Christmas business ideas

Top Best 9 Christmas Business Ideas: For Serious Side Hustlers

Christmas is fast approaching and if you are a small business person or perhaps a side hustler you are probably wondering the best Christmas business ideas that you can deploy to help you make money in this season.

There is something I love about seasonal businesses of which Christmas falls into, that is the fact that seasons are the best times to sell a product. When you sell a product in season, you do not need to push too much before it sells, Why? because it is the season for that product.

I wrote a post about 10 business ideas you can do in the Fall season, while that post is doing well on the first page of Google. It is basically for seasons and not specifically for Christmas.

I am writing this post for you if you love Christmas and you love to make money while you celebrate. Christmas is a time when people spend money a lot. The wise person is the one who replenishes what they spend while they spend it.

Are you ready to replenish what you will spend on Christmas gifts, let’s help you create a business that can make you money during this Christmas season

Best Christmas Business Ideas

1.Gift baskets

I have received my fair share of Christmas gift baskets and I cannot tell you how much joy it brings to my heart to give one and also receive one.

Gifts baskets are like treasure troves that I love to explore when I receive them. Each Christmas gift basket is unique and contains all types of products. From the rarest of spices and sauces to the even mundane things like a nail trimmer.

I sincerely love receiving gift baskets because they are usually full of pleasant surprises. If you love receiving gift baskets as I do, then consider making and selling it this Christmas.

Think of the joy you will bring to the heart of those that will receive it. If you do not know how to start a gift basket business, then consider taking my course Care package business course.

It is a course that is designed to help you start a care package business. While care packages can be used for all seasons and purposes, you can choose to channel your own business to this Christmas.

Care package business course

2.Vacation rentals

A lot of people travel and go on vacation during Christmas, if you have a spare space in your home, you can list it on a vacation rental site and offer it up for vacationing families. If you happen to own a summer vacation home you can also rent this out during Christmas to make money.

Sometimes you may not even own a home but you know a friend that owns one but is not willing to go through the stress of renting one out, you can ask to use it and then split the proceeds.

A lot of people have made money by using other people’s homes as a rental space for holidaying people and they have often shared the proceeds with the owners. It may surprise you but not everyone likes to list and market a home.

List of places where you can list your home for vacation rental

3.Christmas cards

Christmas cards make Christmas interesting, a lot of people value the cards they get during Christmas especially when they are handmade and personalized.

If you want a simple business that you can do online that will bring you passive income during this season, then consider making selling printable Christmas cards.

You will make a lot of money by selling such cards online because your buyers have the opportunity to personalize their cards and you can also presell different designs which can be customized.

Want to learn how to make printable cards? get my course Newbies Printables Business Course

In my course Newbie printables business course, I teach how to design simple cards that can be sold online as digital cards that users can print after the purchase.

You will also learn much more than card designs, you will learn how to make planners, stickers, labels, and whole bundles of printables products that you can sell online.

You can finish this course in a week if you work on it with dedication, by the time the course is finished you will have your business all set up ready to start selling.

Want to start your Printables Christmas card business right away? tap the button below.

Newbie Printables Business Course2- in-1 Bundle

4.Christmas decor

One of the most beautiful things I love about Christmas is the decor, a lot of people spend lots of money to decorate their homes during Christmas, some even start buying Christmas decor as early as July or whenever there are sales in stores.

If you have a talent for putting up great Christmas decor, consider selling that as a service to people during Christmas. Lots of people love to have great decor but do not have the time and talent to put up one.

Doing Christmas decor could be a way to make money this season. You can sign up contracts with individuals and organizations to help them decorate their homes and offices. You get paid handsomely for that business.

5.Event organizer

Lots of events take place during Christmas, from house warming parties to Christmas parties, to kids parties, wedding parties, so many people seem to push all their parties to Christmas time to have it.

If you love event organization, this is the type of Christmas business you should do.

Even if it is not for others, you can put up a Christmas show and make money from selling tickets to fun lovers. Some shows you can create include concerts, children’s funfair, Nativity play, etc.


Eating is part of Christmas celebrations, a lot of people send baked goods as gifts to their friends and also keep some at home for entertaining guests. If you love to bake all forms of confectionaries, this may be the time to start your Baked goods business.

The Christmas period will be the best time to actually launch it because you will have a lot of friends and family that will order from you. With good reviews from them, you can expand your business all year round.

Another way to get more orders is to partner with gift basket makers to offer your homemade cookies as part of their Christmas hamper. Everyone loves a good cookie for Christmas.

7.Local Tour Guide

Do you live in a tourist locale and you have a good idea of where the best and ideal spots are, then think of becoming a local tour guide.

Local tour guides usually sign up with tourist companies to provide tourists with a guide to finding the best places for sightseeing, hiking, eating, and shopping.

Local tourist guides cut down the expense for new tourists who may miss their way and end up in the wrong location for lack of familiarity with the terrain.

8.Christmas Sweater Knitting

Do you love knitting? here is an opportunity to make money from your craft. We all know that during Christmas the weather is cold so there is a requirement for warmer clothing. A lot of people love to wear Christmas sweaters that are made for families.

You can turn your love for knitting into a Christmas business by creating and selling Sweaters that are for families.

This way you help families to bond during the Christmas period and you can make money doing what you love. Don’t forget to make bundles that include Santa hats, mittens, and gloves.

Selling knitted goods is one of my best Chrstmas business ideas because I love handmade and unique goods. it makes me feel special.

9. Print on Demand

This is another business that will bring you quick bucks this Christmas, if you are good with graphic designs you can sell your desigsn via Print on demand.

Print on demand companies helps you to print your designs on mugs, tshirts, caps, plates, stationery etc. They also help you to deliver your products to buyers.

With a print-on-demand business, you do not need to go anywhere. You just need to create and market your designs, They create and ship your products to your customers, while you take a portion of what you made from selling your designs. Read more about starting a Print on demand business.

How to start your Christmas Business Online

So you have read about the best Christmas business ideas, and you really want to start immediately but you don’t know how to start. Here is what you need to do


Before you start your Christmas business, you need to plan what you want to do, yes even though you may have your idea, you need to put it down neatly and create your entire business on paper.

By doing this you will know where and how to sell your goods, where to market them, and who you are likely targeting for your business to

You will also know how much it will cost you to start this Christmas and you can also project how much you are likely;y to make before Christmas is over.

By creating all your business plans you can begin t execute once your business website is ready.

I made it very easy for you to create your business plan in just less than 2 hours with my home business planner

With the home business planner you just follow the prompts and fill in all the necessary sections and you have your business plan ready.

Want to get the planner? Tap below

Home business planner & Checklist

2.Create a Website

A website will help you to market your business effectively and get customers that will become loyal to your business. An online website is your website where you get to showcase what you are selling.

The good thing about building your website is that you don’t have to tear your hair out trying to figure out how to build one.

Since Christmas is fast approaching and you want your website ready in just a week so you can actually start selling your products and services. You just need to outsource your website building to someone that can deliver your website in a week.

That someone is me.

I built my website from scratch so I can help you build a website in one week.

Want to start your Christmas business in just one week, tap the button below to outsource your website building to me and I will deliver it in a week’s time. Here is a picture of one of the websites I built for someone.

3.Marketing Your Christmas Business Ideas

Once your business website is ready, you are now ready to begin marketing your Christmas business.

Your marketing plans should include using the following means

  • Paid Ads on Facebook and Instagram
  • Influencrs that have huge follwoings
  • Whatsappp Marketing
  • Tiktok marketing
  • Email marketing
  • Pinterest marketing

Starting a business during Christmas business may seem daunting at first because it is a festive period and a lot of people just want to relax and have fun. Realize however that you can deploy your Christmas business ideas quite early and setting it on autorun can make it easy to tackle.

Want to start any of these Christmas business ideas? Let’s help you start it quickly by building your Christmas business website.

Tap below to book a slot.

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Elizabeth is a passionate home business owner that helps others to achieve their life goals of running a successful home. business. I am particular about stay at home moms who wish to transition into a mompreneur.

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