10 best baby toys to keep your baby busy as a WAHM(Ages 6m+)


10 Best baby Toys to keep your baby busy
10 Best Baby Toys to Keep your Baby Busy as a Work at Home Mom

Working at home as a mom can be quite challenging especially if you have kids between the ages of 0-4 years of age. This is because they are at the stage where they require your daily input to keep them busy. It becomes much more challenging when you have to take care of them, do all your house chores and still get to do your home business. It is little wonder then that we find all kinds of write ups on how to schedule your time so that you get meaningful work done while you work from home or run your home business as the case may be.

Baby Playsets from Burlington

I know it can be challenging to be able to keep your little ones at home and still make a living, however, it’s not impossible, you just need to figure out how to make the best use of your time.

I decided to write this post because I know there are work at home moms who struggle with creating the needed time to give to their business just like me.I figured that we can make use of toys to buy some needed time in other to carry out one task or the other hence my post on the 10 best baby toys to keep your baby busy as a work at home mom.

Amongst my list are things which you may not practically call a Toy but a baby gear, however, the way I see it, as long as it helps you keep your baby busy while you snatch that little one hour or ten minutes here and there, it’s well worth it. This list is not all encompassing but with this ideas, you can know how to get your baby occupied while you get some work done.

My favorite for this list is the Push and Pull Toys, these are toys that encourage tactile movements in babies, cognitive ability, and sensory abilities. Once your baby is able to move around a bit, you will find that anything they can push or pull will be of interest to them, this is because it helps them to explore their surroundings and develops their sense of touch.

According to a publication in US National Library of Medicine, National institute of Health, Children who are not exposed to sensory stimulation often witness a delay in their cognitive abilities. So having established this fact, here are some toys that will help you get your baby making those tactile movements while you work.

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Chicco Go Go Pop a Ladybird.

Chicco Go Go Friends Pop a LadyBird

This friendly ladybug Toy features motion, ability to travel when it is pressed on the back, it also has colourful light up’s with music and sounds as it moves. Encourages movement for babies of about 6m+





Fisher Price- Toddlerz ChatterTelephone

Fisher Price Toddler Chatter Telephone

This chatter telephone is my number 2 with its friendly eyes, it begins chattering once pulled. It keeps your baby busy at least for while with the fun chattering sounds it makes. Enhances motion and audio skills.





Chicco Musical walking turtles ;

Chicco Musical Walking Turtle
Chicco Musical walking Turtles

This Toy is a perfect darling for your babies, it stands as number 3 on my 10 best baby toys list. The turtle once pressed will vibrate with some cheerful musical melody. This soft toy made with machine washable fabric will stimulate, audio, visual and tactile skills in your baby.

I love Chicco products because of its durability and fun colors. I still have a push bicycle my first son got as a gift when he was born. 4 years down the line, it’s still useable even though its back wheels are gone. Their products are easily cleaned without much stress.


Fat Brain Toys Wimzle

Wimzel Toy
Fat Brain Wimzel Toy

A fidget like a toy for babies within the ages of 6m+, it encourages sensory learning, hand eye coordination, motor skills and exploration. Its textured feel makes for a sensory stimulation for infants.





Fisher Price Luv U zoo Jumperoo

Fisher Price Jumperoo

Who doesn’t love a good Jumperoo to keep your baby excited and busy, find such fun in this baby gear, a jumperoo without a door way attachment. Suitable for babies that cannot walk or crawl out of it. No need for door ways, just attach baby and he or she is in a world of her own with lots of activity attachment on the go.



SkipHop Stacker owl

Stacker play toys
Skiphop Stacker owl

This toy features 5 unique play piece with ears that are designed as a teething companion for the teething baby. A stacker owl with a steady base for your baby to engage in a fun activity while you work.




Chicco Spring Roller;

Tactile movement toy
Chicco Spring Roller

Babies Like to keep busy, especially with the beginning of a crawl, they love to go after objects that roll, get on with it in your playtime with baby using this Chicco spring roller, it is motion activated with melody and lights when it is rolling. It encourages tactile movement in babies.




Fisher- Price Kick and Play Piano Gym

Piano Play Mat
Fisher Price Kick and Play Piano

This Piano Gym with all sorts of baby play toys attachment is good for babies to explore with and play with. A kick on the piano plays some music for the baby. Its foldable and can be taken along when going out. It features a hippo teether, elephant clackers, and roller ball frog. It helps to develop gross motor skills, curiosity and discovery skills for baby. Best for baby from 0-12 months.


Fisher Price- Infant- Toddler Rocker:

Infant to Toddler Rocker
Infant to Toddler Rocker


What can we do without the good ole rocker, to keep baby busy while you work. This rocker is a good investment as it can carry babies that weigh up to 40lbs. It features multiple uses including playing, feeding, soothing and overhead entertainment. It has a sleek and modern design and can be used by baby well into their toddler years. The overhead handle bar is detachable and can be removed when it’s no longer important.


Fisher Price Brillant Basics- Stack and Roll Cups:

Stacker toys
Stacker Cups


This beautiful stacker cups will get your little one busy as heck as they roll or stack the cups. They are quite good and keep them busy. My daughter got this as a birthday gift pack and couldn’t get enough of it. In fact, it also found use in sand play as cups, pots whatever she could find to make of it. I love its multiple functionalities.


Do you have any more ideas on best baby toys you can use to keep a  baby busy as a work at home mom? Leave a comment below.

Want more from thehomebusinessowner Blog, read my post on how to get

your Family on board your Home business like a Pro.

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Finally, if you are a stay at home mom struggling with issues and you think you are alone, you don’t have to feel so mama, I got your back, read my post on 6 things a Stay at home mom struggles with. You will resonate with that post and also gain insights on how to solve such issues.

Nordstrom clothing
Baby Girls Clothing from Nordstrom

I can’t end my piece without sending my heartfelt prayers to our audience in Houston Texas who are experiencing a Flood due to Hurricane Harvey. Our thoughts and prayers are with you, stay safe. It is well with you, the Lord will uphold you and bring you out strong. If you have lost anything at all, it is because of him that you haven’t lost your life.

We Love and are Praying for you.

Elizabeth is a passionate home business owner that helps others to achieve their life goals of running a successful home. business. I am particular about stay at home moms who wish to transition into a mompreneur.

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