How to start a Blog with International appeal

How to start a Blog with international appeal

Starting a blog has become a way of making a living for so many people out there.

When we read blog posts on the internet we are not really concerned about where the person who wrote the blog post is from.

We are more concerned about ensuring that our needs are met and we get the information we want from the blog post.

As blogger, as long as your blog is on the internet, you cannot control who reads it, this means that we need to ensure that the blogposts we write have international appeal.

It also means that no matter where the person who is reading it is located, they can get value from that blog post and also be able to take action on what is written.

This is how you build a blog that has readers from all over the world. Your readers are not at loss what you are about and they can relate with what you are writing.

To build a blog with international appeal means that you have access to international markets and can sell your products to anyone anywhere in the world.

This is the beauty of internet and having an online business, that you can seat in the US and sell to someone in Asia or Africa.

So what does it take to build a blog that has international appeal? Stay with me, I will open up the steps you need to take.

My blog is a blog that is read in over 60 countries of the world so I believe I am in a better position to help you by exposing some of the secrets I used in building my Blogging business.

Steps to building a blog with International Appeal

1. Niche

The first place to get your blog to have international appeal starts from the niche you choose to write in.

There are niches that have international appeal and there those that do not

If you choose a niche that is focused on your country based norms, traditions and lifestyle, you may find that you will not appeal to an international audience because they will not find value in what you are writing.

For example, Rving and camping is a niche that is valuable to the western countries like US, Uk and so on, but Africa does not value such niches.

This is because their typical lifestyle does not allow for such adventures. 40% of the populace lives at less than a dollar a day, they cannot afford the lifestyle occasioned by such niches.

Understanding the niche you want to play in and finding out if it appeals to your international audience is your first real step to having a blog with international appeal.

Niching down can also be used to target a country of your choice even if you do not live in that country.

Examples of Niches that have international appeal

Digital marketing





Household Products

Consumer electronics

2. Language

Though a good percentage of most blogs are published in English, there are countries where English is not their first language hence when you write your blog posts, it is translated into their own language.

If you want to start a blog with international appeal, you must be ready to write a a simple language that is easy to understand.

One of the basic differences without a blog and an academic paper or more formal new outlets is the simplicity of the language and the fact that anyone with little education can read it and understand what is being said.

Building a blog with international appeal means that you are able to simplify your language enough to be assimilated by anyone even if they are using a translator.

3 Acknowledge differences in holidays and seasons

Different parts of the world celebrate different holidays and seasons, depending on what you want for your blog, you may choose to acknowledge such big holidays that matter to them to show that you respect them.

For example, no mater whet religion you are, Christmas is season that is celebrated by all people, while Hanukkah is a Jewish holiday that often falls either before or after Christmas.

Being conscious of such differences and choosing to acknowledge them will help your different audience types to know that you care about what they celebrate.

4. Webhosting

To start a blog with international appeal you need web hosting, you need to get a domain name and ultimately you need to build the blog. I will breakdown how this affects your blog.

Domain name

A domain name is the name that you give to your online business and it is reserved solely for your use until you stop paying for the rights to own that name.

A domain name that will have international appeal should have the following characteristics

Be memorable:

It should be be easy to remember and not too long, long domain names tend to get confusing especially for people who want to type in the name into the browser when using it.

Could reflect your niche

People who are sure about the niche they want to write in tend to pick names that reflects their niche, this makes it possible for the name of their blog to be discoverable during a google search.

I love this aspect of niching because I used it. However it does not mean that if you are using a name that does not reflect your niche your blog posts will not come up. As long as you are putting out desired content, your post will come up but niched domain names makes it easier.


For you to be able to use a domain name, it has to be available when you search for it. It should be available an .com basis as that is a more popular one than others.

To search for availability of your chosen domain name go here

If you want to generate a domain name, you can use this domain name generator.

Hosting :

Choosing a good hosting company is important to your business because it is your hosting company that determines when your blog is available online.

If you want to build a blog with international appeal your blog should be available online to everyone that needs it.

This means you need to choose a hosting company that has a characteristic of having up to 99.9 percent uptime.

One of the best Hosting companies that I like is Ipage.

Ipage hosting provides with the following benefits as listed in the picture below.

With just 36 dollars you can buy one hear of hosting and get free domain name plus your customized domain emails.

Tap the picture to purchase it.

Ipage hosting

Blog design

How you design your blog determines the look and feel and the user experience of those who visit your blog.

A poorly designed blog that is not appealing makes the reader loose trust in your blog and will likely not take any actions while there.

A well designed blog boosts the confidence of the reader and enables them to take actions on your blog. Whether it is to sign up for your course or get into your email list.

If you want to learn how to build a well designed blog then you need to sign up for my course that is designed to teach newbies like you how to build a blog website for your blog without stress.

Tap the picture below to sign up


When you start a blog with international appeal, you want to create a pathway for monetizing your blog since the blog is a business and not necessarily a hobby.

Monetizing your international blog is quite easy, you just need to create products that resonate with the majority of your blog readers.

So for example if you are conversant with using your Google analytics to check your Blog stats, you must know where the majority of your blog readers come from.

This should form the basis of your key audience desires which of course determines what type of product you can create for them.

Knowing what your majority audience needs are and creating products that meet that needs will enable you monetize your blog.

Product creation is just one method of monetizing your blog, you may read my post on how to make your first 1k from your blog to see other ways of monetizing your blog.

Building a blog that has international appeal can be a rewarding venture especially since your blog will be widely read and will also enable you to generate revenue for your business.

If you want to learn how to build a blog with international appeal, I have opened up my coaching slots to help guide you in my upcoming coaching program.

It is a 12 weeks online coaching program that is designed to do the following.

  • Choose a Niche
  • Build your website for blogging
  • Create your blog posts
  • Design a strategy for creating your income streams and monetizing your blog

It is a 12 weeks coaching program that is packed with actionable steps to follow to start your international blog.

During this 12 weeks coaching program you will learn

👉How to choose a niche that is profitable and has international appeal

👉How to create blog posts that resonate with your audience and elicits responses when you post

👉How to build a standard blog website by yourself that will enable you to start blogging

👉How to rank your blog posts on the first page of google and begin to attract your clients.

👉How to identify your reader needs and create befitting products that will be easily bought by your audience.

If you want to sign up for my blog coaching package, then sign up with form below.

What is in this coaching package

👉12 weeks of coaching classes via Google meet(Twice a week)

👉Access to a my course- WordPress Without Tears- Cost: $62.5

👉Access to my course Newbie Printables course- $Cost: 109.99

👉Online support via emails

👉Group support on Facebook after the coaching classes ends

👉Private Whatsapp chats for immediate need when necessary

Cost of Blog Coaching Package

One hour of my time: $35/hour

12 weeks of my time: $70*12= $840

WordPress Without Tears Course: $62.5

Newbie Printables Course: $109.99

Total Real Cost of Coaching Program: $1012.49

Cost of Coaching Class Now: $600

To Sign up, hit the button below

Elizabeth is a passionate home business owner that helps others to achieve their life goals of running a successful home. business. I am particular about stay at home moms who wish to transition into a mompreneur.

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