Home based business ideas for moms.

Home  based business ideas for moms

Starting a home business may be something that freaks you out.

Especially if you are used to the golden handcuffs of paid employment, where you don’t have to worry about how money is made.

Or perhaps you are a mom who has been thinking of home-based business ideas for moms.

Do you have a phobia for home businesses but desire to earn more?

You don’t have to be afraid, because in this post, I share with you how you can start a home business with just your skills.

No frills, no heavy investments, no high risks and if you like, you can keep your day job while at it.

Before I go on to share with you these 4 business ideas, would you want to be trained on how to start a home business?

You do better if you already know what path to follow and what potholes to avoid.

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4 Home Businesses you can start with your Skills

Home based business ideas for moms

Image by Flickr– Chris Potter-ccPix.com

Freelance Writing:

Freelance writing is writing for others for a living.

Do you enjoy writing? Or perhaps you even have a hobby blog where you get to explore your passion.

Becoming a freelance writer is a natural extension of your blogging hobby.

There is a great demand for written content right now, because of the explosion of online home businesses.

Lots of businesses are also moving online and the only way to get their customers to find them is through the written content.

Therefore, if you are passionate about writing, you can take a leap right now and join online freelance sites like Upwork, Freelancer, Elance, and Fiverr to start your freelance writing home business right away.

The beauty of writing for a living is that it can be done from anywhere in the world so long as you can access a laptop and an internet connection.

Its considered my go-to home-based business ideas for moms because I know that anyone who is literate and has an experience to share with the world can write.

Gone are the days that writers made peanuts, with the explosion of the internet. It is now a wonderful opportunity for any mom who desires to write for a living.

To start a freelance writing business, consider taking Elna Cain’s Freelance writing course

Start a freelance writing business

Virtual Assistance

Virtual assistance is on my list of home businesses because as businesses are moving online, they now require people who can do administrative work online.

It is like your regular office administrator, only that it’s online.  

If you already have the required administrative skills, even though it’s offline, you can use it to start this home business without breaking a sweat.

The beauty of virtual assistance is that it’s a highly sought after skill for online businesses because when online businesses succeed, they require more hands to help them do the mundane tasks so they can focus on the core business.

As a virtual assistant, you can charge an hourly rate depending on what you have to do, you will earn good money.

Virtual assistance is one of my favorite go-to options for home-based business ideas for moms.

Online Travel Agency

Do you love to travel? or perhaps you have a great love for the travel industry.

Global tourism is currently booming and a lot of people require the services of travel agencies.

One easy shortcut for starting an online travel agency, even as you read this piece right now, is to join a Host agency.

Host agencies give you access to the required licenses needed to start operating immediately.

I wrote a detailed post on how to become an online travel agent popularly known as OTA. Go here to read it.


Photography is a skill that most people who love taking great pictures should have.

Are you passionate about taking pictures? You are in luck because the demand for pictures has virtually exploded.

You can’t write anything online now without adding a picture to it.

The advent of social media has made this skill a sought-after skill.

People also love to use pictures that are not common to depict what their write up is about. This has given a rise to the sale of stock photos.

I consider it a great option for moms who want to start a home-based business.

Because it only requires a passion for photography and you are good to go.

One way you can turn this passion into a home business is by selling it on sites like Fotolia, Shutterstock, and Etsy.

If you would love to learn how to sell on Etsy, then read my post on how to do it.

Etsy is a great marketplace for creatives who want to make money from their skills.

If starting a home business seemed like a tall order before, or even right down scary, it doesn’t have to be.

Take a step today, and you may even dump your golden handcuffs for good.

As you replace and surpass your earning ability by doing what you love.

If you are passionate about starting your home business with any of the ideas I have listed above.

Grab this printable product The home business planner from my shop to help you plan your home business right away.

Planner for Homebusiness- How to start your own business
The Home Business Owner Planner.

This post on home-based business ideas for moms is a small encouragement from me to you.

This is to enable you to use your skills to earn money even as you stay home to care for your kids.

Elizabeth is a passionate home business owner that helps others to achieve their life goals of running a successful home. business. I am particular about stay at home moms who wish to transition into a mompreneur.

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