Summer Holiday Activity Planner

5 Tips for Planning your Summer Ideas as a mom

Summer is quickly approaching, like all moms you are probably already thinking of your summer ideas and how you intend to execute them.

How  to plan a fun-filled summer with creative summer ideas. Get the 5 steps that ensures you have a summer worth remembering

Summer is a holiday that a lot of moms love to hate.

On one hand, you are happy that you get to spend time with your lovelies, but on the other hand, you now have a ton full of time and a house full of kids and you are wondering how to keep them engaged.

The pandemic has not made it easy, a lot of schooling in this school year was done at home so either way you have been engaged with your kids like forever.

Whether it is homeschooling them or offering support to online school, this school year has indeed taken a toll on you so you really need to unwind this summer.

For some of you, you probably had to stop working during this pandemic because you either lost your job or you just could not cope with what was going on so you decided the job had to go.

If you are that mom, I feel for you and I am sincerely sending you virtual hugs to say, you got this.

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You will also get a free printable home business planner checklist for signing up.

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Now if you really want this summer to be worth it for you, you need to begin early to plan for it

You know what they say, if you fail to plan, then you plan to fail

Your summer can be memorable, it can also be stressful, you need to choose which one it will be.

I am for being conscious of what you do so that you can look back later and say wow, it was the best summer ever.

To help you plan your summer ideas and also have a fun-filled summer that is memorable, here are some quick tips that you need to hold in your hand.

5 Tips to planning your summer ideas with fun

1.Make a summer bucket list

Yes, this is where it all starts from, if you want your summer to be fun, then you must first start with what you want to achieve.

Your summer bucket list is like the goals that you want to hit.

Only that this time, it is a fun summer bucket list. Your bucket list will help you and guide you on how to plan your summer ideas.

I have found that when I have a goal, just like I write my business goals, I am more focused on pursuing it than when I get on without any specific idea of what I am to do.

When making this list, here is what you need to do if your kids have gotten to the age where they can talk and understand you properly, you should consult them or tell them to write their own summer bucket list.

This will help you to compile a list that will meet everyone’s needs.

Why is this step important? because if they write out what they want to do, getting them to do it will be much more fun, than forcing them to do what you want.

For me, I will always have a mixture of what I want them to achieve and what they want to do on the list.

That way, we can have a more balanced approach.

Activities you can do during summer

  • Swimming
  • Hiking
  • Beach
  • Water sports
  • Reading
  • Barbeque
  • Camping
  • Playing Tennis

This list is by no means exhaustive but according to the National Recreation and park association survey, Americans revealed that the 3 most popular summer activities they love include

  • Hiking
  • Beach going
  • Picnic/ Barbeque

Once your summer bucket list is ready, it is time to move to the next step which is creating and assigning each list of goals to specific timelines.

2.Assign Timelines

Like all things in life, you must attach particular timelines to what you want to achieve.

Your summer bucket lists are activities you want to do before summer is over, so it needs to have particular timelines attached to them.

For me, I like to have a weekly list which I then break down into daily tasks or activities.

This makes it easy for us to know what we are doing each week.

I remember one summer that my kids decided they needed a Pet.

So I said, for me to know that you are ready to take care of a pet, let us start with something small.

So we got a pet snail, their job was to feed the snail and take care of it that summer.

Mmm, I wish I can tell you it ended well, nope it did not, they left the snail after two days of excitement. The snail wandered away never to be seen again.

But my task for that week was accomplished, it was a week of Pet rearing.

It did not go well but we had fun building a litter for the snail and feeding the snails the albeit for a few days.

3.Shop for summer activity

One of the best parts about planning your summer activities in advance is the fact that you can get all that you need for your summer activities before summer arrives.

That way your summer ideas do not get pushed to the background because you did not get ready for it.

So you want to do some jump rope activities, now will be the best time to shop for such items.

If you are planning to go to the beach( If COVID restrictions allow) It is best you get some nice beachwear now before they become quite expensive during summer.

Beachcandy offers the most luxurious and exclusive kind of beachwear that you can get.

One activity that I know we need to get our kids to do this summer is reading, lets just say that I want them to spend time discovering the world of books instead of playing all the time.

If you have scheduled reading as part of your summer activity, here are some titles you may want to encourage your kids to read this summer.

Tales of Smiles by Esther

Shopping for your summer activities well ahead of time means you get to save money and also prepare for the holiday without much stress.

If cooking is part of what you want your kids to learn, now will be the time to get recipe ideas and also sign up for classes if you have to.

All your shopping and prepping for summer will help you to take some needed rest during the actual holiday instead of running around trying to get one needed materials or the other.

If you plan to travel, getting your travel itinerary set up earlier will also make it easy to implement.

You may also use this time to get lower-priced tickets if you have not gotten one yet.

4.Budget for your summer ideas

While we wish that all the summer activities will not cost money, we do know that is not possible, so it is important that we budget for what we want to spend during the summer.

For example, if you plan on seeing a movie together as a family, it is a cost that you should budget for perhaps buy your tickets ahead of time to avoid last-minute expenses.

You may also want your kids to learn some extracurricular skills like perhaps taking a cooking lesson or sewing lesson. You need to budget for that.

I remember that it was the summer that my son was 4 that he learned how to play the piano, my little girl who was 3 at that time played a tune for me which was so lovely.

Learning a skill during summer is one activity that will cost you money so it is important that we plan for that too.

Keeping a budget tracker that helps you to track your expense will make it easy for you to know how much you spend per day.

One way to get the kids to participate in this activity is to have them earn the amount that will be spent on their activity during the summer period.

This will help them to learn how to earn and also for them to understand the value of money.

Once you are done outlining all this, it is time to put it together in a plan.

5.Make a full scale plan

So how do you make a summer plan?

To make a summer plan, you need to take all the steps mentioned above and create a plan out of it.

You will have a clearer idea of what you have to achieve if you have a planner where you put it all together.

A plan that is made in different sheets of paper can get lost but when you have a well-planned binder where all your plans are laid out, you set yourself up for execution.

You also have a compendium that you can look back at and reminisce over your summer activities.

As a home business owner, planning for both my business and mom’s life is important to me because it helps to keep me organized and sane.

It also enables me to track my goals to see if I am progressing on them or not.

That is why I created a fun Summer Planner Binder for you.

A summer planner binder is the best investment you can make to help make your summer planning fun.

With a summer planning binder, you ensure that your most meaningful summer ideas are the ones you engage in.

With my summer planner binder, you can stop tearing out your head trying to plan everything that you need to do.

I make it easy for you to finish your summer planning within an hour.

The summer planning binder consists of the following sections

  • Family Details
  • Weekly planning
  • Bucket List
  • Budget
  • Vacation Planning
  • Photostory

To learn more about this planner, click the button below

Do you have more Summer ideas and how to plan a fun summer holiday? drop your comments below, I will reply.

Elizabeth is a passionate home business owner that helps others to achieve their life goals of running a successful home. business. I am particular about stay at home moms who wish to transition into a mompreneur.

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