How to make money selling printables

How to start a digital downloads business in 5 days- during a pandemic

How to start a digital downloads business or a printables business in 5 days.

Do you know that you can make money by learning how to sell digital downloads?

The COVID-19 has triggered the 4th industrial revolution, the world is going fully digital as we speak.

Digital downloads will be the mainstay of most businesses in the world

Do you want to know how to tap into this new economy?

Let me help you learn how to make and sell digital downloads from your home in 5 days.

As the pandemic sweeps through the world, a lot of people like yourself have found themselves at home.

Some are able to work at home while some cannot because their jobs to be done in your place of work

If you are among the latter group, you can learn how to make digital files and sell them online.

Why? Because digital files are actually ways you can convert your skills into a printable product that you can sell online

In my course on how to start a printables business.

I went through how to crystalize your business idea from your skills and start a digital printables product business.

In this post, I will show you how you can convert a simple skill into a digital printables product that you can sell online.

Before I go on, do you know what printables are?

If you do not know, here is a post I wrote on how to start a printables business

Read it before you get back to this post.

Our sample skill which we are going to convert into a printables product is cooking skill.

Scenario- You are a stay at home mom or maybe a working mom who loves to cook. You have wonderful recipes you had love to share with others.

You also know how to make sauces, preserve food and even organize a pantry.

Now, let us work you through how to convert your cooking skill into digital downloads that you can sell to your audience.

1st Day- Niche

In this case, you already know your niche, your niche is food. So you do not have to bother about how to find which niche is going to work out for you.

I chose cooking skill because it is a skill that comes easy to some stay at home moms.

Cooking meals and meal planning is a requirement for all women who have kids, whether they are staying home or working outside the home

As a mom or caregiver, you are required to feed your kids. Now how you go about it is what you have to decide.

For you who is offering this as a product to others, you have to realize that not all moms will like to cook so not all are your proposed target market.

Your niche defines your target market.

If you want to know how to find your niche, I took the time to explain it in the Newbie printables course Version 1.

The Newbie printables course Version 1 will help you to determine your niche and teach you how to design your first printables product also known as digital downloads.

Newbie Printables course- How to start a Digital downloads business

2nd Day- Determine Profitability

Now that you already have a niche which is the food niche. The next issue is to determine how profitable this niche is.

The quickest way to find profitability is to link search results to what you desire to produce.

If people are buying from your niche, they will be searching for it on Google right?

In the second module of my course in the Newbie printables business course Version 1, I show you how to do quick research on the profitability of your niche.

I also did a deep dive into the research methodologies in the Newbie printables business course 2.

If you would like to get the bundle course which takes care of both the design part of this business and the business side.

You will get a coupon from me that gives you a slashed price so you can get full knowledge of starting this business.

If you are not willing to get the bundle course, you can take the Version 1 of the course only to set up your business.

You can get Version 2 when you are ready.

3rd Day-Sample Products

Now you have ascertained that your niche is profitable, the next step is to get your products types ready

What type of digital downloads can you make with your cooking skills?

Here are ideas

Recipe binder/planner– This will contain your recipes and how to make your food choices, complete with places to get teh ingredients.

Fast meal planner- This can contain fast meals that a mom can whip up for her family

Budget meal planner- this is a planner for meals that are made on a budget

Vegan meals binder- this binder can be for people who are eating vegan meals.

Meal cooking templates- To be sold to those who already have their recipes but desire a template to instruct their kids to make meals for the home.

Food pantry labels: Design labels for products in the pantry and also for organizing a pantry.

Meal plan- 30 days– Contains sections for a 30 days meal planning option.

From these ideas, you can come up with more ideas and make more products.

4th Day- What software will you use for your digital downloads?

In this aspect, you get to choose which software will be suitable for producing your binders, planners, stickers, labels or any other products you are making.

In course I showed you how to use Canva to make your first designs. Once you have decided, start making your digital downloads.

5th day- Set up your online shop

On the 5th day, you now choose where you sell your digital downloads. You have different options online, they include Etsy, online shop, Shopify, Wix, and others.

Whichever one you choose, ensure it is something that you can easily set up.

In my course the Newbie printables business course version 2, I thought in-depth on how to build your online store.

I thought on how to set up your shop on Etsy, Sendowl on Fetchapp and using a wordpress enabled plugin named easy digital downloads

Do you see how easy it is to use your skills to start a digital download business in just 5 days?

Why Digital Downloads Business

With this business, you have no shipping to do, so no shipping costs.

It can be a source of passive income, this means that once you set your marketing engine on autopilot- I thought how to do this in Version 2 of my course.

The business just starts bringing you money while you do other things.

If you are ready to start this business in 5 days

Tap the button below to get the course

Bundle course

You get access to Version 1 and 2 of the Newbie printables business course, so you can apply the lectures as you go on.

If you cannot afford the Version 1 and 2 at this time.

Get Version 1 and start first, as you get better, you can buy version 2

I believe so much in starting from where you are, so I am giving you a Pandemic Coupon code that gives you a 20% discount on each option.

Coupon: WF0SY22F

Use the Code for all courses.

N.B- This coupon may expire at any time of my choosing. Make use of it now to avoid regrets.

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Elizabeth is a passionate home business owner that helps others to achieve their life goals of running a successful home. business. I am particular about stay at home moms who wish to transition into a mompreneur.

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