
Ultimate cheat sheet on Newbie Blogging

Newbie Blogging
Ultimate Cheat Sheet for Newbie Blogging

I started my Blogging Journey after  I read a book written by Anik Singal of Lurn Nation Inc, that book is Circle of Profit. By this time last year, if you had told me I would be blogging, I would have laughed in your face. I knew what Blogging was but I didn’t understand how it worked. I never knew I will be writing about Newbie Blogging but here am I.

Fast forward some couple of months into the New year, and I read this Book (circle of Profit) that changed my life, that was when I decided to be a blogger. I purchased my domain name and hosting on the 26th of Feb 2017 but I couldn’t put down my first post because I just had a Baby in January.  But then came March and I was able to.


Technically my Blog is about to clock  8 months old. In these 8 months, I have had my highs and lows, I have wanted to quit sometimes but I have kept at it because I knew it was something I wanted to do and because of the impact I am making on stay at home moms who would like to start a home business.

In this 8 months, here are the hard knocks that I will call the Ultimate cheat sheet points for  Newbie Blogging

Your content Matters:

I have written various Blog posts since I started, in fact, my earlier posts are a joke because I didn’t know what I was doing or how to write a proper Blog post. I purposely left those posts because I want to see how far I have come since I have started.

The content you put out on your Blog post matters because without a good content you will not be able to attract your Niche market. I know because  I have written some wishy-washy posts that only attracted me the writer Lol.

As time went on, I have learned to research my Blog posts keenly and be sure that I have enough information that will keep my audience wanting more. Without much information on your Blog post, people will be wondering why you are writing in the first place.

People( Your Niche market) are searching for a solution so when your page turns up you better provide it or they are off. The online world, unlike the real world, does not have time for you to persuade them that you will still provide what they need, people are so busy they barely have up to 5 sec to glance throughout your Blog in search of a solution.You have that much time to get their attention and keep it, where you are not able to keep it you lose them.

How do you know that you are loosing your Niche market?  you can check your bounce rate from your stats, if you have a high bounce rate then chances are that you are not able to hold the attention of the people that read your blog post.  Bounce rate is the percentage of the amount of time that people spend on your Post. Where it is high, its often an indication of not enough quality content or your tags are attracting the wrong people to your pages.

Cultivate your Market:

Except you are blogging for pure pleasure and don’t have any need to monetize your Blog that is when this second point won’t make much sense for you. But if you are planning to monetize then the sensible thing to do is to cultivate your (niche) market. Take the time to plant the posts that they desire and take time to nurture your audience, they are the customers to your business, if you do not nurture them, the Blog won’t grow and your business won’t grow either.

Cultivating your market in Newbie Blogging may mean continuously giving out good content for a while without asking for anything back until your audience can trust you enough to want to pay for content when you ask them to.

In the blogging world, you have to give first before you get so it takes time and energy to keep doing what you are doing until your rewards start coming in. Some people ask how soon can one monetize a blog?, I say it depends on your audience. if you already built an audience before you launched your Blog, then you perhaps may be able to start immediately but if you just started out with zero credibility, then you have to take time to build it.

Networking Matters:

Sometimes the reason why people like to blog is that they feel they can just hide behind a computer system and just type away. Again you can only do that if you have no interest in making money from your blog. If you do have the intention to make money then you have to get out from behind your computer and connect with other people.

That’s how you will get to understand what works and what doesn’t work. You will also learn a ton of stuff from the discussions especially if you join Facebook groups that are important. In these groups, you will be able to see opportunities that will help you grow your blog.

Through networking, you will also increase your chances of gaining access to sponsored posts opportunities that you will literally not have been able to get on your own.

Promoting your Content:

Okay fess up, I have written about promoting your content before in another post but it’s a point that is worth reiterating because people make the mistake of writing a great content and then waiting for the world to discover them. I mean they sit on their behinds and wait but all they hear is crickets.

In this age where attention span is just a flash,  for Newbie Blogging, you have to be out there promoting what you have got or you never get discovered. That’s why you can’t even start a blog without having your socials (I am talking about Facebook, Twitter Pinterest, and Instagram) set up. These 4 social networks are the most basic which you must have before you go anywhere else.  I believe its good practice to start engaging with your audience on these platforms even before you launch your blog.

I made that same mistake and I regret it, my socials are not well built up today because I waited too long to start a socials page for my Blog. Then I only even started Facebook and I never had a share button installed on my Blog until someone pointed it out to me.

You will think that should be something I could have figured out so easily but I didn’t since I am not a blogging pro.  I believe that setting up your social pages and installing your share buttons should come first before you launch your blog post. This is because even when people visit your page and they would like to read it later, the only way they can save it is by sharing on their own social page which gives you more exposure. If they can’t-do that you have lost that opportunity of getting your content out there.

If you had like a free printable social Network description for a New Blog click here

Printable Social Network
Printable Social Network Description

Research the Niche  of your Newbie Blogging and Then go find where they Hang out:

I never understood how powerful the word Niche could be in Newbie Blogging until I started my Blog. When I decided I wanted to blog, I had no idea what my blog will be about.

It took me days of researching and trying to fit my experience and skills to know what I wanted to blog about. I had to then decide what niche I was going to play in. it was quite a tough one but I nailed it when I was able to marry my interest and burning passion with the people that needed it, that’s how I came about blogging about helping stay at home moms start a home business to support their lifestyle.

This was the aspect  I  struggled a lot with and I also know that a lot of Newbie bloggers still struggle with. Sometimes It takes a whole lot of time and perhaps even practice before you are able to narrow down to what really works for you.

In my own case, I knew that my ability to have a home business helped me a great deal to manage the issues of having kids and still earning a living. I then decided that Blogging and its related business will serve me well and also help my audience achieve their main goal of staying at home with their babies while also growing a business. I may not have the typical audience that is easy to sport just like you have maybe Football lovers but I do know that there are millions of women who struggle daily with having to leave their jobs to become a Stay at home mom and also those who want to become one but can’t afford to because they need the income they make from their jobs, still I press on in finding them through the forums and groups I visit and belong to in other to pass to them the help that they need to get to where they want to be.

Do you have another cheat sheet point you had like to add for  Newbie Blogging, leave a comment below?

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My name is Elizabeth I am a passionate home business owner who wishes to help others achieve their life goals of running a successful home business. I am particular about stay at home moms who wish to transition into a mompreneur.


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