Blogger Outreach campaign: 4 Tactics that pay big time.
So you’ve created this awesome post which you think everyone should read, or perhaps you are sitting with this awesome product you just created and you wish someone will help you to reach your target audience.
You have done all you know, Blog posting, Social media posting.
In fact, you have Instagrammed until the pictures are coming out of your ears but your followers keep dwindling.
Does this look like you?
Not to worry I have a solution, you need something called Blogger Outreach
Blogger outreach is connecting with people who are in your industry who have the reach you require in other to get your Blog or Brand noticed.
They are typically like the Fairy Godmother that will sprinkle their fairy dust on your blog or brand and poof!!!
The magic happens and you suddenly begin to trend. Hahaha, been watching a lot of Kid movies.
But seriously if you desire to get your Blog or Brand out there to attract your target audience, then you have to nail down a solid Blogger outreach strategy.
To nail down a solid Blogger outreach strategy, here is what you need to do
Discover the Bloggers you need
You need to decide what type of Bloggers you need for your brand.
For example, It makes no sense to reach out to a blogger that blogs about general eating habits if you write about trying to lose weight specifically through a method such as Keto, in other words, be specific.
So how do you find such Bloggers?
Firs,t make a list using these tools
Alltop: This is a content curator, it aggregates the best content out there according to the keywords that you type in.
Buzzsumo: This is a content curator that will help you to discover the top influencers in your niche via their social authority.
Google search: You can also use Google to get the top bloggers in your niche because its algorithm places the best content on the first page.
Once you are done listing the key players in your niche it’s time for you to reach out to them.
This tactic requires a different approach, depending on what you are looking for.
Build a relationship with them:
Bloggers and influencers are people who want to deal with you based on a relationship level.
This means that they are more likely to listen to you if you already have a relationship with them.
You start by sending them an email telling them how their blog has helped you.
If you are brand with a unique product, you may want to point out how your product fits in with their niche and explain the common grounds you both have.
Contribute to their wellbeing:
This can be done by mentioning them in your posts, linking back to them or even offering to help out with a project they are doing, also commenting on their blog post and sharing it with your own audience.
Ask for a favor.
The next thing to do will be to ask for a favor.
While asking, be sure there is something to offer them.
For example, as a brand, you can ask them to collaborate with you on a project that will benefit you both.
As a blogger, you can point out how your post enhances or covers an area which was overlooked.
You can also beg for backlinks to your site while you exchange your services like perhaps providing a digital marketing experience they may need for free.
Deciding to start a Blogger outreach campaign strategy may look like a long way to build your brand but it’s a long way that definitely pays fantastically if you know how to go about it.
Neil Patel mentions that Blogger outreach alone helped him gain about 100,000 visitors to his blog.
Kate Findley
Thank you for a helpful post! Many articles mention the importance of outreach, but I like how you give precise steps on how to find bloggers in your niche and how to approach these bloggers. I agree that reciprocity is definitely important. Also, I like your tip about collaborating on a project — that’s something I hadn’t thought of!
Its true Kate, when I wanted to launch my coffee business, I reached out to someone I met online asking for a collaboration during my launch week.
Stine Mari
Wow this post is so helpful. I’ve been meaning to begin such a strategy, but didn’t know where to start – thank you!
Thank you Stine, I am glad you found it useful