How to start a quarantine care package business

Best 5 quarantine care package business ideas

COVID19 hit the world in April last year and brought about the biggest amount of change in the world.

The word quarantine used to be used sparingly but not anymore.

As countries are quarantining to save themselves from the virus, most people have adopted all forms of quarantine modes to save themselves from the virus or to recover.

In times like this, a quarantine care package business is the best way to help loved ones reach out to their families who are quarantining for various reasons.

The demand for care packages has shot through the roof as people keep searching for ways to keep in contact with their loved ones.

As a business-savvy person, this is an opportunity you can use to start a home business.

Before the pandemic, I wrote a post about how to start a care package business.

When I wrote that post, there was no pandemic but I knew it was a business that anyone who loves gift-giving should consider because it shows love and care.

With the pandemic on now, the need for care packages has risen so much so that it is on a breakout mode on Google trend.

My post is also on the first page of Google because I have the best information out there when it comes to starting a care package business

See picture below

So if you want to start a care package business now, a quarantine care package business niche is a niche that you should explore.

If what to know the reason why here are reasons why you should start a quarantine care package business.

Why you should start a quarantine care package business

👉It is on a rising trend, meaning that people are constantly searching for care package solutions for the quarantined.

Take a look at the picture below

👉The Pandemic may not simply disappear as we thought, we may well be living with it for a while. Even with the vaccines being made available there is a lot that is still unknown.

👉Loved ones will always need care when they cannot be with you so sending a care package will always be needed.

👉It is a niche that can be extended into other niches like hospitalized stays and inmate care package niches.

Now that you have seen the reasons that you need to start a quarantine care package business.

What are the types of care packages that you can put together to start your quarantine care package business?

Here are some ideas.

5 quarantine care package business idea

1.COVID Care Package

This care package type is for the person who is either self-isolating because they are ill and need to recover from the illness or they have had contact with someone who had the virus and they do not know if they have the disease.

You can also put together this care package for someone who has taken the test and is waiting for the results.

Whatever the person is going through as related to this care package, it is a time of anxiety and stress for them.

So putting together a care package that best suits the needs of your customers will be a great way to sell your business.

COVID19 Care package Items

  • Hand sanitizers
  • Steaming equipment
  • Face masks
  • Spiritual books/CD’s
  • Meditation and calming songs- for anxiety
  • Positive affirmation words
  • Cards from loved ones
  • Hot water flasks
  • Herbal tea
  • Warm blanket

2. Work from home care package

This care package is for those who have to work from home because of the pandemic.

Frankly, everyone is in that bucket now because only essential workers are left out during quarantines.

Also, companies who can afford it are asking their staff to work from home now to reduce the risk of infections that will shut down their business.

With Millions of people working from home, there is a lot of stress related to working from home.

For some people, the work-from-home model was a great shock to them so getting acclimatized to working from home took a while.

While we have been at this for up to a year now, businesses need to realize that working from home has taken its toll on its staff.

Their staff who have to work from home need some form of support to enable them to give their best.

This is where you can come in as a quarantine care package business owner to provide such services for companies.

As a quarantine care package business owner, what kind of care package items can you offer your customers that will need to be part of the work-from-home package?

Here are some ideas

Work from home care package ideas


This is the single most important work from home care package item.

As many people accustomed themselves to working from home, they need to know how to plan their work and day to ensure that they are productive all day without losing tempo.

You can get my work from the home binder to be part of your care package for work from home customers.

Tap the button below to buy a sample

Work at home survival binder

If you want this item to be part of your work-from-home care package, I will license you to make it part of your bouquet of offerings.

To get the license, simply send me an email and I will let you know the procedure.

Home office accessories

This includes pens, notepads, diaries, pen and pencil holders, markers, tag pins, light ring equipment, office strategy board.

Stress relief accessories

This includes items like stretch bands, water bottles, soft music play station, stress balls, small workout videos to help employees take a break and stretch out before returning to work again. Signal timers that remind them to take a break.

More posts about care package business Ideas

How to start a care package business

Top 5 care package business ideas that are hot in demand

How to start a care package business for the elderly

Care package business planner

3- Home schooling care package

With the quarantine has come the inevitable, the need to home school kids or at least assist with their online schooling while also juggling the home or work or both.

If you are thinking of a quarantine care package business, this is one idea you can not miss.

Putting together a care package for moms or parents who homeschool their kids to ensure that they are well supported during this season.

What should you put in a homeschool care package to make it worthwhile for the parent who is homeschooling their kids?

Homeschool care package Ideas

  • Homeschool Planners
  • Writing accessories e.g pens, pencils, erasers, markers,
  • Noise-canceling earphones- For parents that have multiple kids
  • Homeschool moms network subscriptions
  • Computer screen shields- To help protect children’s eyes while studying
  • Notebooks- For practice of schoolwork
  • Snackbox- For kids and parents too
  • Organizers
  • Coloring books

4-Selfcare care package

While quarantining can force one to slow down, we see that a lot of people lose every form of self-care because they are too busy taking care of others.

A lot of people are having mental health issues due to having to quarantine for long period.

If you are starting a quarantine care package business, you should be thinking of offering care package business ideas that have to do with self-care

This will help to restore some form of comfort and mental balance for loved ones who have to quarantine for periods of time.

Self-care care carepackage ideas

  • Candles
  • Bathing lotions and scrubs
  • Favorite book or classic movies
  • Snack box
  • Meditation /calming music
  • Work out videos or yoga videos
  • Christian books and messages
  • Personal care items like facial scrubs, wipes, deodorants, creams, moisturizers, etc
  • Gratitude journal
  • Personal development books

5-Home cooking care package

We all know that because of the quarantine, eating out has become more difficult.

A lot of parents have found themselves having to home cook meals they would usually have bought outside the home.

For those who are quarantined, cooking is one way they are discovering how they can spend their time.

Some have dusted up their old cooking skills, while others are just learning how to home cook healthy meals that keep their families healthy.

So what can you put in a home cooking care package?

Let’s find out

Home cooking care package ideas

  • Recipes
  • Quick cook and bake recipes
  • Spices and condiments
  • Grocery basket
  • Crockpot
  • Grocery subscription
  • Disposable plates and wipes
  • Meal planners
  • Mom planners
  • Soup cans
  • Hot sauce

Now that I have shared with you ideas you can use to start a quarantine care package business.

You may be wondering how to really start this business? Don’t worry, I got you.

When I wrote the first post on how to start a care package business, I wanted to help people who were interested in turning this idea into a business.

Because of the constant demand for more information for this idea, I built a course that will help you start your care package business online right from your home.

Are you interested in starting a care package business from home and online too?

I have created a course that will help you do just that.

You see when I saw the interest my post has generated I decided to help you further by creating a course that will help you turn your skill for making care packages into a full-time business.

I created the care package business course to help take you from the point of niche research to the point where your business is built up ready to start making sales.

Care package business course

What does the care package business course contain?

Here are the Modules

1- Selecting a profitable care package niche

2: Crafting a business model- How to decide and craft the business model you will be using in your business

3: Sourcing for suppliers- How to source for your product suppliers and also write supplier agreements

4:Writing your care package business plan- How to write a winning business plan for your care package business

5: Building your care package online store

6: Marketing your care package business-Creating social media pages, email lists, and building sales funnels for your business.

What do you get when you buy this course?

👉58 Video Lessons- Bite-sized

👉Care package business planner

👉Resource lists, Templates, Swipe files

👉Pinterest Strategic Planner

👉Access to business launch and digital strategy creation video

Elizabeth is a passionate home business owner that helps others to achieve their life goals of running a successful home. business. I am particular about stay at home moms who wish to transition into a mompreneur.

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