5 Reasons For Thanksgiving

When we are pressed on every side, we often do not see the reasons for thanksgiving in our life. The world has changed so much from what it used to be.

A lot of people are going through a lot of life changes that they did not plan for, so in all, it may look like what is there to be thankful for?

Here is the thing, being thankful reminds you to take your mind off what is not working and concentrate on what is working or what has worked

Being thankful to God is a way to remind him you are aware of his dealings in your life and you are not ungrateful.

To be thankful actually brings a merry heart and the bible says that a merry heart doeth good like a medicine.

There are so many benefits of thanksgiving, one of them is that it will help you to have hope that things will get better no matter where you are at.

The Bible also says that hope makes you not ashamed.

So are there reasons to be thankful in this season? There are, by this time last year, a lot of countries were in lockdown

The lockdown affected so many things which the world is trying to recover from.

But this Thanksgiving, we are not all on lockdown and we are also seeing people recover from COVID19. Prices of goods may be rising yes but we are here we are not dead.

These are the reasons for thanksgiving in this season.

Today, I am going to share with you 5 reasons for thanksgiving here, so you can take a cue and start your own thanksgiving.

My Reasons for Thanksgiving

1.Healthy Life

I am thankful for life itself, being alive is worth being thankful for, having good health and not being on any medication due to lifestyle disease is something I am very thankful for and do not take for granted.

This year around July I had a health scare that helped me to understand how important it is that you are thankful that you can wake up and work around without having to depend on anyone.

I soon realized how quickly your ambitions can take a back seat when your health is endangered.

I thank God it was soon over but I learned to be grateful for being well and healthy.

Since the pandemic, a lot of people have passed on. Being here itself is one of the reasons for thanksgiving.

2.My Work as a Blogger

Last year, I wrote my thanksgiving post and mentioned how thankful I was that my blog still made money even during the pandemic.

By the time last year came to an end, I had snagged an important project of helping Hellablack create content that it would use to launch its start-up.

This year, I am so thankful that Hellablack finally launched an e-commerce platform built to support and encourage black people.

It was so great to see my work as a blogger and course creator go global like that.

One of the greatest things that came out of that experience was the opportunity to work with people living in different parts of the world and an all-female team.

We pulled off a great product and I was so glad to be part of it.

I am grateful that this year, I created my course: Care package business course- This course has been in the making for 2 years, I finally finished and launched it this year.

I could not create more courses this year because I was engaged in creating for others. This blog that I started with about 8 dollars has produced a 5 figure income for me and I am so grateful.

To crown it all, this September I wrote a Ycombinator Pitch for a client of mine who later hired me to become a Product manager for his product. This was because I understood so well what he was trying to build. He will later say to me that Ycombinator picked interest in his pitch because I created a good one.

I gained the knowledge that made me qualify from the many courses I created last year and bundled together as Skills2money course

Creating that course gave me so much insight into what works for eCommerce platforms and what does not work.

Today I work as a consultant to a new upcoming e-commerce platform that is set to hit the market soon.

As I navigate that role and my work as a blogger, I cannot be more thankful for the different turns this blogging has taken me through.

Who would have thought that a tech-less girl like me will become a product owner for a company?

But here I am doing what I thought I could never do, I can only be thankful to God.

If you need to create a business pitch for your small business, I offer that service through my business consulting arm.

Simply book a call and we can discuss it and take it on from there.

Book Consulting Service


My family is one of the reasons I am thankful because they motivate me to do what I am doing. I went home to be with my kids leaving a corporate job behind.

But I was determined to be there for my family and I knew in my heart that was what God wanted for me. I am ever so grateful for how far he has brought my family.

This year only one of my kids got ill. Everyone else was generally okay. I hate anyone in my home being ill so I am thankful for that. I am also thankful, that my kids are doing well in school.

This year we started a memory verse a week and it is all going well. The Lord Instructed me to teach them, bible classes, every Friday after school I struggled a while but we have started and are going well.

4.My Charity Work

This year I had had a burden to send some indigent kids to school but never had the funds to do it. While I never talk about my charity work on this blog, I do a lot on my own side to help people who are downtrodden.

I teach Sunday school classes to kids from indigent neighborhoods and I try my best to do a donation drive to give to women and kids that need such items.

This year however I was able to team up with some friends and classmates to put 11 kids in school. These kids were way behind in their schooling but had never been to school.

I got tired and decided to do something about it. I shared the pictures with some others and they contributed to helping to put these kids to school.

After they were put in school, I also wanted them to have food that they could take to school so they don’t feel hungry during lunchtime. I told another group of friends, and they contributed to helping me create a school feeding program for them.

For now, it is small and we can only feed them for 33 days but I do hope I can keep it up by asking people to donate.

This charity work by the way goes on in Nigeria, one of the most populous African countries.

If you would like to be part of our school feeding program drive you can make a donation by using this donation button below.

It costs about 1 dollar to feed a child a day. For the 11 kids to feed per day will be 11 dollars, It costs about 33 dollars only to put a kid in school.

If you feel like being part of my Blogs purpose to help feed school kids or put them in school with school

Use the payment button below to support, we accept any amount and will always thank you by sending you reports once a month about how the kids are fairing.

If you want to donate simply send your donation using any of these buttons


5.My Spiritual life

My spiritual life has grown in leaps and bounds since last year, oh yes God has been good to me. I have seen miracles happen both for me and those I prayed for.

Last year I shared with you that I started a Christian Women Prayer Group that God laid on my heart to start. Well, we have grown to a group of 18.

Our times of fellowship and praying with each other every Saturday have been awesome. We have been visited over and over by his presence and my faith has been strengthened.

Praying together and encouraging one another has led to a more spiritual and impactful living for us. We still pray on Whastapp and we know that as God leads we will get to a bigger platform.

Want to join us?. Write to me using this email elizabeth.uchealor@gmail.com and I will add you to the group.

Walking with God at times like this is the best way to navigate the times we are in.

This year has really been an eventful one for me, I hope it has been for you too, from my heart and family I wish you a lovely thanksgiving.

Have a big and thankful one.

Happy thanksgiving.

Want to share with me your reasons for thanksgiving? it is your turn please share below in your comments

Elizabeth is a passionate home business owner that helps others to achieve their life goals of running a successful home. business. I am particular about stay at home moms who wish to transition into a mompreneur.

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