Unique business ideas

15 Unique business Ideas( service business examples)

If you are looking for some unique business ideas that you can start, now is the time to start planning and thinking of how to start that business.

Why is that so? because the best time to start a business is yesterday.

I love to encourage people to start a home business because there is something about starting your own business that makes you grow up. hahaha.

Yes, you can be 50 but not grown because you are still waiting for someone to make decisions for you.

Making your own decisions is what puts you in the place where you take responsibility for what you really want to do with your life.

When I started thehomebusinessowner Blog, I did not have all the answers.

I just knew I needed to start something that will touch and inspire a lot of people to start their own business.

Because of that decision, I have had the great opportunity to work with different people from around the world.

One of the income streams I had, was ghostwriting for someone who lived in Canada.

I have never met or seen that person but I earned more than 3000 dollars just writing for that person.

This is the power of online businesses and what it can do for you.

It will give you the freedom to do what you want and you will enjoy doing it.

Recently I was contacted to create courses for an online selling platform that will be launching in January.

Working with that team to birth a dream of creating a selling platform that supports black-owned businesses has been awesome.

Hellablack is coming soon and when that business is launched.

For every successful person who started out on that platform and became empowered financially because they were using the Hellablack platform.

I will be part of the story of that individual, I don’t know what is better than that.

I will always be grateful for having worked with the amazing women who are making that happen.

Go here to checkout Hellablack, if you are planning to sell online.

Hellablack is the place to go, why because you will get awesome resources that will support your small business.

All this will never have happened if I did not choose the path of starting an online business that encourages stay at home moms to start an online business.

So are you a stay-at-home mom? or just another person reading my blog today and you desire to know some unique business ideas you can deploy to start an online business?

Today I will share with you 15 unique business ideas that are service business examples.

With these ideas, you can start a home business or a side hustle that will enable you to make an impact.

15 unique business ideas that are service-based


Blogging is a service-based business that provides useful information that is education-based. According to statistics Blogs are the number one source of information for a lot of people.

People will often read blogs before making a purchasing decision. Blogs are like secondary educators that influence thoughts and also shape narratives.

They also help you to make decisions hopefully for your good.

A blogging job, therefore, is an educational service that you provide to the public with the aim to provide solutions to their problems.

If you will like to start a blog and you need help, then you can contact me by booking coaching services here.

2. Teaching

Teaching online is a type of online business that you can do without much stress apart using your ability to pass on information to others.

A lot of people have found their ability to make a living from teaching English to Kids online

Examples of companies that hire people to teach Kids English online include

The pay ranges for teaching online is from 12 dollars to 4o dollars.

The good thing about teaching on these online platforms is that it can be a side hustle.

Want some more unique business ideas? lets ride on.

3. Digital marketing

Digital marketing is the art of helping small businesses to market and sell their goods online.

A good digital marketer provides the road map for helping its customer sell their goods online.

If you have good digital marketing skills, you can turn it into an online service business that you can do to make money.

Of course to do this, you must have the skills and know the tools to use

Some people have specialized in Facebook marketing alone and they make up to a 1000 dollars per account.

Digital marketing services has become the norm as many businesses have transitioned online.

4. Course creator

A course creator is someone who creates courses that teaches people a specific skill set.

Course creation is fun for me, even though it requires alot of inital work

The good thing about course creation is that once it is done, you do not have to do much again except market it.

Becoming a course creator is a very good way of making money online and also one unique business idea you should not toy with.

This is because you can create courses for your self and also for others.

This means you can be hired to create courses for other organizations

If you love teaching but do not like the hands-on method of teaching people physically.

Course creation may be your thing because, with a course, the students learn at their own pace.

Course creators can earn from $2500 to $10,000 per course when creating for others, while they can earn much more if they create their own course and it becomes successfull.

One course launch can bring in up to $100,000.

Still want more uniques business ideas that are service-based, let’s go to the next one.

5.Coaching services

Becoming a coach is about helping people who are struggling with a particular area where you have expertise to find their feet.

The good thing about coaching is that you are paid per hour of calls

Coaching does not necessarily have to be in person but online.

It is a great way to make money if you can get good quality clients that are willing to pay your fees.

Coaches can make up to $1000 per week depending on their clientele.

Some people also sell coaching plans that make you pay upfront.

6.Printables creation

Making printables using your skills is a fun way to make money if you love to deising and create solutions for otehr people.

I consider making printables a service because even though it has a product aspect it is still digital.

Remember we are looking at online service business examples, printables can be sold by yourself as a product or offered as a service to other companies.

For example, I am currently creating a course for my client and part of what I am offeiring in my package is printables product creation.

This is because I want the course takers to have worksheets that they can download and use later.

My clients can also use those worksheets as lead magnets to that course, how cool is that?

If you want to learn how to make printables products, I took a deep dive and created a course that you will absolutely love.

It is a printables course that is like no other because it teaches you how to use your skills and turn it into a printables product that you can sell.

To take my Printables course, please tap the button below

Newbie Printables Business Course

This course will teach you how to create and sell your printables products even if you have never created any printables before. Its simplified method is what makes it unique

Newbie printables business course

7.Virtual assistant

Starting a virtual assistant business is a unique business idea that you may overlook because it has the word assistant to it, but it is a huge moneymaker.

Virtual assistants help small businesses take care of tasks that they cannot handle because they lack the expertise to do it.

So if you have some skills that others need but may not be able to hire anyone full time, you can provide it as a virtual assistant service.

Some virtual assistant jobs include Pinterest VA, filing and documentation, handling of company schedules, and customer service.

8.Social media consultant

A social media consultant is a person that helps small businesses to build and engage their social media channels with the aim to promote that business.

If you are social media savvy, consider this a great opportunity for making money as many small businesses do not know how to create a thriving social media channel that brings in sales.

Your ability to do this can become a business that brings you monthly income. I wrote about how to start a social media consulting company read it up to start.

9.Web designer

A web designer helps people to build online platform for their businesses. While it is good to say that they help people, a web deisnger must first design his own website before helping other people.

Having an online presence in the form of a website is a given for any business you want to do today, whether online or offline.

You must have a way for people to contact you online.

Becoming a web desinger is a great way to earn money.

I have made it easy for you to learn if you do not have the required skills but desire to become one.

I built a course called Skills2money course. This course teaches you how to build a website in 3 diffrent ways with 3 diffrent platforms.

All the platforms are unique and will give you expertise that you can use to convince your customers.

I created this course with the perspective of a newbie person that knows nothing about building websites.

My course aim is to take you from knowing nothing about building websites to becoming a pro at building websites for others.

Simple websites with about 6 pages can cost from $500 to $1500 dollars.

One week is enough for you to build a website if you know what you are doing.

To learn more about Skills2money course, tap the button below.

The Skills2money course is a 4- in 1 bundle course consisting of the follwing courses

  • WordPress Without Tears
  • Wix Simplified
  • Shopify Unbundled
  • Newbie Email marketing

Skills2money Course

This course is designed to teach a newbie person how to build websites and set up a website design online business.


10.Freelance writer

Becoming a freelance writer use to be looked down upon, it used to be a skill that did not earn much, not any more.

Freelance writing is now a skill that you can use to make a living from your home

It is one of the unique businesse ideas that I am currebtly using to earn money non my blog.

According to statistics, freelance writing brings in about $2500 to $5000 dollars per month if you are a beginner writer.

Those that are well established can make up to $10,000 a month because they charge more per post.

For you to earn the following amount you have to be strategic and understand how to run it as a full time business.

That is why I will recommend that you take ElnaCain’s freelance writing course if you want to make living from freelance writing.

She teaches how to make your first $1000 via freelance writing

I took the course and it helped me a lot, in fact, it was because of her that I took freelance writing seriously and it has helped my blog earning.

To take her course, tap the picture below

Start a freelance writing business

11 College consulting

I was once talking to someone who was apprehensive about applying for college schools. I wondered why she was worried about applying, seeing that I did not see any problem there.

She told me, every time I apply I never get an admission, It was then I got it

I helped her to look over the next admission she wanted to do, I coached her and helped adjust and write her application letters and statement of intent.

Long story short, she got the admission.

There will always be people who need your help when it comes to getting into the best colleges.

If you have a knack for getting admission easily without any help from anyone.

I know because I have always gotten admission when I need it.

You need to dust that skill and turn it into a buisness. That unique busines idea is called college consulting.

A college consulting takes the guesswork out of finding colleges for a child and those who value the input are willing to pay for the service.

12. Software developer and app creator

Are you inclined to developing software that solves people’s problems?

Having a skill like that can provide you with the unique business idea you are looking for

Software developers make money by creating unique software for business owners.

Software development is a sought after skill that will continue to be in demand.

Creating a business on software development is a service business example that makes a lot of money.

13. Graphic designers

Creativity is now a skill that sells so much because of the onslaught of social media and the use of visuals for customer attraction.

As a graphic designer, you can make up to $5000 per month from creating designs to be used by small businesses.

Graphic designers make logos, vectors, graphics, and even print on demand designs.

As a graphic designer, you can extend your business from making designs for others to building a print-on-demand business

14 Book keeping services

Are you savvy with bookkeeping and financial services? you can make money by taking care of the financial aspect for most small businesses.

Preparing books and helping small business owners to create a financial record for their businesses is an online service that you can offer to help their businesses thrive.

15 Resume Writing & Career coaching

If you have human resource skills that you can apply online then you really can make this type of business work out.

A lot of people cannot secure the jobs they want because they lack a good resume

Opening a resume writing service, coupled with career coaching and interview coaching service is a very good way to make money online.

This is because this service can be offered online and used to assist those in need of it.

I know it because I have some HR background, I see resumes that I know will not help the owner secure a job.

Interview coaching is also an aspect that helps to prepare prospective job seekers for what they want to attain.

Your repayment will not only be in fees paid but in joyful people who have now entered the career they want.

Resume writing and interview coaching is one of the unique business ideas that you can easily set up if you have had human resource experience and can identify what employers look out for when recruiting people.

When you are in search of unique business ideas that you can use to start a business, understanding your skill sets matters but more importantly understanding the demand and the earning power of a particular skill set will help you make more money online.

Do you more unique business ideas you want to share with us? drop your comments below.

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Elizabeth is a passionate home business owner that helps others to achieve their life goals of running a successful home. business. I am particular about stay at home moms who wish to transition into a mompreneur.

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