How to grow a small business onlne

How to grow a business online-Top 6 secrets

Are you a small business owner wondering how to grow your small business online? read the tips below.

Top secrets on how to grow a business online

Growing a small business online may seem daunting to you if you have never done a business before or if this is your first time of trying to start an online business or perhaps you may be taking your offline business online

No matter what group you belong to, you will find out that doing business online is far different from doing business offline.

I have always been around business people all my life before there was online, I was my Dad’s employee. I helped him run his hospitality business whenever he had to travel.

When I got into college, there came a time when I had to run my own business while schooling.

I was tired of waiting for my Dad to send money to me, so I opened my first phone call booth.

I made so much money that when my Dad did not see me for a month, he asked my younger ones how I was schooling without him sending me money.

They told him, I started a business. He laughed. The next time he saw me he said, I heard you are now a business tycoon.

Not to say the least I have been doing business or working most of my life.

That is why staying idle on leaving on one income from a spouse has never worked for me.

My first adventure into online business was when I started my blogging business.

I thought that I had all the knowledge that there could be.

Had an MBA and have run a training business offline before, why should blogging be so different.

What I thought would be simple, was not.

In this blog post, I share with you 6 things that I did to make my business grow.

6 tips on how to grow your business online

1.Know who you are selling to( Niche)

If you check up on all my posts on how to start a home business, I always start by telling you to identify your niche.

Your niche kind of like defines your whole business. You cannot go into an online business selling to everyone, it will be a hard sell.

Knowing your niche helps you to define your customers and focus on their needs.

Your niche will help you to know what kind of products you should be selling, what online platform to focus on, and what message to send out there.

Without a focused niche, you will waste your money advertising to people you have no business advertising to.

You will be spending your limited energy on platforms that do not add any value to your business.

When I nailed down my niche, I stopped wasting my energy hitting at all spots.

My niche discovery also helped me to craft my service offerings to suit my audience.

If you want training on how to identify your niche and know your ideal customer which is christened bio persona.

You should sign up for my free training on how to start a business in 5 days, I did a detailed job in explaining how to create a bio persona for your business.

Click below to sign up

2 Build your email list

How to grow a business online via email marketing

Your email list is the greatest arsenal you have to get your online marketing right.

With an email list, you can sell at any time without having to spend any amount on advertising anywhere.

Your email list subscribers know you enough to trust your products.

Even if you are just doing a pre-sell meaning you have not finished creating your products.

Your email list will help you to build your business and make money.

Email lists have to be nurtured though, they need to be groomed. They also need to know that you care about them not just selling to them.

I send my email list subscribers freebies.

I give them discounts that I do not give outsiders because they are the ones that care to read my blog posts when no one else does.

If want an outsourced email writing package that helps you to build your email list, Tap the button below

3 Blogging

Everyone knows about blogging these days, it is a given to have a blog attached to your small business website.

Blogging is essential to your small business because it helps you to build authority and promote your business.

Blogging when done right will attract your exact kind of customer. This is because your information will be targeted to solve problems that have to do with your products.

One blog post I wrote on how to start a printables business, landed my Blog on the first page of Google. This made me an authority in the printables business niche.

Because of this, I created a course on starting a printables business

I consistently get traffic from that one blog post and I sell my course because of my sales page which is also ranking on the first page of Google.

I shudder when I see some small businesses use their blog pages to post just news of what they have done in their business.

No mam or sir your blog is supposed to educate your audience and give them a reason to trust that your products can solve your problems.

Because you are a small business person, you may not know how to blog properly to benefit your small business.

This is the reason you should outsource your blogging to competent bloggers who run a blogging business.

They will help you to craft your blog posts to attract and retain your customers.

Thehomebusinessowner freelance writing services offer different packages for blog post writing starting from 500 words.

Our blog posts are SEO optimized to ensure that they rank on the first page of Google.

You can make an order by clicking the button below

4 Grow your social media following

Your social media following is one part of my idea on how to grow a business online that you should not play with as a small business or home business owner.

This is because a well-nurtured social media following means you get to sell whenever you create a product.

It also helps you to grow your email list.

When you post your blog posts on your social media pages, your followers, share them, like it or comment on it.

This boosts the chances of other people seeing the posts as well which gives your business a lot of leverage.

I still struggle with this aspect of my business but I know that I need it to grow my business so I keep at it.

One part of social media following you should not ignore is Facebook groups.

Growing your Facebook groups will give you the opportunity to nurture loyal followership for your business and brand.

For example, when I realized how important Facebook groups are, I started thehomebusinessowner Facebook group to help small business people like you grow their business.

You can join my Facebook group here

5 Network

Ever heard of the word your Network is your Net-worth, that cliche is true for small business that wants to grow online.

This is because the online world thrives on collaboration. When you collaborate with someone who has built a following, their followers will follow you too and trust you enough to buy from you.

My first collaboration as a new blogger was one of the opportunities I had to do guest posting.

I did not even know it was called guest posting, then but it paid me with a link back to my blog.

I was supposed to be paid but I did not want payment, I wanted exposure. Networking exposes your products to other audiences that attract customers to you.

6 Invest in your business

This aspect should be common sense but it is not so common with small businesses especially when you want to know how to grow a business online.

Small business owners tend to scrimp and save and hence they do not see investment into their business as necessary.

Unfortunately, this stops your business from growing and you have a business that does not make consistent income.

I have invested in courses and ebooks that have helped me to grow my business.

To invest in your business, you must be willing to

✔Invest in yourself by taking courses to learn aspects of your business you are struggling with.

✔Outsource the non-core aspects of your business to experts so you can focus on what matters

✔Pay for a consultation to learn how to run your business better.

If you would like a small business consultation to gain clarity on how to grow your business online, you can book me by clicking the button below.

Once you have made a booking, you will receive confirmation from us and also an invoice.

Our business consultation is billed at 25 dollars per hour.

Book an appointment with Thehomebusinessowner Blog using SetMore


As a small business owner, working to get your business to grow online you must be willing to do what is necessary to ensure that your small business thrives and is able to provide you with a comfortable income that makes your business worth it.

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Elizabeth is a passionate home business owner that helps others to achieve their life goals of running a successful home. business. I am particular about stay at home moms who wish to transition into a mompreneur.

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