Care package business course

How to start a Care package Business

Care package business

Care packages are carefully curated comfort items that are sent to people who are away from home.

Such people may include soldiers, students, grandparents, friends, or even sick people who are hospitalized.

Care packages can come in different forms depending on what you need to communicate, celebrating easter? it can be an easter basket

Celebrating Christmas? it can be a Christmas hamper, showing care to someone that is ill, it can be a get well soon basket.

With the COVID-19 Pandemic currently going on, people who are hospitalized need care packages to help them through this tough period.

So how do you turn this seemingly comfort related idea into a care package business?

Follow me as I unveil to you how to start a gift basket business.

Why Care Package business?

Care packages are often personal, meaning that they are handpicked for the comfort of the receiver.

This means that whoever does this business must be someone who is detailed and has a good eye for beautiful and inexpensive stuff that will make the receiver feel special.

For example, is a company that prides itself on offering you a variety of options when it comes to a food care package.

They are carefully arranged to give you the wow feeling.

The idea of this business is to create a feeling of having people who are thinking of you sending something to you to let you know that you are being held in high esteem.

I was a little girl who had just gone to boarding school when I got what I would call my first care package.

You see it was my first time moving away from my home.

Having moved to another state to attend a high school which was a boarding school,  I remember how I was just in my class when I was sent for by my Principal.

Wondering what I had done, I went to the Principal’s office. I did not know my Dad had sent me a care package, so my attention was needed to access it.

I can still recall my Dad’s friends’ name who brought that care package and how it made me feel.

This is to tell you that the feeling that is created by such a business is incomparable, especially if the person has been away from home for a long time.

Steps to start a care package business


You have to decide what type of niche you would like to serve.

Will it be college students? or military personnel? or even elderly people who live in care facilities away from their kids.

Nailing down a niche will help you plan better on how to market your business to the right people.

Ways you can segment your care package business

  • Occasion gift baskets
  • Holiday Gift Basket
  • Specialty gift basket care package
  • Pet lovers care package
  • Military care
  • College gift basket
  • Custom-built care package
  • Easter basket
  • Christmas hamper
  • Graducation gift basket



How do you intend to source your inventory?

Will you carry inventory? or will you have an arrangement with all the sellers of your gift options so you can easily place your order once your order has been taken?

You also have to decide if you would like to make room for people to make choices from your inventory or perhaps they could give you their own list which they had like you to fulfill and package and send to their loved ones.

Because I will probably prefer that you run this care package business out of your home, I will advise that you give room for customization so that people can get the best of what they want.

Remember that when they are satisfied with your services, they will tell others about their experience.

Because there is no price that we can place on making someone feel good, especially for a loved one, people are often willing to pay a good amount to send such care packages to their loved ones that they have not seen in a while.

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How do you structure your pricing? Remember that in cases where you have to shop for a list, you are spending much more than you will, when they pick from your available inventory.

You know, running a care package business is actually a service you are offering because you are taking off the stress of them running around putting together such priceless comfort items for their loved ones. So remember to price your goods appropriately to reflect your costs.

4-Sales channels

When you decide you want to start a gift basket business, you would like to know where you want to sell your services.

Will it be in a brick-and-mortar store? I don’t advise that it’s too costly to pay a hefty rent before you discover whether you are making sales or not.

What do I advise?  start an online shop.

An online shop will give you the flexibility of opening your business in as little as one day.

Once you have all your pictures and products ready to go, then you are good to go.

If you are interested in learning how to build your online store for your care package business

You are in luck because I included how to build your care package business online store in my online course Care package business course.

I will talk about it at the end of this post but you can listen to my intro video to see what the course is about.

I am currently signing up early adopters of the course who usually get the course at a very low price.

You can tap the button below to see how much it is

Care package business course

The Care package business course is built to help you identify the best niches to start your business in, create an online store and market your care package business online

5-Picking and Packing

For the most part, you will have to pick and pack the gift items yourself, you have to be careful in ensuring that the personality of the receiver shines through in your packaging.

Adding little notes that reflect that person’s needs and even what the family intends to communicate to the receiver is a very important part of this business so be sure you are meticulous about it.

It is also important to get the appropriate packaging materials that will ensure that your goods are not damaged along the way.


Because all your items put together must get to the person at an appropriate time.

You must be willing to take your time to choose a good shipping agency, you do not want delays or lost packages.

It’s also important that you find out what your shipping costs are so that you don’t end up doing business at a loss.

7-Marketing your Business

There is no business that does not require marketing if you want to sell.

For the care package business, be willing to hit the ground running by approaching your potential clients in person.

If you are going with the college niche, which is a lucrative niche.

Attending sessions where parents are there especially if they are freshmen students will go a long way to make your business visible.

Being creative in putting together bundled offers and packages on the go for people who do not want to spend time picking up their own stuff will also go a long way to ease your sales.

In doing your market research to determine which niche you want to serve, be willing to listen to the people in that niche to find out what kinds of packages will make a difference in their lives.

On a final note, I know that care packages were originally designed to be physical goods.

But you can also look at digital goods too, these can be sent as care packages too.

8-Care Package Business Plan.

Starting a care package business is a simple venture, but it requires a lot of planning ahead and market research too.

One of the issues that first-time business owners have is they do not plan out their business from the beginning to the end.

They do not make a plan and hence plan to fail.

To make sure you do not fall into the same trap of not planning your business before starting out here is what you need.

A Care package business start-up pack

This printable product is specially designed to help you craft a business plan for your care package business.

It comes with a checklist that has a step-by-step list you need to follow until you launch your business.

Care package business start up pack

This care package business startup pack contains the following

  • Niche selection template
  • Business Plan template
  • Financial Plan
  • Pre-made excel sheets for financial forecast
  • Marketing plan
  • Product delivery plan
  • Checklist
  • Shop launch template
  • Gift tags for your first product sales

This start-up business pack will help you deliver your online care package business in just 12 days.

The care package business planning start-up pack planner is a 33 page PDF document that will take you from the point of selecting your business niche to launch your online shop in 12 days. The care package startup planner is part of my care package course which I introduce to you below

Care Package Business Course.

Since writing this post, a lot of people have been trooping to this post to get more information on how this business is done.

I decided to give you what you have been looking for, a step-by-step method on how to start this business.

I have created a course on how to start a care package business, which has already launched

Once you make a payment you will receive a receipt that indicates you have made a purchase.

You will get immediate access to the course with all the attendant bonuses attached.

By getting the launch price you will be amongst the first to get the best of the goodies I am making available to my course early adopters.

Chief amongst those goodies is a free Care Package Business Planner I just introduced to you above.

Once you make payment using the button below you get further instructions that will give you access to the planner and also deliver to you what to do to access the course.

Watch the video below to see what I have in this course

Care package business course modules

Module 1- How to pick a profitable care package niche

In this module, I teach you how to pick the most profitable niches in the care package business, how to test profitability for your niches, and also how to build your ideal customer profile so you know who you are selling to.

Module-2- Business model creation

In this module, I teach you how to build a sustainable business model for your care package business to ensure that your business brings in revenue, you get to create your income streams and identify your product types.

Module 3- Supplier sourcing and product delivery partners

in this module, you will learn how to identify the best places to source your products from and also who to liaise with delivery partners to ensure that your business logistics are sorted out.

Module-4 Care package business plan writing

Here we write a complete business plan for your new business, we nail out how your business operations will run and we create a one-page business plan that summarises your whole business. This enables you to keep in mind how your business will be run online

Module-5 Building your online store

In this module, we use the Shopify eCommerce platform to build out your entire store, upload product pictures, create product categories and enable a payment gateway for your business.

Module-6 Marketing strategies for your care package business

In this module, I teach you how to use major marketing strategies to create a marketing plan for your business, I over blogging, email marketing, Pinterest marketing, social media marketing, influencer marketing and also show you how to create sales funnels for your care package business.


Starting a care package business is the best way to deploy your ability to put together a gift basket and deliver value to your customers. Understanding what prevails in the industry and how to turn your ability into a full-time business is what enables you to make money.

Elizabeth is a passionate home business owner that helps others to achieve their life goals of running a successful home. business. I am particular about stay at home moms who wish to transition into a mompreneur.

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