The 4 point action plan for the Blogger who wants to be Profitable

4 point action plan on how to make money from my blog

When you start Blogging as a Newbie, one of the things that will be running through your mind will be how do I make money from my Blog? except you are Blogging for fun, if you are not then you have to nail down a strategy for converting all your hard work into a money-making business.

So, as a new blogger, some of the questions you may be asking yourself will be How do I make money from my Blog? when do I start monetizing my blog? and what strategy do I need?

In this post, I will be laying out  a 4  point action plan you can use to start making money from your blog, note that I did not say immediately, except you have been blogging for awhile now and have built up your audience.

Give and Give

The first thing you need to to know as a Blogger is that the first rule of Blogging is to give and give. This means that you have to first give out your content for free, in other words, be willing to work for free for some amount of time.

Depending on how much time you have to put into your blog, it may take up to 6 months or even a year. Just know that you will be giving out a ton of information to people for free, in doing this you are building your audience, selecting your own tribe and generally trying to build your fan base.

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Share and Share

The second rule of thumb is to share and share and also be consistent with your sharing. Be ready to share your content always on all the social channels, on Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.

Pinterest is your Best Friend

The third rule of thumb is that  Pinterest is your best friend, not a pretty platform for sharing your food pictures. Pinterest is your first master before you even think of SEO.

Having covered the bases of what you need to get right, now let’s move into the 4 point action plan

Freelance writing:

I know that when you hear freelance writing you may begin to wonder if I am still talking about Blogging or something else. Well, freelance writing is one of the ways that you can monetize your blog. Your blog is already an online platform where your work is published so signing up with different platforms like Upwork, Contentmart etc is just a way of telling people that you are available to be hired for projects. You will stand a chance of getting hired to write for other Blogs because you are already a blogger yourself. If you doubt me, you can ask Elna Cain of who teaches writers like yourself how to snag freelance writing jobs.


Sponsored posts:

A sponsored post is when a Brand approaches you or perhaps you pitch to a brand on how you can write a post about their product to share with your audience. See why it’s important for you to  build up your audience, you can’t be sharing your knowledge with empty seats in your blog- virtual seats I mean Lol.

Get Sponsored by Big Brands

The brands gets to pay you for the post you wrote and shared with your audience. Sometimes it’s in cash, sometimes it in kind. This means a product exchange like when a brand sends you their product for you to review and share your experience with your audience. The good thing about sponsored posts is that you can join sponsored networks like Izea and you get sent opportunities from time to time where you get to bid in other to get selected. If you win the bid, then you are selected to write the posts. One of the great people I know that teaches how to get sponsored post to monetize her blog is Jenny Melrose of

Affiliate Marketing:

Affiliate marketing is promoting other peoples products in exchange for a commission when people buy from your link. It is a good way to make money from your blog If you have a decent amount of traffic coming to your blog. If the traffic is great, chances are that you will be getting a lot of clicks on the links that you drop on the blog for the products that you are an affiliate for.

I wrote a post on how to know affiliate links that pay the most, please take time to read it. The good thing about affiliate marketing is that it can be a major source of income if you have a good amount of traffic. One of the best affiliate marketing networks I will advise you to sign up with is Viglink. They make affiliate marketing seem like a piece of cake, you just write your posts and they affiliate your posts by themselves, no use doing that yourself. They also have a lot of brands signed up with them so you can be rest assured that they will find something to affiliate on your blog no matter what your niche is.The go-to Person for affiliate marketing is Michelle Gardner of


Create an ecourse:

This is the mother of all money makers in Blogging, that question on how to make money from my blog? gets answered in a resounding way here if your course is successful, except it, comes with a lot of hard work too. The good thing is that once your course is all set up, you only need to keep marketing it to make money.

The little brother of creating an e-course in case you feel its too much work is to write an ebook. It may mean lesser work but it’s by no means easy because you will still have to market the ebook and sell it to your audience. If you want to learn about how to create an awesome online course then go to

Now with this 4 point action plan what are you supposed to do? create a strategy with them, you can pick one of the actions plans and begin to dig deep and craft out a strategy on how to use it to make your first money online from your blog and you will be on your way to making your first 1000 dollars online.

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Elizabeth is a passionate home business owner that helps others to achieve their life goals of running a successful home. business. I am particular about stay at home moms who wish to transition into a mompreneur.

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