How to keep busy when you are quarantined or under a lockdown

6 things to do when you are quarantined or under a lockdown

Do you want to know what you can do when you are quarantined or under a lockdown? Read on to know how to turn these times into a positive outcome


There is now a second wave of the Corona virus pandemic, this post still remains relevant

As we see that even if a cure is found today, you will still find this post relevant to your day-to-day life.

With the vaccines being made available by Pfizer and Moderna, there is a sigh of relief but we need to keep self-isolating and take every measure to avoid getting COVID19.

It’s not news anymore, coronavirus is now a pandemic and the whole world is struggling to stop this ravaging illness.

Countries have adopted all sorts of measures to try to slow and stop the spread of the virus.

Some of the measures include social distancing, hygiene alerts, and also lockdown of countries and states.

While there seems to be palpable fear everywhere, I would say fear and panic are not the answer.

At these times the most important thing to do is to redirect your energy elsewhere.

Poring over the news after news of the coronavirus COVID 19 will only increase your anxiety levels.

Practice hygiene, and avoid large crowds, and most importantly stay home.

Now staying home does not have to be like a death sentence.

For some of us use to working online, it is not a struggle, even if we have to work with kids at home, It is still not so terrible.

To redirect your energy and help you be more productive during this period.

Here are 5 things you can do when you are quarantined or under a lockdown.

6 Things to do when you are quarantined or under a lockdown.

1. Start a home business

This may not be a time you will be thinking of starting a home business.

The markets are virtually doing a flip side up, down today, and up tomorrow.

While it seems like the world economies are in turmoil. A lot of money is being pumped into the economy and small business credits will go down.

What better time can you start a business but when the government is willing to support people to stabilize their business?

In the midst of this turmoil, there is hope and there is always a need that you can fulfill.

Take a look around you and see what your community needs, be the one to supply those needs and you are in business.

Some likely business ideas that are doing well now include

  • Food and Toiletries
  • Protective gear- Face mask and Gloves, scarves
  • Game sets
  • Ebooks and courses
  • Counseling

The needs may not even be physical. For example, a lot of people are looking for answers right now and need counseling assurance and help.

If you have a gift for counseling people and giving people hope, then this is the time to use it to help people who are going through difficult situations.

You can start by offering free counseling services now, but when this pandemic is over, you will be their person of choice when they can pay you.

Here is a list of 101 business ideas you can start from home

I have created an email course that can help you to start a new business in just 5 days.

Sign up below for a free home business course

It comes packed with actionable tips and points that you can use to start your business during this quarantine period.

With self-isolation policies being pursued, you can do something you have been wanting to do for a while but never got the chance.

The COVID-19 is proving that we can actually work from home and be fine.

2.Learn a new skill

Your skillset will determine your relevance in this generation.

If you are wondering what to do when you are quarantined or under a lockdown, here is an opportunity to learn new skills.

You can become a coding specialist within the time it takes for this pandemic to be over and for a normal life routine to resume.

You can learn to cook, sew, bake and even teach.

If you work outside your home, you may have wanted to learn new skills but did not have the time, now is the best time to learn a new skill that will enable you to improve your career, change your career or even start a new business.

For example, a lot of people are online searching for news on the current pandemic.

If you are gifted with writing, this may be the time to write about the pandemic and make money from it.


Since writing this post, I have seen a lot of visits to this post, people seeking to learn a new skill in this season.

Even though the quarantine is being lifted, a lot has changed and new skills are now in demand like never before.

That is why I decided to help you learn 4 new digital skills that you will require in this season.

I am currently working on creating a bouquet of 4 digital skills that you can learn and start a home business within just one month.

The good thing is that you can sign up your first customers even while taking the course.

If you are interested in learning these digital skills, please sign up for my Skills2moneycourse.

The skills2money course is designed to equip you with 4 digital skills that are currently in hot demand

you will be transformed from knowing nothing about these skills to offering them as a service-based business.

It is a 4 in-one bundle course that has awesome bonuses attached.

The Skills2money course is fully loaded with courses that you can start a service-based business with.

What is covered in the Skills2money course

  • Website building
  • Ecommerce
  • Email marketing
  • Blogging

Want to learn more about this course bundle, tap the picture below to learn more

We are in the early adopter phase so hurry and grab the awesome bonuses attached.

Skiils2money course

Still, wondering what to do when you are quarantined or under a lockdown? here is what I can teach you personally, let’s go to the next point.

3. Start a Printables business

With the pandemic ongoing, we are witnessing a deluge of online platforms creating systems to enable people to work from home.

Last week Zoho launched its cloud solutions for work-at-home clients.

These are all opportunities that point to the fact that creating digital products is one of the ways that we are dealing with the current reality.

A lot of moms who are home with their kids need planners, printable playsets, stickers, and charts to be able to coordinate their time at home

This is the best time to start a printables business.

I created a course That teaches you how to create and sell Printables products and set up your online store.

If you take my course, you will be able to start your business in a short while.

Following through with my clear course instructions will help you to begin to help those who need what you have to produce now.

Printables products will help people plan their life better and make it easier to cope with this season.

What are the benefits of starting a printables business

👍All your products are digital files- No shipping costs

👍You would be creating a passive income for yourself-

👍Once your business is set up, and products created, you can resell it many times

👍No packaging is required for products

👍Work from home opportunity

If you would like to take this course now, click this button to get the two courses at the price of one, the price slash is because of the current pandemic.

4. Study the bible

In times like this, a lot of panic is going on and people are uncertain.

There is one thing that is certain in the midst of all this uncertainty, the word of God is still certain.

He has provided for us in this season in Psalm 91.

Instead of being at home and panicking reading the news and getting paranoid, this is the time to spend time in the word of God.

If you read Psalm 91 properly you will see that the Lord promised us that we are safe from all these calamities.

He promised his protection over us long before COVID-19 showed up. Our faith is in his word and not in the current situation.

Taking time to study the word as a family will not only help you to build your faith individually but as a family.

You will find times of bonding and love you never had before because you never had the time to spend in the word of God.

The Lord will reveal himself to you more as a healer, helper, protector, savior, and comforter.

5. Start a DIY project

When you are quarantined or under a lockdown, you may not be able to go out or interact socially, but you can do some activities within your home that will help you live through the season.

One of those activities is to start a DIY project, it could be to build something or even landscape your backyard.

It could also be to sew those cushions you have always wanted to do or to renovate your home by yourself.

These are activities that can help you to keep you busy, a busy mind does not have time to be worry and be fearful.

Some activities you can do

  • Build a backyard fire pit
  • Sew new covers for your cushions at home
  • Preserve food
  • Dream up new recipes and test it
  • Do a recycling project- With the shortage of essentials, it is time to practice sustainability, reuse, recycle and preserve your environment.
  • Landscape your garden.


Decluttering helps to keep you in a good frame of mind, even though it is a physical activity it actually has some mental advantages.

You may have wanted to declutter for some time now but never got around to do it

Now is the time to begin to declutter your closet, pantries, and other parts of your house you haven’t visited in ages.

You know that basement where you dumb everything that you are not using anymore? It is time to clean it out and let in some fresh air.

Spring is almost here anyway so why not start spring cleaning early enough.

Decluttering your space at this time will also help you to be mentally active and keep your mind fresh for new ideas.

As the world keeps changing rapidly before us, I want you to know that the best antidote to worry, fear, and uncertainty is to keep busy.

Redirect your thoughts to God’s word and promises, be joyful, and keep your home clean and healthy.

Wash your hands and do what you can to protect your family but realize that the ultimate protection comes from God.

11 For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways. Psalm 91Vs 11

A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee. Psalm 91 vs 7

Do you have any more ideas for what to do when you are quarantined or under a lockdown? Drop your comments below

Elizabeth is a passionate home business owner that helps others to achieve their life goals of running a successful home. business. I am particular about stay at home moms who wish to transition into a mompreneur.

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