The home business owner planner

How to use the home business planner- A business plan format for your small business

Small business planning is inevitable if you want to succeed as a home business owner.

The home business planner gives you a simple business plan format that will enable you to plan your business from idea generation to product delivery.

Starting a home business may look simple on the surface, but if you have ever started one before, you will understand that is tougher than most people care to admit.

You may not have to put down a tonne of cash to start it but it requires a solid plan to get it off the ground successfully.

Small business planning is the key to attaining that success.

When I wanted to start thehomebusinessowner Blog. I remember whipping out a small diary I had and hashing out my plans the best way I could.

The problem with that was that I had no documented strategy and sometimes I even lost the notes I wrote it out on.

Sometimes I will have some light bulb moments, I will grab the nearest diary I had, and I had lots of them.

I will jot down my ideas and move on.

The only problem was when I wanted to implement it. I will have to go through a lot of diaries to find it.

Sometimes I gave up because I was tired of searching for them.

This and many more frustrations were what led me to design the home business planner.

With the home business planner, I could now have a coordinated business plan format to brainstorm my ideas.

Select the workable ones and begin to work through them until I get to the place where I am ready to take it to the market.

Are you planning to start a home business today?

Do you desire to have that one planner that takes you from idea generation to idea delivery?

Let me help you by explaining how to use my home business planner.

The first step to using the home business planner is understanding what each section was designed for.

You may already have your business idea before you arrived here, but I want to help you drill down to be sure that you are going with the right one.

Section 1- Idea Brainstorm

The home business owner planner- A business plan format to plan your home business from start to finish.

Here you are expected to just allow your ideas flow without restrictions.

Just let it flow naturally as it comes to you.

Don’t bother with trying to know if it will be profitable or not.

This section is called the ideas and passions list because you are expected to list out what makes you passionate and how that passion will drive your ideas.

From the ideas list, you will select one that works.

The one that you have the most skills to deliver or you have the most desire for that it will push you to learn more about it even if you don’t have the requisite knowledge.

Your small business planning will not make sense if there is no process of selection

The process itself is what leads you to a conclusion of why you want to start that business.

With your passions and ideas listed, its time to cross-match the passion and ideas to come up with a product.

Ideas and passion list template

For example, I have a passion for small business, I love training, and I have always had the idea of training stay at home moms all over the world.

When you match a passion for small business and training with my idea of training stay at home moms’, the result is the blog that gives me the platform to do all these things.

With this platform, I create courses to train stay-at-home moms about starting small businesses.

Your product idea will usually belong to a niche, so as you identify your product idea, assign it to a niche or find the niche where it belongs.

Niche and Product Ideas Temaplate

Do keyword research online to find out which of those ideas has a high keyword volume search online.

A free tool for doing such research is Google trends.

Just type in your product idea and check how well people search for that word

You can also use Neil Patel Uber suggest

Your keyword volume should give you the pointer to your final product selection.

The home business owner planner- A business plan format to plan your home business from start to finish.

When you are done with your product selection, move to section 2.

Section 2- Set Your Business Goals

Now is the time to set your business goals

What do you want to achieve with this business in a year’s time

Write down your goals and then begin to break them down to quarterly goals, monthly goals and then to tasks and lists.

The home business owner planner- A business plan format to plan your home business from start to finish.

Section 3- Expense and Revenue

A small business planning without an Idea of how it will make money is dead on arrival.

That is why the first thing you do here is to identify your revenue streams.

The home business owner planner- A business plan format to plan your home business from start to finish.

After that identification, comes your expense and revenue projections.

What you expect to make in a year.

You can break it down to quarterly revenue and monthly revenue.

You can also calculate your projected profit or loss.

Section 4- Marketing and Promotion

This section deals with how you intend to market your business online

In this section, you are to identify your best online channels for marketing

Design a plan for getting your customers to notice your products

These plans include content creation for your blog and social media channels.

Section 5-Product Delivery Plan

This is the final section where you get to plan the delivery of our products to your customers.

Having worked hard to attract your customers, you should have a solid plan for the final leg of your sales.

In this section, you must plan for the logistics if it is a tangible product you are selling.

If it is an intangible product, you should also set up a system that automatically delivers your product to your customers once they pay.

The home business planner provides you with a business plan format for dealing with this aspect of your business

You can also include how to deal with customer complaints or come up with a contingency plan for your customer service in case there is a failure of service.

The planner ends with a work plan that enables you to balance your home business with your business activities.

You are doing your business at home, you cannot afford to ignore your home completely.

The home business planner is a complete document that gives you a business plan format to plan your whole business within hours.

With this planner, you can stop losing your ideas and quickly move from idea to execution.

Do you want to get a copy of the home business planner? Get one by clicking below.

The home business owner planner- A business plan format to plan your home business from start to finish.

Want to also get accessories to help you build your planner once you print it out, try the following accessories.


6-Ring Transparent Binder


6-Ring Leather Binder


Multicolor Planner Marker

Learn how to build a planner that will make your business successful. Get the steps you need to follow to create the planner that spurs you to take action in starting your business.

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Elizabeth is a passionate home business owner that helps others to achieve their life goals of running a successful home. business. I am particular about stay at home moms who wish to transition into a mompreneur.

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