Watching your business costs- How to keep your small business above water.


Running a small business means you have to deal with business costs. One of things that can sink a business as fast as the Titanic sank is spiralling business costs.

Whether you’ve just launched your new business, or you’ve been getting by for a while now, one of your main concerns will be how to ensure that you’re doing all that you can in order to keep your business above water.

What does it mean to keep your business above water?

By this we mean being able to manage your business costs in such a way that prevents you from beign swamped before your business has seen the light of the day.

As a small business owner It’s very easy to feel as though you’re being consumed, and all the issues that were once minor, have now resurfaced and you find that they need to be dealt with as soon as possible otherwise you won’t be able to stay afloat any longer.

You may find that you are not sure where the money is going to but you are piling up business costs which may cost you your business or put your credit rating in a bad shape.

One of the hardest parts to doing this though, is finding out exactly how you can improve and make things better in your business.

You see, sometimes it isn’t quite as simple as just spotting a problem right away and then making it better.

Sometimes you have to really search and have an extremely good eye that is able to spot any irregularities in your business that may be the cause of why you aren’t as successful as you would have hoped.

If you’re not quite sure on how you can do that, here are some ideas of where you should be focusing your attention.

Steps to keeping your business above water

Ensure your technology is performing right.

Depending on the kind of technology that you have and what you choose to do with it, will have a huge impact on your business.

This is where your overall performance stems from, so one slight issue can put people off and keep them away for good.

Depending on what you do, you should be willing to spend money on technology that makes access to your products easy.

For example, your website should be running quickly without any glitches, because the last thing a customer wants, is having to wait minutes for a page to load.

We live in a modern world now that is fast-paced and constantly moving, so if your site isn’t able to keep up with that, no one is going to bother trying to keep up with you.

This means lost sales which could have covered some of the costs of starting your business.

To check your website page load speed for free go here.

Track your business costs

One of the reasons a business can go under is spiraling out of control costs. If you are a small business owner you may be tempted to think it does not matter as long as you are making sales.

But if your business costs are out of control, it will be easy to bring your business to a halt. As you will not be able to meet up with your monthly expense.

Its important therefore that you track your expenses properly. This is to ensure that your business costs are not going out of control

Using a home business planner will be one thing that you cannot avoid. As it helps you to keep your costs of doing business in view, vis a vis the price at which you sell. So you know when you are not meeting up

Planner for Homebusiness- How to start your own business

Some particular costs you should be tracking

Cost of production

Marketing costs

Time costs


Discounts given

Shipping costs.

Take care of your customers.

Your customers are your driving force. It’s as simple as that. If it weren’t for them, you would have no business.

So it’s so important that you remember this so that you realize just how much value they hold.

We’ve all heard the phrase “The customer is always right.”, and yet we also all know that that isn’t true, sometimes the customer is wrong on a lot of occasions.

The point to the phrase is that, even if they are wrong, you want to ensure that they are left happy and satisfied either way.

If there is an issue that they have, your job is to resolve it as quickly as you can.

Mistakes happen, but it’s how you deal with them that really counts.

If you aren’t sure on how to update your strategies, then companies that offer help like WGroup IT Management consulting may be exactly what you need.

Market your business correctly.

There are so many different styles of marketing that you can do for your business. They all offer you different ways of doing things.

Here is a guiding principle you can use.

Split test your strategies

The best strategy you can have is to be willing to test your market with different marketing strategies to asertain what works.

Try as many things as you can, and then you will see exactly what seems to work best for you, as well as what doesn’t make much traffic at all.

Use Social Media

As you may have already heard, social media is a fantastic form of marketing, and better yet, it doesn’t cost you much financially.

It allows you to engage with millions of people of your choice and drive targetted traffic to your business.

When you first start out, you can’t expect everyone to come to you, especially as there is an awful lot of competition nowadays.

So draw them in first with the fitting captions and hashtags and freebies to get their attention and make it into their feed.

Most important Social Media channels to use





If you advertise products on Facebook, you should also install a facebook pixel on your site.

This will help you track customers who visited your website but did not buy so you can re-market to them via retargeting.

Track your business data

Every small business churns out data that speaks to you. It’s your responsibility as a home business owner to analyze your data and determine what its core message is.

If your business is online and it should be. Then ensure you have Google analytics installed properly on your site.

This will enable you to track your customers and know where they are coming from.

See how your overall performance is going. Look at all the data and see where positive changes can be made.

Ask the public for their opinion. Feedback is always a scary and rather intimidating thing, but the information that it can give you is astounding and extremely helpful in the long run.

Now you know some of the most important places to focus on. Take a look at your business and really review it as best you can. While keeping in mind what your goals and achievements are.

Elizabeth is a passionate home business owner that helps others to achieve their life goals of running a successful home. business. I am particular about stay at home moms who wish to transition into a mompreneur.

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