How to Start an Organic Skincare Business

How to start an Organic Skincare Home business
How to start an Organic Skincare Home Business

In this age, people are moving towards sustainability and earth-friendly recipes, for all things, starting from the craving for organic food to organic skincare. 

The Skincare industry is a big industry that is continuously evolving.

It represents a huge opportunity for people who care about what they put on their skin.

You can make a great home business out of it if you know how to go about it.

Statistics have it that the Global organic skincare market is projected to reach 22 billion dollars by 2024.

People are becoming more aware of the effect of chemicals both on skin and food.

Especially with the prevalence of different cancers which are caused by the chemicals that are mixed with our food, drink, and skincare products.

Hence the move towards more organic, natural, and earth-friendly recipes that treat sensitive skin conditions using the natural elements that are available in nature.

I am not an expert in skincare but the aim of this post is to sensitize you to a business idea, should you have a passion for mixing stuff and trying it out on your skin.

This could be the catalyst that helps you to go out and launch an organic skincare business that will change your life.

1-Researching the Organic Skincare Industry.

First, before you decide to go into this business you need to do thorough research to determine what category you want to serve.

Skincare is a very sensitive business, people are careful of what they put on their skin.

You will have to be sure you understand your market and how to serve it.

This means understanding what categories of skincare products you want to sell.

Do you want to serve youthful skin? or aging skin?

It could also be that you had like to serve a niche that has to do with chemically damaged skin.

Or produce organic skincare products that help to heal burned and damaged skin due to accidents.

This is what you have to research and be sure about before you set out.

This is typical of my posts about finding out what your niche business should be.

You can not be the master of all at the beginning even though you can extend your niche as you move on and become more successful.

2-Formulation and Testing

Your product formulation is your secret sauce and your winning bid, ensure that you have a product formulation that delivers what you claim it does.

People have a variety of skin issues and are constantly looking for organic skincare regimens that will help solve their issues. From acne to flare up’s due to change in hormones, especially for women. 

Be sure that you have tried your product and you can show its ability to deliver what it promises.

Another way of starting your organic skincare business is selling proven products that others developed. You can be an affiliate seller, a distributor, or a reseller.


Before anyone has the opportunity to test your products to see if it works, they will look at how it is packaged.

This means that your package design should communicate what your product stands for and be beautiful to behold.

I don’t know about you but I love Olay products because of the branding, design, and more importantly their bottles and cups.

Although I always feel like they cheated me when I see how small the cup is when compared to how it appears on the pack. Lol.

But the main idea is to make sure that your labels, designs, and packaging send a message which is clear to your buyers.

If you would like to read more about how to brand your small business, go to this post where I wrote how to brand your small business.

4-Business license

Just because you are a small business that operates out of your home does not mean you should not subscribe to any legal requirements for setting up your home business.

In fact, before you start any business you should find out what the legal requirements are and abide by them.

You do not want to get shut down when your business starts rolling.

Go to SBA website to find out what type of legal entity you need to set up for your small business

5-Advertisement and marketing

When you are done with the above steps, it’s time to advertise and market your business.

You should know that because your business is personally formulated, people may find it hard to be won over.

But If you are able to set up a good marketing plan for your product, you will do well.

Your marketing plan should include product demonstrations, giving away free samples, and also asking for reviews from people who loved your product.

Your first port of call will be for you to ask people who already know you to try your product.

You can ask for feedback and review, that you can use on your website.

6- Training

If you have read up to this point and you have a passion for this business but you lack the training to start this business.

I would like to offer you the organic skincare business planner.

This planner is equipped with clearly written prompts that will enable you to plan and start your organic skincare business in 12days

With the organic skincare business planner, you will be able to take your first step and finish what you have always wanted to do.

This planner contains resources that you can use to start your business, this includes a list of courses, guides, and explanations on how to do your market testing.

In the skincare business planner, you will be able to see the best online course platforms where you can learn skincare formulation.

They have thousands of testimonials to prove that their courses work.

Having this planner will be like the kick you need to finally start your business.

How to Promote your Organic Skincare Business

-Create a website

I know this sounds basic days but I can’t afford not to emphasize it more.

Online presence means that people who are not able to reach you physically can reach you via your website.

An online store is your best bet of a shop front that people can use to buy your products. It is easy to set up and costs far less than owning a physical shop

The online store platform to use is Shopify, click the picture below to sign up.

If you require expert services to help you set up your online shop in less than a week.

Book me.

To book my services, click the button below.

You can also choose to build your online shop by yourself, I created a course that will teach you how to build an online shop with Shopify in just one week

This means that within a week, you can go from just thinking about this business to having a full-standing business.

To learn how to build your Shopify store online, tap the button below to take my course Shopify Unbundled Course.

Shopify unbundled course
Shopify Unbundled Course

By purchasing this course through this button you are getting a 20% discount on the course price.


To blog is to share your knowledge about a particular field of choice with your audience.

When you blog about your organic skincare products you build credibility and trust.

This is because as you share your knowledge about the products that you formulate, you provide helpful information to your audience.

People will be more likely to trust your products enough to buy from you because of the free information you give out.

Blogging also provides a digital footprint that the search engines love and will use to direct traffic to your online store.

Having a small business blog is extremely important to your content marketing strategy as an online business person.

Have a social media presence

Once people are able to check your website, if they like you they will love to check out your social presence via Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest.

If you plan on marketing to a youthful population, you should be there.

Demonstration Videos

People will buy when they see results, so demonstrating how your product works and the effect it has on your skin or perhaps another person’s skin will make all the difference.

If you use yourself as the lab rat( sorry ) they will trust you more.

So have your videos shot and uploaded on Youtube and other video platforms.

Examples include Vimeo, Facebook, and even Instagram to show how your products work.


Do you love to talk? then podcasting about your organic skincare business will be a new source of traffic for you.

Podcasting about your products, helps you tap into a new traffic source.

They comprise online listeners who don’t have time to watch videos but love to listen to podcasts.

Podcasting is like having your own radio station, It’s a great way to share knowledge and information.

You can podcast on platforms such as Stitcher,  SoundCloud, and Spreaker. These platforms are free to use.

Instagram stories

Instagram has evolved from just posting pictures on your feed to sending people your stories which may be a video or picture.

The good thing about Instagram stories is that you can send to your followers and who you are following

If these people love your feed, they will likely share it with their audience which will attract sales to you.

It just happened to me recently. I shared an Instagram story with a person who I was following on my Instagram.

He reposted it on his network and mentioned my handle, I was thrilled about it because I knew that I will get traffic from there.

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Elizabeth is a passionate home business owner that helps others to achieve their life goals of running a successful home. business. I am particular about stay at home moms who wish to transition into a mompreneur.

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