Be the best mom ever challenge

Being a mom is a full-time job, even if you do not add any other job to it, it is a complete job on its own.

Consider this, when you then add being a stay at home mom with running a home business.

It takes on another life of its own.

This job takes on another dimension because every job has its own challenges.

It is like taking on two jobs at once.

Being a mom who wants to achieve all her dreams means that you have to figure out how to handle your challenges.

That is why I decided to create the stay at home mom challenge.

I nick named this challenge be the best mom ever challenge because

If you succeed in all the departments we will treat in this challenge,you will definitely be the best mom ever.

You may wonder, what has being the best mom got to do with a home business?

I will tell you

I wrote a post on 6 things a stay at home mom struggles with. After I wrote this post

It virtually took off on a sprint, many people who are on Pinterest which are about 70% females were clicking on this post.

I realized that like me, every mom wants a solution to the different department in her life that affects her.

I also realized that my home business is affected by how my life as a stay at home mom plays out.

So I decided to start the stay at home mom challenge

What you will learn in this challenge


How to build your finances as a stay at home mom, this includes building a money mindset and working on areas that prevent you from building your business.

Kids Training:

How to be intentional in training your kids and imparting values to them that matter to you.


How to build great relationships and connections that enable you to build a great business.

Time management Tips

How to carefully plan your time to maximize the time you have to run your business and home.

Self-care and Personal growth

How to ensure that you take care of you, most moms forget to take care of their selves. This means that you break down easily.

Making sure that you are growing both in your professional life and in your personal life will mean that you are learning new skills that will help you to tackle 21st-century issues.

Resources you will need to succeed in this challenge

Stay at home mom workbook

Stay at home mom struggles

Stay at home mom Planner

stay at home mom planner

The stay at home mom challenge tagged Be The Best Mom Ever will help you work in the different departments of your life interlink it and produce a synchronous plan that will make your life better.

If you are interested in the stay at home mom challange, sign up below.

Join us as we make your stay at home mom journey fabulous.

The challenge starts on the 8th of July, do not miss it.

Elizabeth is a passionate home business owner that helps others to achieve their life goals of running a successful home. business. I am particular about stay at home moms who wish to transition into a mompreneur.

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