Amazon is hiring 5000 people to work from Home, Here is why you should jump into the work at home option.

Update- I made this prediction 3 years ago when Amazon was hiring just about 5,000 people. Today the COVID19 Pandemic has forced this reality to come true.

Amazon is now hiring- 100,000 people to help deliver its packages and guess what, the future of work is now at home.

I woke up this morning to the headline that Amazon is hiring 5000 people to work from their homes and I thought to myself the world is changing before our very eyes, we have jobs been taken over by robots and now the traditional workplace is disappearing too.

I kind of felt happy because I realized that we who chose to make a living from work at home industry are beginning to change what the workplace should be.

I believe that anybody should be able to choose job options that support their lifestyle and provide themselves the liberty to enjoy what they do.

You may want to be part of the work at home group as you try to figure out what flexible options you have.

Here are reasons why you should take that option.

  • People are seeking options that give them the flexibility to support their lifestyle while they still make a decent living.
  • The internet and technology revolution is making it easier to work from anywhere in the world. You don’t have to be physically present to do a job.
  •  The needs of the people are changing, people are pursuing options that tie into their interests, they don’t want to have to walk into a physical store to shop or get a service.
  • This year alone, big shopping malls are shutting down for lack of business, competition from online shopping is making it difficult for them to keep up. A good example is a close down of many shops by Macy’s and the filing for bankruptcy by Payless ShoeSource.
  • Consumers are seeking options that enable them to get their services with a push of the button. They don’t want to have to leave their homes to get their service.
  • People are figuring out that their comfort is more important than the hassles of leaving home for a job or business.
  • They want to define how much they earn.
  • Many people are seeking a balance in their lives that working from home can give to them, they don’t want to spend all their time working alone, they want to enjoy life too.
  • Moms want to be there for their kids.
  • People want to work at their own schedule and around the things that matter to them.

All the above-mentioned points support the fact that the work at home industry is the new place to be.

People are making a living from their homes and also supporting their families through it.

If you are considering giving the work at home option a try here are some examples of what you can do from home.

Start a freelance writing business

Six Figure Businesses a Work at Home Mom  can Start

There are many home businesses that are making six figures. If you’re not sure what that means it’s at least 100K a year.

If you perform services the math is easy; The Hours You Work x Your Hourly Rate = 100K.

If you can work 20 billable hours a week you’d need to charge about 100 dollars per hour to meet the six-figure mark each year.

The following opportunities can all get you to the six-figure mark if you create a plan and follow it.

  • Web Designer – If you know about design, and understand the popularly used software today like self-hosted WordPress then you can earn a lucrative income designing websites for local and distant business owners. At just $1000 dollars a website you’d only need to build 100 websites a year to hit the six-figure mark. If you want to start as a freelancer, you can offer your services on Fiverr, their services are quite good and they have a wide reach. Get the link here Fiverr
  • Graphic Designer – If you’re good at making book covers, website banners, and other types of graphics like logos you can make a very good income. Many designers charge by the project and others charge hourly. You can charge more than 100 dollars an hour as a graphic designer for many types of design work. To get started as a graphic designer here is a place you can offer your services for a fee, click on this link: Fiverr
  • Virtual Assistant – You can specialize depending on your skills and earn a larger hourly rate. Many specialties VAs such as speaker’s assistants, author’s assistants, and so forth earn from 45 to 100 an hour. You can hire a team to help, or charge by the package to up your income. You can learn more about earning as a VA from com.
  • Public Speaker – You have probably heard how much some famous people get paid for public speaking so don’t expect to make 30K per event like some of these people do, but you can make a very lucrative income speaking if you have a sought out topic and a particular target audience that is in need of speakers. You can learn more about public speaking from Tom Antion.
  • Author – Today it’s easier than ever to become a published author. You can publish eBooks easily on Kindle format, self-publish using Create Space, and even find a traditional situation with a publisher if you want to. Find a genre that is popular and get a book done, then worry later how you’ll publish it.
  • Writer- You can earn a lot of money from writing by joining companies like Copypress where you can sell your skills as a freelance writer. Should you be wondering how to write articles fast enough to generate enough sales for you to make a living, then you can consider taking this course by Elna Cain- Write21k. I bought the course and listened to her. I started making a good income from my freelance writing income stream.
  • Affiliate Marketer–Being an affiliate marketer means you promote other people’s products or services for a percentage of sales. You’ll use various methods from email lists to websites to promote the products that you choose for your audience. There are tons of companies you can join as an affiliate to promote their products, here are some to mention a few; Clickbank, Jvzoo, Rakuten Linkshare, Sovrn.
  • You can also sign up with the button below to become an affiliate of my printables products. Affiliates of my online shop products make a 50% commission.

Disclosure: There are affiliate links connected with this post.

Do you know any other way that work at home jobs can improve one’s life, leave a comment below.

Headline above was first read from Real Simple

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Elizabeth is a passionate home business owner that helps others to achieve their life goals of running a successful home. business. I am particular about stay at home moms who wish to transition into a mompreneur.

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