A Collection of Father’s day Gift items that will cost less than $100.


A collection of Fathers day gift ideas that cost less than a $100

Fathers day celebration is coming soon, well it’s actually on the 18th of June, and that’s my Hubby’s Birthday yip yip yip. While I know that Mothers day gets celebrated way more than fathers day, perhaps because of the significant sacrifices that moms make in other to raise their kids.I do love the fact that Fathers get celebrated too because when you look at it, Dad and Mum are like the two halves of a coin, one shouldn’t have to do without the other even though it doesn’t always happen that way.

We celebrate Fathers because they give the family direction and stability. children tend to always see their Dad as heroes. With a dad functioning in a home, the family is much more rounded and children can grow up to achieve their maximum potential. We were coming home from a Midweek service that we had attended when my son saw the shopping mall sign, he started asking for us to drive into the shopping mall, the following conversation ensued

Son: I want to go to the shopping Mall

Me : Why?

Son: Because I want to buy something

me : Do you have money to buy something?

Son; No, but Daddy has Money

Me: Why do you think daddy has money

Son; Because he is always buying plenty things.


We all burst out and started laughing, my husband loves shopping for us, so you can get where he got the idea that even though as a child he has no money, his dad has and we can use Dad’s money.

In his mind, his dad will never disappoint him. It is conversations like this that help you know how kids perceive the role of the Father in the Family.

No matter how hard a mom may try and I know they do try hard, there are certain discussions that will only happen with a Father. That’s why children need male figures in their lives to give them a sense of balance they need in life to go ahead and win.

We owe it to our kids as parents to make the family a place where our kids can find refuge when they are hurting, Parent’s that create a healthy atmosphere for their kids to grow in, help to nurture Children who are confident and contribute immensely to their communities.

A father’s day celebration, therefore, complete the cycle of celebrating parents who consistently work hard to make our Family lives wonderful. So if you are looking to celebrate that wonderful man in your life who has become a Father to your kids or your own Dad. Here is a Fathers day collection of Gift items for a 100 dollar or less.

The name of this collection is ‘Dad U Rock.’

I designed this collection with this inscription because it best explains the importance the male figures in my life has had in my life. My dad Bless his soul has passed on but I am still inspired by what he taught me during his Lifetime. He taught me hard work, tenacity,  independence self-content and charity. Valuable Life lessons that I still live by today.

My Dad though he was unschooled and barely had enough to eat while growing up,  started a business and grew that business to leave a legacy for his children. He will later attend Adult school at his old age, he was a dreamer and never failed to help those in need.

My Husband is a wonderful Dad to our kids, with him I have learned to be focused in the midst of so many distractions, he also taught me tenacity and to dream big dreams. I just met him when his business was just on a sheet of paper. He resigned a well-paying job to pursue a dream of starting a Telecoms service Business. He has succeeded in creating wealth through what he does Co -incidentally, this year’s fathers day is also My Hubby’s birthday. So you see why this Fathers day celebration means so much to me.

My designs, therefore, replicate my heartfelt thought towards my two loved ones, one is here and one has gone. I remember that they are part of the reason why I am who I am today.

So if you want to celebrate this male figures in your life, here are 4 beautifully designed  Fathers day gift items that will help you rock them as your heroes.

  • Dad U Rock Mug:
Dad U Rock Mug

This mug is a beautifully designed mug with the inscription of Dad U rock on both sides of the Mug. The Mug has different options;  the double-toned black and white option,  a frosted Mug option and a travel /commuter mug option for those who like to travel with their Mug. It comes in sizes of 11 oz and  15 oz. This Mug costs $17.95  You get 25% discount when you apply the code ZAZZLEGIFT50

  • Gym Bag



Dad U Rock Gym bag

This beautifully designed gym bag is a fitting  Fathers day gift item. it’s basically for the dads who like to break a good sweat at the gym. It’s easy to handle and can contain most of your Gym materials. It comes in different colors namely White, Blue, Red, Green and Purple.

This Bag costs $57.90  You get 15% discount with the code ZAZZLEGIFT50.

  • Key Ring




Do you have a dad who likes to keep his keys together, everyone loves to have those beautiful keychains that ensure you have your most important keys altogether. This Dad U rock key chain is exquisite and beautiful. It comes in different shapes: Square and Round. If you want the premium rounded feature or premium square it will cost you more but this featured basic button rounded keychain costs only  $3.70. You get a 15% off with code ZAZZLEGIFT50.

  • Bottle Opener

This beautifully designed bottle opener is classy and fitting for fathers who love to keep their openers handy. It’s made of stainless steel with a length and design that will help you pop those bottles with ease.

The Bottle opener costs    $13.70 You get a 15% discount when you apply the code ZAZZLEGIFT50

All these items can be obtained from my Eleoraconcepts store on Zazzle Platform.

So if you are a stay at home mom who would like to get a Fathers day gift items without breaking the bank, these items will suit you perfectly.Perhaps you did not like any of the items I mentioned above, Please browse around for fitting gifts from my store and see what suits you. if you would like any of these gift items customized for you, kindly hit me a mail or leave a message in my comments section on the store and I will get back to you.

Kindly leave a comment for me if you liked what you saw in my store.

Thanks and Have a Happy fathers day celebration.


Elizabeth is a passionate home business owner that helps others to achieve their life goals of running a successful home. business. I am particular about stay at home moms who wish to transition into a mompreneur.

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