Work from home survival Planner

Work from home tips- 3 survival ideas to help you thrive

The world’s largest experiment on work from home is taking place right now.

3 Work from home tips you will need to survive the work from home battle.

Alot of people are in survival mode , while for some it is a crisis mode.

Work from home tips is being sought after by everyone who has suddenly found out they cannot escape it.

There was a time when working from home was looked down on but not anymore.

The times we are in have proven that there are certain circumstances that may necessitate that you work from home.

It is okay to work from home and be fine.

So if you are one of those hunting for work from home tips that will help you to survive this season,

I got your back because this is one thing I have been doing for over 5 years now.

I know what it takes to work from home and I will share with you the real world experience I have gotten.

How I have managed to work from home, care for my kids, build a business and still thrive despite the odds against me.

So are you ready to learn my survival tips to work from home?

3 Work at home Tips that will help you thrive.


When I started working from home, I made this one mistake, I did not have a plan.

I thought working from home will not be so different from working outside the home. After all, it is work, right?

Wrong, without a plan I did not have targets, I could not point one thing I had achieved at the end of the day.

I went down rabbit holes on the internet in the process of research, and I totally went off track.

The number one thing you have to do is to plan your work from home schedule.

You cannot succeed in working from home except you have a wholistic plan that takes into consideration your new work place.

When you have a plan clearly written out, it is like a map that guides your journey from beginning to the end.

Ever tried to locate a place without a map, it is clearly fraustrating.

That is why you need to have a plan that will help you to make sure you have an idea of what you will achieve every week that you work from home

If you are looking for the number 1 work from home tips, this is it.

Plan your work from home job or business.


The second work from home tips I will like to share with you is to prioritize your work.

When you work from home, you have many issues begging for your attention.

From the kids to the house cleaning, to cooking to laundry. These are all aspects of working from home even though it does not seem like it.

When you tell people that you work from home, they imagine you have all day to seat at home and laze around.

What they do not figure in is that you have to care for your kids, clean the house, cook meals and at the same time run a business or do a job.

If you do not prioritize what needs to be done, you may find yourself having a lot of half-done work at home.

You will start cleaning the bathroom and halfway through, your phone rings, you go to answer the call, while at it, you remember that you have not started lunch.

You get into the kitchen and start lunch. After lunch, you get into the bathroom and realize you never finished your cleaning and everywhere is a mess.

If it where the times when kids were away at school, you may be lucky to have a little time to complete it.

Now with the COVID-19 crisis and everyone staying at home, how do you manage the home, work, homeschool and still have a life?

This is where I share with you a system that has helped me over the years of working from home.

I will tell you more about this system as we move forward.

3. Systemize

What does it mean to systemize? To systemize means to create a series of steps that will help you to manage all aspects of your work from home.

This includes home management, kids care, homeschool, and work or business. Creating a system gives you rest of mind.

You don’t have to wake up every morning trying to reinvent the wheels, you just pick up your system apply it and you are ready to go.

A lot of people don’t realize that knowing work from home tips means to understand how to create that system that works for your family.

Before I created my system, it was not a fancy life at all, my business suffered a lot.

I could not generate income, my home also suffered because we were always out of balance.

A system enables you to create a balance that gives you a steady way to attack what confronts you without getting overwhelmed.

Having worked form home for 3 full years and partially for 2 years, I have come to realize that the system I created can work for anyone.

No matter where you live, you can adapt my system and be on the way to making your work from home journey smooth.

I have listened to a lot of women complain of how this stuck at home problem due to the COVID-19 crisis is affecting their lives and business and jobs.

That is why I decided that it was time to share my system with the world.

From this throve of knowledge that I have, I decided to create a planner that will help anyone struggling to thrive as a working person.

If you are looking for work from home tips, you are lucky to have access to this tried and tested system that I have designed into a planner to help you thrive.

The planner is now available in my online shop.

What is in the Work at home survival planner?

The work from home survival planner contains the following

  • Family & Organization details
  • Work plan
  • Job hunt strategy
  • New business start-up plan
  • Home business plan
  • Meal plans
  • Homeschooling plan
  • Checklist- for each section

Each major section of this planner is well broken down with each part carefully thought out to provide value.

I made sure to have a big picture plan that pulls it all together so you see how it all works together.

No hair brain plans that has no end in sight.

You will also find a sample time block plan that shows you how to pull it all together.

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Elizabeth is a passionate home business owner that helps others to achieve their life goals of running a successful home. business. I am particular about stay at home moms who wish to transition into a mompreneur.

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