do a troubled area snoozing on most local businesses and offer solutions to their problems.

This will suit you if you are a multiskilled person who is looking to offer services that they may not have the capabilities to offer in-house.

For example, if your local business does not have a properly set up social media channel, offer to set up one for them or manage one for them.

In case you are wondering where you will find such businesses. There are hundreds of mom-and-pop shops that have no clue on how to use social media to increase their sales. Offering them such a crucial service will increase their reach and sales.

Home delivery: Do they avoid home delivery because they do not want the hassles of hiring someone to do the delivery for them?

Offer to do their delivery at a cost that will usually be borne by their customers.

If they feel you are the only one, why should they use you? coopt other moms like you and form a team to serve them.

Offer- Call center or customer management services- Help your local businesses deal with customer issues, so they can focus on delivering a quality product to their customers.

If you can offer any of the services I have just mentioned above, you are well on your way to starting a real business that requires an investment of money.

The good thing is that you have been able to generate some money from the services you have offered above.

So you don’t have to keep looking for money to start a business.

With the money, you have generated it’s time to plan for your business properly.

That is where you can’t miss using this resource to plan for your business

Even though this post started with you starting a business with no money, it’s time to move on and invest in your business idea.

For example, if you succeed in getting a good number of local businesses to sign up for you to manage their social media accounts. It’s time to build a proper website that itemizes what you have to offer.

This will make your business look much more professional and attract well-paying customers to you.

You will also find that you can extend your reach far beyond your local area.

To build a simple website that will help you to showcase your business offerings consider using a self-hosted website.

To learn how to build an online website when you have little to no tech skills read this post, take my course on how to build a WordPress Site Without Tears

In my WordPress course, I teach you how to build a website for your business even if you have never built one before

I take the most difficult and tech confusing words that deter people from building their website and break it down into simpler terms that make it easy for you to build a complete website within one week without needing any further help from anyone.

To take my course, simple tap the button below and the rest is easy

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You can check out the course content here

If you have been scrimping and saving and managing your home on a bare budget, you do not have to anymore. I have provided you with ideas on how to make income from today.

Go then, and implement and drop comments below about how you succeeded.

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Elizabeth is a passionate home business owner that helps others to achieve their life goals of running a successful home. business. I am particular about stay at home moms who wish to transition into a mompreneur.

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