Ideas to make money during a pandemic

Top 6 Ideas to make money during a lockdown

Top Ideas that make money in a pandemic

You have been at home for a while and you are really looking for Ideas to make money during this lockdown season.

You may be asking yourself right now, where is the money flowing to?

Where do I need to be looking at to make money in this season?

Alot has happened during this COVID-19 crisis and I do know that a lot more will change post-COVID-19.

Alot of Industries will witness a major shift in how they operate.

The businesses that never paid attention to growing their online presence will be serously hit.

You may be seating at home now, perhaps you are not an essential worker so its either you have been laid off .

Or your work at home is gradually dwindling that you are sure you will soon be out of work.

You may be asking yourself, where is the money at now and what ideas to make money should I be pursuing?

In this post, I will share with you 5 home business ideas you can pursue to make money in this season

These Ideas will not only be needed now but in the post-COVID-19 era too.

A lot of companies that previously ignored these skills will see having these skills as the difference between surviving or dying.

If you have any of these skills you can convert them into a home business and start to look for customers.

Update- Since writing this post, I have had alot of people reading this post and looking for more information.

If you noticed most of the ideas written below are skill based ideas.

Some people are asking what if I don’t have the skills mentioned what do I do?

To solve that problem, I have gone into my course creation room to bring together 4 skills that you can learn in a month and start a service based business with it.

I call it the Skills2money course.

I am working really hard to see that I deliver this course to you within a month so that you can learn it and set up your business within one month

If you want to know when this course will be ready to launch, then sign up below.

There are heavy discounts for early adopters of this course and also loads of freebies.

Ideas to make money during a pandemic

1.Virtual Project Management

With the present workplace relocated to the home, a lot of companies need to keep in touch with members of their team through virtual teams.

Most companies will need to help to manage virtual teams in different remote locations. If you have skills in how to manage projects remotely you are in business.

Having skills that have to do with various online project management tools like Asana, Trello, Zoho, Zoom, Jira, etc will be something you can monetize during this season.

While the lockdown and pandemic lasts this skill will continue to be in demand.

Even at the end of the pandemic, companies will need training and knowledge impartation on how to manage virtual teams.

The COVID-19 has proven that as a business you cannot afford not to have an online business strategy.

Home Business Planner Pages

2. Ecommerce

I have written a lot on how to start an online shop, If you are a follower of my blog you should know by now that I have a partial bias for ecommerce shops.

I have often said that the best and easiest way for you to explore your passion for buying and selling is via an ecommerce shop.

Today I have been proven right.

A lot of ecommerce shops that sell essential goods will be sold out right now as the online business world booms.

There are many places you can sell online, you can either sell on standalone ecommerce shops like




Or you can sell on online market places like Amazon, Bonanza, and Etsy. There are major differences between the two options.

If you are ready to start your ecommerce shop today, sign up with Shopify, the most popular and customer friendly online shop platform there is.

For just 29 dollars a month, you can have your online shop set up and ready to go.

Shopify- Start an online shop today

If you don’t have the patience to learn to set it up, I can set it for you.

Just click here to sign me up.

[isell_buy_now id=”3725″]

There are two ways to make money when it comes to ecommerce, you can run an ecommerce shop yourself or you can set it up and manage it for someone else.

The first option allows you to own your business, while the second option allows you to offer ecommerce services to an online shop owner.

Either way you do it, making money from ecommerce is a sure way to beat the lockdown and the economic downturn that follows it.

It is also one of those ideas to make money that will continue to boom for a long time to come.

3.Web Design and Management

Web design and management is a skill that will be in high demand right now.

How do I know it is one of those ideas to make money?

Because a lot of companies will be rebranding and repositioning their websites in order to attract customers online.

For some that had websites that were not interactive, this COVID-19 will push them to make serious changes to how they connect with their customers.

I was once shopping for something online, each time I got to where I wanted to make a purchase, I would be asked to drop my email and wait for a quote.

I said these people are not ready to do business. Before they finish preparing their quote and sending it, I have made a choice or moved on

So many online websites are like that, they are not designed to get the customer to make a purchase, hence they lose out on all their customers

I later purchased what I was shopping for from someone who was ready to let me pay immediately.

So many businesses that were not prepared to do business online will now be looking to re-strategize their online presence to make money.

You can guess they will be seeking for someone to help them redesign their website.

This is where anyone who has such skills will be contacted to help out, this skill represents a serious moneymaker for the times we are in now.

If you know how to design a website using WordPress, you will be in demand as a lot of people trust the WordPress content management system. WordPress skills are in hot demand now.

Seeing the dire need for these skills, I have created a course that teaches you how to start an online business building websites for small businesses.

This course consists of a 4-in-1 course that teaches you how to build websites using WordPress and Wix, and how to build ecommerce shops.

It wraps it up by teaching you how to attract your customers using email marketing techniques that work.

Click on the picture below to learn more

Skiils2money course

4.Social Media Management

Social media management skills is a skill that will be fetching hot money right now.

A lot of businesses having been shut down will be looking to connect engage and sell to their customers via various social media channels where a lot of people are spending their time.

If you have skills for managing social media, connecting with customers, designing graphics and running campaigns, this is the best time to use your skills to earn money. There will never be a time like this in a long time.

This is the time to reach out to your customers by either creating a profile on freelance platforms like Upwork or or having your own stand-alone website where you showcase the services you have to offer.

Social media management skills is skill to beat in this current season.

5. Content Creation/ Strategy

Do you love to create content, and you also love to create content strategies for small businesses? this is the time to start making money woith your skills.

I wrote a post on how to start a freelance writing business on a shoestring budget.

If you read that post, you will learn how I started my freelance writing income stream.

Freelance writing has really helped my blogging business, with freelance writing I started making a steady income form my blog.

I shared with you my journey and how Elna Cain’s course helped me to succeed.

If you would like to take her course in on how to start a freelance writing business, please tap the picture below.

Start a freelance writing business

6.Printables Creation.

This year when I was praying for my business, I was impressed in my heart that this will be the year for printables.

I did not understand what the Lord meant, but one thing I knew was that God gave me a seed to help me understand what he was saying.

I was reading Lena Gotts’s (of whatmommydoes) email yesterday and she was saying her printables products were flying off the shelves, she was making enough from her printables sales to pay down her mortgage.

This is because a lot of people who are home now are turning to printables products to help them get through the day.

If you have not started your printables business I wonder what you are waiting for.

It was because of you that I launched the Newbie Printables Business course earlier in January.

God knew what was to come and impressed on me to get it out the door.

The Newbie Printables Business Course is now the number one on Google’s first page when you type the word printables course

This is to show you how Google values the information I have to offer.

Here is a screen shot of my course page.

If you ask me how this was possible, I will only tell you it is by direction of the Holy Spirit.

When I nearly gave up on this course, the Lord encouraged me. Today we are on the first page of Google.

This is so awesome because it means that out of all the courses on Printables out there, my course is considered the best course with the most information on making and selling Printables.

I have packed all the information in Version 1 and 2 of the course that you will need to start your printables business right away.

With my course, you will not only learn how to design printables with a simple software.

You will also learn how to set up your online shop, build a funnel for your products and set up your marketing efforts on autopilot.

This course is suitable for you even if you have never created a printables product in your life.

The course bundle comprises Version 1 and 2, to give you a full package to start your printables business successfully.

Tap the picture below to start the course.

2  In 1 bundle, Newbie Printables Business Course

This is my own way of helping you start a business in a thriving sector while you still got the chance.

If you are set to start a business after reading this post, the first thing to do is to plan out your business in a document that will help you to implement it easily.

I have been in business for so many years and have experiences that I developed into a system. That system is what I have used to create a Home Business Planner that will make planning and executing your home business idea quite easy.

I have seen alot of people start a home business with no plan, because they do not have a plan, they fall flat on their faces before they have had a chance to thrive.

I want to give you the opportunity not to make that mistake.

That opportunity is to take my system of planning a business and use it to start your business successfully.

To make use of my system for starting a home business, grab the home business planner below.

Home Business Planner


Starting a business during a lockdown may seem like a daunting effort but if you understand where the money is flowing, you can key into the flow and make money even in an economic downturn.

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Elizabeth is a passionate home business owner that helps others to achieve their life goals of running a successful home. business. I am particular about stay at home moms who wish to transition into a mompreneur.

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